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  1. More from the religion of peace. Obviously the loony left’s response will be to cry for more knife control:

    httloony s.co.uk/news/uk/696438/Russell-Square-knife-terror-attack-stabbed-death-London-injured

  2. RePost From Yesterday

    Seems the famous folk singer Woody Guthrie had some contact with Agent Orange’s flawed father. Also seems the Orange didn’t fall too far from the tree.

    ‘Donald Trump has the confidence man’s ability to embed nuggets of truth in a welter of lies. The Donald’s father, Frederick “Fred” Trump, was also quite a hustler, accused of overbilling the federal government $3.7 million on the Beach Haven apartment complex, a huge windfall in 1950. Woody Guthrie, the famous folk singer, was one of Fred Trump’s tenants, and he wrote bitter songs about his racist landlord, “Old Man Trump,” accusing him of discriminating against black Americans. Fred Trump was arrested at a KKK rally in 1927, and both he and his famous son have been accused of racism, violating the Fair Housing Act, bribing politicians, and using eminent domain to condemn the houses of small property owners. During his run for the presidency, Donald Trump has been weeping “crocodile tears” for disabled vets, after having worked very hard to sweep them from the streets around his ritzy Trump Tower for the last twenty years. ‘


    • …Bandana, good post…and it reinforces the evidence that Trump’s campaign is “white-focused” exclusively. Is that strictly a strategy on Trump’s part, or is it more baked in, actually authentic? It supports that it is authentic.
      We can’t be guilty of what our Father’s did, but it might enlighten why Trump dominated the Primaries. He assembled the bigot crowd in order to win it. Even a small bulk of voters is enough for the primary election.
      The General election? There aren’t enough white males to win it for Trump. He needs more voters.

    • Trump toadies are now saying he will be on message after Labor Day. Apparently he is being sent away to have a chip implanted in what is left of his brain.
      I read the Woody Guthrie article awhile back. I’m sure this is pretty well known in New York City. That may be one reason he polls so badly there.

      • They’ve moved the goal posts on him straightening up since his improbable racist-fueled run began. Articles like the Guthrie piece don’t get Trump any new voters but they reaffirm the ones he already has. The unrepentant racists. They love it. It makes them wet to their knees. They’d rather give up the presidency again than see any of that change.

        So … let them revel in the foul stew Drumpf has concocted just for them, the clock is ticking. The senate is teetering. Some true rats are jumping ship. The latest round of apologies by paid liars fall flat. The Beast has justices to appoint.

    • How much time does one do for accusations? Was KKK Byrd also arrested with Fred?

      • ….Well, Fred Trump is a dead racist. So I guess you should get some space to bring up Byrd again.
        Man I-E, that Byrd hat sure is worn out. (Remind us again, Civil War era Dems were racists too.)

  3. Dangerous Donald Trump (DDT) is driving the GOP establishment nuts. He will fall down on his knees before it’s all over crying that the system is RIGGED … I tell you… The system is Rigged… I never had a chance…

    The longer he stays in this race the more people see who he really is or who he isn’t. And they tend to dislike him the more they get to know him. He’s short on ideals and programs and quite to ire.

    • He is quick to ire. If he doesn’t watch it he could, as he’d say, have ‘blood coming out of his eyes or wherever’.

      What kind of person puffs up and says, ‘I have one of the great temperaments’ ?

    • The worst of all of that is he could well inspire the bitter old white men who are so devoted to him to “go out in a blaze of glory.” The vast majority of Trumpers don’t have long left on this earth, but they do have guns, lots and lots of guns.

  4. If the US Military Establishment has decided Trump is a dangerous fool. I mean…that’s it. Right?

    The MILITARY TIMES just published an article discussing Trump’s LOSS of US Military leader’s trust as possible Commander in Chief. Pentagon leadership DOES NOT want Trump near the nuclear launch codes.

    Featured in the article:
    Michael Hayden, THE most respected, conservative military administrator in the United States – GOP appointment, retired United States Air Force four-star general, Director of the NSA, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and Director of the CIA. THE guy most knowledgable of intelligence and US nuclear war strategy.

    “In my narrow lane of national security, it’s clear who the better choice is.” Hayden has voiced his opposition to Trump in the past, and said Trump’s recent public fight with a Gold Star family and his views on national security and Russia forced the decision on Trump. “I don’t know what Mr. Trump could do to get me off this decision,” Hayden said. “I don’t know how you undo so many of the things that have already taken place.” Hayden is the latest in a growing list of high-ranking military officials to weigh in on Trump in the last several weeks. Hayden said worries that comments by Trump that violate American and humanitarian laws “strain and test the civilian control of the military” if troops are forced into difficult decisions.

