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    • That was really bad. She used the same exact phrases that Michael Obama used in the Democratic Convention last time. Who in their right mind would do that? Some staffer that helped write the speech is in really hot water as this make’s Trumps wife look like a cheater. That is not the image that the trumps wanted to put forwards.

      The GOP convention has been a fundamental disaster for the GOP so far. It started with the voice vote and the chair leader walking away from the microphone/podium as soon as the delegates started yelling for a recorded vote or roll call vote. That was a dictatorship is action for all to see. The guy with the microphone rammed the vote to not change the rules right though in front of millions of people. No one will forget that or forgive him for doing that on national TV. So much for transparency at the GOP convention. Trump’s convention disaster is a prime example of what will happen to this country if he were to be elected to the Presidency.

      As Hillary said Trump is the worst possible candidate for the Presidency. He’s a total disaster and faker.

      • indiana enoch…..thats a non-denial-denial just sayin melania loves michelle obama, flattery is best compliment but steal from the CURRENT first ladys convention speech?
        c’mon man. trump dont know what hes doin

        • Indiana Enoch’s comment should have been posted when Obama ran for President.
          But the guy won twice. Hmph.

          • Democrat Becker, now you pull in Obama’s reelection as a witness againat me. Don’t fear, you will soon have your oppertunity to do your part in making history by givinf us not only the first female president but the first president who was the spouse of a former president. “BUT WAIT!” not only will we give you two Clintons, but for no additional charges we will send five justices to SCOTUS Including the eversharp constututional lawyer Obama whose blade has never touched a court case. See who it slces through constirutional restraints effortlessly? And all for the low low price of your conserative values. Order your’s today at Gary.Johnson/president.not tofay.

  1. They screw evertything up but it won’t cost them any of their Einstein base. That’s what they’re used to, that’s what they like. Bad Dye Job Manafort is blaming it on Melania. The predictable attempts to co-blame the press fall splat. They put her out there and now it’s under the Greyhound she goes.

    • The Trump plagiarism of Michelle Obama is just so bad on so many levels, it is creepy:
      1. It’s not like she plagiarized from a past book or some article, the Trump people stole “from another First Lady’s speech at a Nominating Presidential Convention!” I mean, really? That dumb?
      2. Trump says he’s the anti-Obama, and then they steal from an Obama theme and speech!
      3. Trump the control freak….who do YOU think wrote and approved his wife’s speech? TRUMP! Who else?

      It’s unbelievable. Trump’s incompetency at its worst, reinforced on opening night, in his WIFE’s speech.

      • After a while you just have to stop attributing these serial and massive screw-ups to anything but stupidity.

      • This is what you have? So she says something similar in a similar way and your “we have nothing better to grab minds run to plagiarism. Enjoy Johnson. He will be third loser.

  2. The Republican Convention was born under a bad sign. What started as an innocent weekend of partying in New Orleans went bad when they riled the spirit of Marie laveau and Hot Chocolate the hooker. It continued with a laughable and now duly cursed candidate who is essentially devoid of any vendable attribute but a diseased ego. Manafort then allowed his hair to be maimed dull dirt brown as a sop to his employer and proceeded to orchestrate the humiliation of the lovely Melania (multi-lingual, ‘hmm…that sounds like fun — Orangie).

    It’s been downhill from there. Convention secretary hiding from the delegates, Trump’s latest concubine plagiarizing her speech, the one ‘she wrote herself’. Ernst running around with a machete, sounding for someone to castrate. Pence’s beady eyes darting left and darting right (aw shit, I gave up a chance to be governor again). An uninspiring cast of speakers. It’s awful in Cleveland. Just awful.

    • We might as well get something out on the table.
      PRESSANYKEY is so desperate to change the subject from Trump’s convention problems, he’s added a new tactic trying to create the impression I am Wayne Clarke. It is amusing, but it lost that “newness” and is now just blatant attempts to “change the story.” Few here think I’m Wayne Clarke, but ok, I noticed it Press. So, have at it, continue to think I am Wayne. (Local politics is so incredibly boring I pay little attention and am really not all that well-informed about it, and I think most here have figured that out. Bandana, Press and LKB…they know the local political scene about as well as anyone, I think.) Things like misogynist Roger Ailes at Fox News being taken down and forced out by, of all things, a Female…that kind of justice, and Trump’s humorous attempts to be taken seriously as a Candidate…much more interesting.

