Home Breaking News IS IT TRUE JULY 22, 2016

IS IT TRUE JULY 22, 2016


IS IT TRUE that the City-County Observer has received several emails and phone calls encouraging State Auditor Suzanne Crouch to place her name in the hat for Governor? …her supporters tell us Mrs. Crouch does have many attributes that would make her a formidable candidate for Governor?

IS IT TRUE that fans of Suzanne Crouch for Governor point out that she has fund-raising and experience in conducting WINNING campaigns on various levels, from a County Commissioner district all the way up to state-wide? …her supporters tell us that she has excellent fund-raising capabilities?  …they also tell us that shall her character can withstand thorough vetting and shall remain above petty personal attacks?

IS IT TRUE that this kind of enthusiastic support for a potential candidate is unprecedented in the history of CCO? …we are anxious to see if she does submit her name for consideration to be Indiana’s first female governor in modern time?  …if she submits her name to run for Governor on the GOP ticket this mean she has the votes to win the primary battle against 4 other competitors?  …this is a developing story worth following?

IS IT TRUE as of this morning 560 people voted in our “Readers Poll” over the last 4 days?  … the  “Readers Poll” question is ” Who are you voting for as the next Governor of Indiana”?  …560 people voted in this poll so far?  ……State Auditor Suzanne Crouch has received a whooping 279 votes so far?

IS IT TRUE that Vectren is holding the required public discussion of the utility’s 20 year plan today? … we are curious to see what the future holds in store for us, the rate-payers? …soon as we get the real details of  Vectren 20 year plan we shall make it public?

IS IT TRUE that South Green River was closed to traffic because of a “suspicious package” spotted in the Circle K gas station just south of the Lloyd Expressway? … a robot was used to “disrupt” the package, rather than “detonating” it?  … we encourage anyone who “sees something to say something” for the safety of the general public?  …the CCO would like to congratulate the EPD for a job well done?

IS IT TRUE that the Newburgh Chief of Police is serving a five day suspension?  …the cause of the suspension is not being disclosed?  … we wonder if it has anything to do with the speeding ticket written to an elected Vanderburgh County official?

IS IT TRUE that the Republican Convention in Cleveland wrapped up last night in Cleveland? …the polls are showing the two Presidential candidates running neck-and-neck, within the margin of error? … next week will see the Democrats hold their convention in Philadelphia?   …its expected to be a much lower key convention than the GOP convention?  …we doubt it?

IS IT TRUE this Saturday Ellis Park is holding it’s Camel and Ostrich races? … these events are great crowd-pleasers, and great fun for the entire family?  …we hope to see you there?

FOOTNOTE:IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Friday?

Todays READERS POLL question is: Who are you voting for as the next Governor of Indiana?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.
Copyright 2015


  1. Something else must have happened in Warrick….Writing a legitimate ticket would not be cause.

  2. Trump shouted his speech last night, but if you’re a white person resentful that you increasingly have to share your neighborhood and workplace with brown-skinned people, and if you’re angry at immigrants shopping next to you when you always say, “look at how many kids they have”…He was talking to YOU about how it doesn’t have to be that way, that “we can be great again”…and it was a perfect speech. Nailed it.

    And if you are a Trump supporter, it is a shame that the Fall Election could not be held TODAY. But that’s not the way it is. The election is, what, about 108 days away? Lot of time.
    Don’t know if Trump’s ever gonna have a better day to have the election than Today. Nope, don’t think so.

    Trump has done a good job though. He plowed a lot of people under, told them what they wanted to hear, and when their guard was down….VROOM!….they’re gone. Thought he loved them. But they’re gone now.

    And did you notice….social Christian conservatives – LISTEN UP:….Did you notice that Trump’s National Party had this – Clear and Up Front – last night, Billionaire CEO: “I am proud to be gay. I am proud to be a Republican. But most of all, I am proud to be an American. When I was a kid, the great debate was about how to defeat the Soviet Union, and we won,” Gay American Republican Peter Thiel said. “NOW we are told that the great debate is about who gets to use which bathroom?? This is a distraction from our real problems. Who cares?”