    He also called Trump erratic and inconsistent. “As the head of a global superpower, Trump’s inconsistency, unpredictability, those are dangerous things,” he said. “They frighten your friends and tempt your enemies.”

    • In the unlikely event he is elected president, the decision to launch nuclear weapons is his alone. If the perceived threat (maybe no time to know if it’s a false alarm, which has happened before) comes from a sub not far offshore he’d have around 6 minutes to decide. He doesn’t have to consult with anybody.

      • IN FACT, Four-star General, Director of the NSA and Director of the CIA Michael Hayden said when discussing worry and concern about Donald Trump having control of launching nuclear weapons,
        and if Trump’s erratic behavior could be controlled:
        “No. The launch system is designed for speed and effectiveness.”

        • It won’t be long until Trump declares Gen. Hayden a “failed general” the way he did John Allen.

      • That is really scary considering that some time ago a Russian sitting at a monitor which showed him that there were missiles incoming towards the Soviet Union and the Russian Military man had mere minutes to decide if it was real or a false alarm. He decided correctly that it was a false alarm. He could have easily thought otherwise and started WWIII and a all out nuclear exchange of nuclear weapons. It was later determined that sunlight bouncing off the top of clouds were causing the missile monitoring system to sound the alarm. It was a false alarm and the guy watching the monitor made the right decision.

        What scares the heck out of me is what if Trump was that man? What would he have done and what decision would he have made under those same circumstances? Trump is so unstable and unpredictable that I really would be scared if he is elected to our Presidency. The guy is just so dangerous and thin skinned that I see him as a danger to the world.

          • THERE IS NO REALITY IN MY POST! THERE IS NO REALITY IN MY POST? The lady in the post above watched this happen, and she is talking to the blood stained murder immediately after.


            That is the reality you partisan idiot.

          • Obviously, the woman is dead and that is sad. I meant the stupidity about taking away knives and box trucks. Of course, you knew that.

          • LKB Obviously you don’t know what the hell you are talking about, so I will enlighten you. The “woman” was not killed, she was a witness to this:

            May 22 2013 – Lee Rigby was murdered outside his barracks in Woolwich, London.

            His murderers, two Muslim extremists yelled ‘Allahu Akbar’ and ‘You (Britain) and America will never be safe’ during their sentencing at the court in Central London.

            They ran him down in a car before murdering him with a machete as onlookers watched on in horror, bringing terror to a busy London street.

            Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3722796/Woman-killed-five-people-injured-terrorist-knife-attack-central-London.html#ixzz4GP0gUmdP
            Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

            In future if you do not know what you are talking about, you might want to abstain from making feckless comments.

        • …you mean people that don’t look like you or don’t go to your church, right?
          Cause Trump is a Democrat. And he’s a liberal.
          So you’re selling something else Press.

          • If Trump is a liberal why are so many liberals on here whining and crying about him?

          • GREAT question. And it is validating to see you don’t deny Trump is a Democrat and a liberal.

            But Trump is a NYC liberal (pro-choice, pro-debt, anti-trade – all liberal values) who is a BIGOT. They do exist.

            Most of the liberals you see exposing your bigoted bias Press, and your advocacy for Trump because his is a campaign based on bigotry….They are shocked at how easily you abandoned your conservative values to embrace a liberal Trump – for the disgusting reason he is a bigot.

            A common thread among many Republicans is bigotry…..I acknowledge that. But Trump has proven that if you collect the bigots from both sides of the aisle, you can win the GOP Primary.

            The good news is…..both Parties, I’m a conservative and LKB a liberal…..but both Parties are disgusted by Trump because he is a bigot.
            LKB and I knock heads near all the time….I am no liberal, but we consider bigotry a thing of the past. (Which it is…..for nearly everyone except old, white men.)

          • Because he’s crazy. Last summer, I was thinking it wouldn’t be awful if he got elected because I was ok with his liberal policies and liked him pulling the party further away from the extreme religious right. He’s pro-gay, pro-choice, pro single-payer and I could get on board with that. But the more he talks…

            I draw the line at unstable, stupid and dangerous. I got kids to think about…

        • Was that knife a “assault knife” with “multi jab” capacity”? That NKA (National Knife Association)
          has bought off many congressmen so the knife industry can make billions, as people are laying
          in the streets because of them! If the wrong people get in office, we may wind up with only
          a knife with “one jab” capacity before you reset that safety feature for the next jab!

      • London is not a foreign nation. It is a city in a,foreign country; the United Kingdom.

