Promising Future


Dear Friend,

Indiana is on strong financial footing. As we closed out the fiscal year, our state’s reserve funds totaled $2.24 billion – the highest in our state’s history. More than $400 million in reserves will be used to help maintain our roads and bridges.

[Click here to tweet the good news!]

Our state is one of only a few states with a AAA credit rating, the highest possible, which saves taxpayers millions and signals stability to employers looking to expand or locate here.

At a time when many states, including Illinois, face budget shortfalls and higher taxes, we cut taxes for Hoosiers and job creators while making record investments in education and transportation infrastructure. Our fiscal discipline has paid dividends for Indiana and sets a strong foundation for legislators as we develop a comprehensive and sustainable long-term road funding solution next session.

Hardworking Hoosiers, job creators and Republican leadership have set our state up for a promising future!


State Rep. Wendy McNamara


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