    Bathroom laws? Trump gonna back that stuff? Do you think President Trump is gonna support RFRA laws? Do you think your plan to take back workplace and public spaces from gay and transgender Americans is gonna happen with President Trump? (That is a “No,” another “No,” oh…and that last one, yep, that’s a “No” too. And in case I missed one, it was “No.”)

    And Trump congratulating his Party members for their open support of LGBTQ Americans? Yes Sir. “The next President of the United States, Donald J. Trump” made it clear, he backs LGBTQ Americans. He’s proud you social conservatives have fallen in line too….proud of you.

    Pressanykey….your guy. You got what you wanted. But there is a price. And not just any price, the kind of price that is at “soul-selling” prices. All that stuff that seemed so important to you? Man it just vanished right into the air. But you got your guy alright. (…now, on to the next 108 days.)

    • You forgot, “When you’re angry at illegal aliens standing in line with you at the checkout counter at WalMart and paying with their food stamps card (SNAP) but still buying cigarettes and beer and steaks and jabbering to their 6 kids in some guttural language which isn’t English before heading over to the Western Union counter to send some untaxed dollars to the rest of their illiterate family across the border.”
      I’m not a Trump supporter (I think BOTH national political parties could have done a better job with candidates instead if the 2 losers we have to contend with now) but I understand where Trump is coming from and the issues he has identified and how he is playing them.
      And he’s not preaching to the choir.

      I’m not a historian or a great predictor of the future. We, the citizens of today, can claim to know what events today are historical or important. But the truth is we, today, do not know or understand what will be determined to be historically important in the future. That is for future generations to determine and interpret. That said, I still feel safe in saying that future generations will look back at this time, and this National election, and these candidates, and say, “This was a low point in the American political system. These were the worst two candidates ever presented by the major political parties to stand for election for the office of President of the United States of America.”

        • Wonder if you crossed over into another Country would you be received differently, i.e. against that particular country’s laws and conceived as replacing jobs from that country’s workforce ..never mind driving down the wage baseline ..?

          • Lincoln viewed slavery in a two dimensional regard. Obviously, the immoral aspect, but the second was with slavery it very difficult for the workforce to increase their wages when the baseline wage was zero. Trump may or may not be most ideal candidate but Hilliary emulates Nixon in so many ways. Wonder if the aristocracy is still alive and well in her? ..if not, why has Wallstreet given her nearly $40 million, Hollywood 17 million, labor 9 million even after she said to the United Mine Workers that their jobs are done!!!

          • You’re right about some things Rufus:
            Slavery was why A. Lincoln’s Dad moved to Indiana. Couldn’t get paid for anything in Kentucky because of (literally) slave labor.
            If anyone is repeating the Nixon (create fear and instability, promise you can cure cancer with….well, simply making the promise) it is Trump, not Hillary. I don’t see any Nixon similarities w/ Hillary like you do.
            Coal jobs? Man…if that is important to you, you need to talk to the natural gas guys. I know Trump is exploiting you….making promises to you like he does about curing cancer….but until natural gas is stopped, coal jobs just ain’t ever gonna grow again. That trouble for you? Yeah, I can see that. But Trump is exploiting you Sir. He will not stop the natural gas guys…..for the coal jobs that ain’t ever gonna be big again.

          • Trump says Americans make too much money, so it seems he should be pro-undocumented worker. He’s hired many of them. He and his rich pals aren’t going to give up their cheap labor.
            Dream on.

      • PCD……good post today. I didn’t know illegals qualify for SNAP though.
        And….immigrants always scare the first immigrants. Watch the movie “Gangs of New York.” The Irish in that movie are everything you so aptly describe in your post. But you better be careful….the same damn things were said about Irish. And Trump knows: It’s really easy to pick on immigrants when you want to get elected.

        • Illegal immigrants do not get welfare, food stamps, or assisted housing. This is a lie propagated by fox news.

  3. Is it true the power of the local illuminati is very strong? Is it true when you cross them, even with a simple speeding ticket, you’ll face pay back? Is it true this is scary?

    • Inquiring minds want to know, which local political honcho got busted for a speeding ticket and how fast was it? Was it someone rushing to close on a house deal and needed to head back to get their yellow blazer? Was it someone who forgot their Speedo but still ended up speeding? Was it the HMFIC’s wife who had to rush from their Main Street condo to a social social soiree in Newburgh?
      Don’t keep us hanging.