    • Per the Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner leading the investigation, it points to this tragic incident as having been triggered by mental-health issues

      He went on to specifically add that they have found no evidence of radicalization or anything that would suggest the man in custody was motivated by terrorism

      The suspect emigrated from Norway to the United Kingdom in 2002 at about five years old, and the Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner added it appeared to be a spontaneous attack and that the victims were selected at random.

      Detectives from the force’s murder and terrorism squads interviewed the suspect, his family and witnesses and searched several properties, and found no evidence of radicalization

      So my question for PAK is basically WTF are you whining about in regards to this knife attack? It happened in a FOREIGN COUNTRY, which means the United States HAS NO CONTROL OVER THEIR LAWS!

      Their police specifically state this was a mental health related attack and has NOTHING to do with terrorism or “knife control”

      So what the hell is your point on this? If we lock-up anyone with mental health issues, maybe you will be first on the list and they remove your Internet privileges…

  5. In spite of Trump’s OWN unraveling, self-damaging behavior over the last two weeks making it clear he is the dangerous fool after all…..

    DO NOT expect Trump’s support to drop substantially. The gap will stay close.
    Trump’s supporters:
    1. They don’t care if the US Military doesn’t trust him
    2. They don’t care if he is pro-Russian.
    3. They don’t care if he makes all of his Trump products overseas proving he is not for American-made products
    4. And they don’t care if he lies about….really…..anything (which he has proven, he does daily)

    They support Trump because they like his bigotry. No other candidate is willing to do that for them.
    Trump’s poll numbers will not dip below a certain point – maybe 40-42%.
    Trump’s rallies…watch the news clips of rallies THIS WEEK…no one in the audience anymore….no one…..is not white. The entire audience…is white.

    Bigotry sells….Trump’s supporters don’t care about ANY of the other things being discussed here.
    Just look at Pressanykey’s posts……he doesn’t defend Trump – EVER.
    Press doesn’t care. It’s not about the issues or anything….it’s about bigotry.

      • This again? Johnson…which saves the country from Trump, makes us endure Hillary for one term which is possible (as enduring Trump is not – Michael Hayden is clear about that)…and the GOP will win the campaign against one-term Hillary by a landslide.
        But you asked nicely I-E. So I gave you as much detail as possible.
        We should fish until the debates you know.

      • Johnson isn’t going to win and you’re not a Libertarian. So which do you prefer as our next president, Trump or Hillary?

        • As HALF SENSE PENCE says above…….I have kids, and grandkids.
          I would like them to be alive to debate Hillary’s Presidency as I acknowledge she’ll be less worse than Trump.
          I am 100% worried they will survive, that anyone would survive (maybe as Russians, if they do live through it) a Donald Trump Presidency.
          Trump is a dangerous fool who hopes he can be President cause he thinks it would be cool.
          The danger lights are on bright and they are all red with Trump. Listen to wise, conservative experienced people like Michael Hayden Indiana Enoch. He could not be more clear that Trump is dangerous and unstable.

        • IE, have you seen the newly-released hardcore porn pictures of the would-be First Lady? Those pictures of her cavorting nude in bed with another woman should have some bearing on your open support of Trump. I know that nothing will keep you from voting for him, but the porn might make a man of the cloth hesitate to admit it. Then, there are a lot of questions about the circumstances of her presence in the US that aren’t being answered, too. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/many-questions-and-few-answers-about-how-melania-trump-immigrated-to-the-us/ar-BBvgiEQ?ocid=spartandhp

          • Very disturbing. If Melania came to the US to hook and steal speeches she should just own up to it. Whatever, she won. She landed a Jim Dandy but the circumstances of her setting down in the US are uncertain at best and should be cleared up in light of her Daddy’s vow to build a wall.

            I do know that Eric Trump is a vampire and is very likely from Romania or Italy.

  6. Trump Trumps the Liberals’ Fake Outrage Clichés


    Voters have seen the left pull the same sorry old shit every election year, and even though Hillary and her minions in the media are pulling out all the stops this year, guess what, the public isn’t buying it this year. That is exactly why Trump got the most Republican Primary votes of any candidate ever. That is exactly why Trump rallies draw HUGE crowds, while the wife of the Impeached former president can not fill even small venues.

    • And one other thing I forgot to mention, That is exactly why republican candidates in this cycle, who bad mouthed the people’s choice of Donald Trump as their candidate, are facing the battle of their lives either to gain, or keep their seats in Congress.

      • Press……you got a big problem. The only good news for you is that you can ignore it until election day.