  4. Is it true Hillary has picked Tim Kaine, who ran for governor of Virginia as a pro life candidate and won, as her veep?

  5. Is that going to be her strategy? To have someone on the ticket that has views opposing Hillary’s so she can cover all the bases? What a novel approach to a presidential campaign.

    • She must have stole the idea from Trump.

      Pence has voted for every trade agreement that’s come down the pike. Mop Head calls them all negotiated by weak dummies and is going to tear them all up.

      Trump says Hillary’s vote going into Iraq showed a lack of judgment. I agree. Pence was the co-sponsor in the House to authorize the disastrous war. Being interviewed together 2 days ago, the interviewer asked about Pence’s vote and Trump said, “Well, that was a long time ago. And everyone is entitled to at least one mistake.”

      This is what Pence thought when Trump said to ban all Muslim’s; “Call to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. are offensive and unconstitutional,” Pence tweeted on Dec. 8, 2015.

      Anyway, you’d be better off just voting instead of destroying your credibility trying to defend this freak but to each his own….

      • Miss Regs ..it is no secret that both dems and repubs have slice up the hog on free trade. Wonder how those men and women that worked at ALCOA feel about free trade (BAD) agreements since the Chinese have been dumping AL on the world market below cost? ..not to mention their (Chinese) manipulation of their currency?

  6. Trump’s rise is frighteningly reminiscent of Hitler’s rise to power.

    • I know, you “Can’t Stop Believin'” but maybe you should just stop and ask yourself if you really live in the crime-ridden mean streets that Trump tells you that you do. Here is a pretty thorough fact-check of the would-be twister-and-chief. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/factchecking-trump%E2%80%99s-big-speech/ar-BBuEx5G?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp
      I liked Jon Stewart’s summation of the never-ending speech. He said that Ivanka gave a lovely, warm introduction for her father and then an angry groundhog came out and vomited on us for over an hour.

        • Pressanykey……is a mindless Trump cheerleader. A stereotypical “air-head” cheerleader at that…..he puts up CCO Tweets……as a “pretend” post…..and then moves on to the next “Tweet.”
          And asking “the air-headed cheerleader” about “that last cheer or Tweet” you put up……is like asking questions of “V” today (who is dead, by the way). There won’t be a response, cause the cheerleader doesn’t even remember what the last “Tweet” or cheer…even was.

          Pressanykey has become “V”……everyone here knew that V wasn’t trying to have a conversation, and that trying to have a conversation with him was, well, kind of a dumb thing to do. “V” never did things like that. His brain was mostly on a Saturn moon.
          Same with Pressanykey these days. Fools don’t have conversations.

          • Surely by now LKB, you’ve figured out Press isn’t defending his comments nor winning votes with mind. He’s become a “Tweeter”….little else.

        • I watched the same speech your guy yelled at people for well over an hour. He turned so red for so long I thought he might have a stroke. Where you see beauty, I see garbage. Jon Stewart described it very well.

  7. Did I miss them?
    Did General Bobby Knight make his promised speech at the Republican National Convention? Or is the Donald saving him for prime time commercials against Hillary?
    And was the Guvernator Arnald present in Cleveland? Maybe he’s bulking up for a run for the Senate seat held by Barbara Boxer.

  8. Hillary’s VP pick will be announced later today or tomorrow. If she waits until tomorrow, it will indicate that reactions to Trump’s endless speech are more negative than PAK would have you believe. The longer the Orange Buffoon is left to marinate in the bitter juices of his marathon of horrors he says life in America is, the better.
    I’d like to see Vilsack named, but I expect it will be Tim Caine. His fluency in Spanish is a big plus and he is popular in Virginia, so he won’t be a bad choice. If it is anyone other than one of those two, I’ll be very surprised.

    • Why is it important that he speak Spic? Isn’t more important that he be able to speak the language of the country, which is English? Or are you implying that the people who will vote for him refuse to assimilate and become part of this country? My forefathers came to this country speaking only Deutsch (that’s German for those who are non-high school graduates). The learned to read, write, and speak English and melted into this nation. The Italian and French and Irish and Polish speaking immigrants to this country did the same. Maybe it’s time those who only speak Spanish at the checkout lanes at WallyWorld should learn to do the same. After all, our voting ballots aren’t printed in Spanish.

      • PoseyCountyDuncehead

        “Why is it important that he speak Spic?”

        Comments like that prove what a bigoted and racists asshole you are. Referring to Americans with racist terminology like that show you and Drumpf are identical to each other. You disgust me.

        And as for your forefathers, I’m confident they are disgusted with progeny such as you.

        • Must of touched a sore spot (or is that sire spot) for NoClassEvilPolitico. Si habla espanol?

  9. ATTENTION DELTA BRAVO: This link is for you. I just wanted to get your juices flowing on this dreary Friday morning.

      • Back atcha, LKB… 🙂


        I could point out the fact that black are both the victims and perpetrators of violent crimes at a rate wildly out of proportion to their percentage of the general population, but I won’t, because then I would undoubtedly be accused of implying that ‘blacks have violent tendencies’…

        At any rate, I’ve seen the video you linked, and it’s a mess. There surely was a better way the officer involved could have handled this encounter. There was essentially 0 time lapse from the cop being polite(ish) and professional to him going nuclear. Maybe he had just had a really rough call, maybe he was frazzled at the end of a hot, busy shift, maybe he’s just an impatient a$$hole. Doesn’t excuse the behavior.

        Unfortunately, in many cases similar to this LE is kind of screwed. The public is becoming increasingly uncooperative and confrontational when faced with a LE encounter. I’m not sure what a cop is supposed to do when a person is just flat refusing to comply with lawful orders and requests. Ask pretty please? Give up and leave?

        • This is a really good video that will address that “black on black” crime thing. https://www.facebook.com/laura.blackburn.771
          The stunning thing about the arrest of the second grade teacher is that it was kept quiet for over a year.
          The update on the link from yesterday is that the shooter says he was trying to kill the (black) autistic man who was armed with a toy truck. Thank goodness he’s a bad shot.
          Here’s the bottom line. If someone can’t keep from assaulting other people who might “cross them” when they’ve had a bad day, are tired, etc, that person belongs behind bars. They don’t belong running loose with a gun and a badge.
          The story of the Kansas City officer is awful, but he chose to be in the situation that cost him his life. Not so much with Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, Eric Garner, Tamir Riice, and the dozens of other people who lay dead at the hands of over-zealous cops.

      • [America is a nation of believers, dreamers, and strivers that is being led by a group of censors, critics, and cynics.

        Remember: all of the people telling you that you can’t have the country you want, are the same people telling you that I wouldn’t be standing here tonight. No longer can we rely on those elites in media, and politics, who will say anything to keep a rigged system in place.]—Donald J. Trump, Republican nominee for president 7/21/16

      • TODAY……is supposed to be an easy day for you Press.
        The next 107 til the election?
        THOSE……are when you’re gonna have to work hard to keep GOP voters from going Libertarian.

        This is a very tough row to hoe for Trump. Other than white men w/out a college degree….Trump doesn’t just suck, he really sucks.

        • I thought that was Monica’s line about Clinton?

          Oh, wait a minute, wrong Clinton. He just left a bad taste in her mouth…

  10. It appears terror attacks are taking place in several places in Munich. The subway system seems to be involved. There are apparently several dead at the mall where it started. Trump will be on TV blaming Hillary and scaring the bejeezus out of his poorly-educated followers.
    Hillary was to announce her running mate this afternoon, but I hope she postpones because of the situation.

  11. I am so glad “that the Republican Convention in Cleveland wrapped up last night in Cleveland”! If the Republican Convention in Cleveland had wrapped up last night somewhere else besides Clevelan, it would have been quite a surprise.

    • Maybe the Democratic convention next week in Philadelphia will wrap up in Philadelphia too.

    • Given the insanity of the entire event, it might have happened. Give our Editor a break, it was a late night thanks to the marathon screamer.

        • PoseyCountyDuncehead

          Don’t flatter yourself, dickhead. The Editor is head and shoulders above you intellectually. You don’t have an IQ above that of a turnip.