        But on election day……SOMEBODY other than white men has to vote for Trump.
        There aren’t enough white men to elect Trump President.
        He needs more votes. You appear to be happy to have won the Primary.
        You can see the shore…and you’re having a pretend party….but without more votes, your boat?
        It sinks within sight of the shore Press.

        • I think he realizes that Trump has to have votes from segments of the electorate other than old while racists, and that is why he’s so worked up.

    • “True believers” like the Chumps will show up to gaze upon the face of their “savior”. Hillary seems to be drawing good enough crowds, but you have to remember that neither of them are trusted or liked by much of the electorate. This is a lesser-of-the-evils election, and the majority of voters believe that is Hillary.

    • Mothers, sign your daughters up now for a Clinton White House Internship program. Old Bill will take good care of them, if Hillary doesn’t beat him to it.

      • Does that post admit that as far as your concern,
        the White House will be Hillary’s? Will this end
        your anti Hillary posting? If it is, I will miss them for
        I have been using your post’s as a way to cope when
        I feel down and depress, knowing that there are people
        posting that are worst off as I!


    • PAK

      From two weeks ago (while your article is four months old), Media Matters outline that while pushing presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s criticisms of the Clinton Foundation for accepting charitable donations from Middle Eastern countries, Fox News personalities failed to note Trump’s business ties in the Middle East and his campaign manager Paul Manafort’s previous work with dictatorial regimes.


      Try and do a “Wheel Of Fortune” and buy yourself a clue…..

    • You surely are avoiding the polls like they were a Zika-ridden mosquito, aren’t you? Is it because you see that your guy is in free fall, except for your demographic?

      • Actually polling shows that if they could replace Trump on the ticket with that Zika-ridden mosquito party approval goes up 15 points!

    • ……more Pressanykey drama about Trump.

      PAK, I know Donald Trump is a reality TV show star.
      But you being some kind of little boy fascinated by “who is boo’ing who and who is blaming someone for boo’ing”….is perfect evidence that YOU THINK this the Presidential Election is a “reality TV show.”

      No freakin’ wonder you like Trump Pressanykey.

    • Is OJ’s cell empty yet? They are going to need a place to lock up some of the gubberment liars.

  7. Interesting what you hear coming out of the mouths of some old time local political pundits when having a cup of coffee at the local McDonald’s (waaaaay better than Starbuck’s).

    – The National Relublican party has given up on Trump and won’t support him.
    – The Republicans will “concede” a one-term Presidency to Hillary, lick their wounds, regroup and come up with a viable candidate for 2020.
    – The Republicans will work to maintain control of Congress and the State Governors offices.
    – As a compromise with Hillary, the Democrats will get 2 Supreme Court justices and the Republicans will get 2 Supreme Court justices. Obama will be off the table for a nomination.
    – Pence will be supported for a run for Senator from Indiana (when that seat ooens) to balance out against presumed winner of the current election, Bayh.
    – Trump will be sent to play golf but he’ll have to pay his own greens fees.

    • “As a compromise with Hillary, the Democrats will get 2 Supreme Court justices and the Republicans will get 2 Supreme Court justices.”

      This ^ is Hillaryous. What compromise does she need to make that she would concede ANY of her picks? They are quite delusional about their bargaining position. This is not a “take-turns” or “sharing is caring” situation. The President picks who gets put up for Court. Period. And I reckon she will have a very accommodating Senate ready to approve her choices.

      • Actually, she could nominate,any and all she wants to. But the nominee woukd have to be confirmed by the Senate. If the Republicans control the Senate they could effectively refuse to accept anyone she nominates.

      • The current make-up of the Senate is 54 Republicans, 44 Democrats, a 2 Independents. I don’t forsee a major change in the distribution of power; maybe a swing of 2 making it 52 Republicans, 46 Democrats, and 2 Independents. Still enough Republicans to block any Hillary nominee unless she’s willing to compromise.
        But then again, this was just some silly old men sitting around drinking coffee.

        And of course one of those silly old men also posed the question “What if Trump is really making all of these stupid statements and embarrassing the Republican party in an attempt to get Hillary elected?” He went on to further offer the opinion Trump only ran for the publicity and didn’t expect to be the the nominee, and the Republican party is working to have him removed as such and replaced with a true Republican.

  8. I Knew It! I Knew It!

    Mouthy Michelle is the only one who has Mop Head beat in this category;


    Surely you didn’t think I was insinuating Michelle Obama did you Joe(I’m Scared To Death)Biden?


    Breitbart reports ISIS has a training camp in occupied Manchuria training its’ bad guys to come up your toilet and shoot your balls off.

    Whew! At least you won’t have to worry about that buddy….

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