          Actually, I probably need to apologize to turnips everywhere for insulting them.

          • Not-So-ClassyEvil Politico – Obviously more flatulence from the peanut gallery. And definitely over your head you bottom feeding, mouth breathing, pond scum, GED illiterate. Have you moved out of your parent’s basement yet Pokemon boy? Or do you even know who is your daddy?
            And don’t consider it your job to apologize for the Editor/Publisher/Scriptwriter of this blog’s lack of grammatical skills. He/she tries but it’s obvious they didn’t take a basic journalism class in high school.

  12. barry hussein laughs through Munich press conference…….liberalsim is without a doubt a mental disorder…………..Mr.Trump…..Law and Order……….2016 and beyond………..http://drudgereport.com/

  13. cnn poll 75% of Americans had a great opinion of Mr. Trumps speech…………slick willys bobble head wife has yet again spent all her money and has nothing to show for it…………….Mr.Trump Law and order 2016 and beyond…………

  14. Wonderful article on the Channel 14 website about the father (Demarco Wayne Roach) of the missing 19 year old disabled girl (Aleah Beckerle). He’s distraught that he can’t help search for her.
    Let’s see now, he’s in jail with no bond for being a convicted felon with a gun and shooting up the home of his baby momma (Cara Beckerle, the missing girl’s Mom) while his disabled daughter was in the house. Blames it on being high on Xanax and Adderal. I’d blame it on a genetic defect called stupidity and thug life.
    You wonder why the average American citizen is scared of the thugs that reside in the inner city? Just take a look at Mr. Normal’s Facebook page (Demarco Roach) to see what an All-Amercan dad looks like. Scroll through his friends to see what appears to be some of his Baby Mommas. And no doubt our tax-payer provided ADC and WIC and SNAP recipients.
    This guy has a track record longer than his name. Oh yeah, he wants to get out and search for his daughter, and probably a few pharmaceuticals to calm his distraught nerves too.
    A shining example of how well people want to rise above their situation.

    • Most want to, but some lack the ability and/or determination. A lot of people do rise above the circumstances of their birth. I have a suggestion for what you can do with that broad brush you love to paint with.

      • elkaybee

        Am I off-base if I join in wishing PoseyCountyDuncehead shove the brush up his ass where he might sweep away a lot of the cobwebs that clutter the location of the few brain cells he hasn’t shat out yet?

        Between him and resident moron al “dull as a butter knife” harpy they are getting on my last nerve.

        • You’re not at all off base. It is PCD with his racial slur that is off base. As it turns out, Sen. Kaine became so fluent in Spanish while running a Christian school. He was a missionary.
          As for the PCD’s forefathers, big deal. My German in-laws still spoke German in their home until the day they died. They taught my children because being bilingual is always a plus for a person.

          • But your in-laws did learn to read, write, and speak English, didn’t they? And they did assimilate into the community, didn’t they? And they probably learned to transact their business and perform their jobs in the language of their adopted country, didn’t they?They must have, as there son married you didn’t he?
            Or did they need someone to tell them why they should vote for them by speaking Deutsch?

        • Just my opinion, but after your posts today, you need to strike Classy off your moniker.

          And you obviously have no clue about my bro al sharpie because he is way duller than a butter knife.

          But I believe he gained ground on you today EvillePolitics.

          Yes, that sounds way better….

        • Not-So-ClassyEvilPolitico has nerves? I always figured his proctologist removed them with his gray matter when he pulled his head from his anal orifice. Sure hope you aren’t involved in any of the local politcal offices. Although that might explain some of the dunderheads that occupy them. How are you realated to Messy Missy and Speedo the Abuser?

      • Once again LKB defending some poor person of color who hasn’t had a chance because THE MAN has forced him into a life of crime and wanton baby making. Oh, woe is the poor minority, they never have a chance and can never rise to the level of “good” society because they’re so trod upon! So let’s ignore their transgressions against civilization and let them play by a different set of rules.
        Give it a break LKB. Everyone realizes you’re just a racist trying to destroy the moral fiber of society. You don’t see the forest for the trees. You would rather make excuses and blame those who are successful as being the problem instead of offering solutions.

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