      • You know who is desperate? It is people who use we when they should be using I. Who are these “we” you are speaking of, do you have a mouse in your pocket? You have been, and will continue to be, wrong about everything you have predicted. “We”, that is the posters on CCO, should give you the attention you deserve, which is none.

        • Ahem, Trump says “we” all the time. “We love you ________.” What’s that got to do with anything?

  3. All I have seen on here from Hillary supporters is denial. It does not make any difference what facts are offered, denial is the theme of the day, day in and day out. Of course their candidate is the absolute queen of denial, so why would anyone expect anything less from her followers?

    • Libertarian Gary Johnson is polling at 13% now!!!
      2% more, and he is on the Debate stage with your fake conservative Trump, PAK.
      Real conservatives draw real Republican votes from Trump.
      …..who da denier now Press? …who da denier now!!

      • Is he the Establishment republican’s latest savior? Tell me Wayne, what would a libertarian government look like? More denial on your part. So far you have been wrong about everything you predicted would happen. Why should anyone listen to you?

  4. Let’s face it. Both candidates from the major parties SUCK. I believe that Trump debates with the other 16 candidates was a reality show. We ( yes we) like trump for his come backs and cut downs of the other candidates. We did not go for the better choices because they were dull. The only reason people are voting for Hillary is she is a female and she is married to Bill.
    Neither candidate show honor or respect to us (the voters). There is no such thing as a Frank and open discussion with people it always downgrades to name calling. Maybe I’m talking to the wrong people. Neither candidate gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling that I live in a great country/that we are hard working people looking for our piece if the American pie. That we can overcome any obstacle and come out to better than ever before. Each candidate seems to want to keep us separate from other groups..rich/poor…black/white..educated/uneducated. I’m tired I want my country back. I want peace(i don’t think that will ever happen).
    I travel a lot. I have talked to people on airplanes,restaurant,casinos, baseball games and it seems we all want the same things.
    If that true why are these candidates the best we can do?

    • I’m a Republican who realizes it is mistake to ever place a dangerous fool in the Oval Office, and Trump is nothing other than a reality TV star who knows how to attract attention – no different than Sarah Palin.
      So like Republicans of all stripes across the United States, I’m voting for real conservative, Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Candidate. Gary Johnson is now at 13% in national polling w/ both Trump and Clinton. He’s an excellent alternative to a reality TV star who decided to run for President, and sucked in foolish voters.
      (13%! Seriously, Gary Johnson will be on the debate stage to prove he’s a better alternative than Trump.)

      • You have a dangerous fool in the White House, and another democrat candidate cut from the same cloth waiting in the wings, hopeful of furthering Obama’s agenda.

        There is only one reason you claim not to want Trump, that is because he did not come calling to the establishment republicans for either money or favors. You guys are so corrupt that you can not trust ANYONE who will not jump in bed with you, so you have to demonize him. Everyone sees what is going on, and the longer it goes on the more likely you will be to destroy the party entirely. It is all about money to you guys, you could not care less about the Country.

        • Pressanykey….These are not my words….but they are perfectly stated:
          “This man scares me. Trump says we need unpredictability when it comes to using nuclear weapons!…When a man says that, he sounds a lot like a threat to humanity. I think the Republican party is about to make a terrible mistake in Cleveland and I’m going to have to vote against that mistake on the 8th of November.”

          • Don. Trump is more likely to use the A bomb or threaten to use the A bomb that the North Korean Leader, and that’s scary. There is no telling what the DDT would do.

            BTW DDT stands for Dangerous Donald Trump. It’s my new acronym for Donald Trump. DDT also is a dangerous pesticide that was used throughout the world many years ago and is still doing harm to the environment just like Trump will do.

        • Joe,
          I am a REAL Republican. Trump fans (I call you fans, cause you support an f’n reality TV star for President.)…..Trump fans are NOT, not Republicans.
          We’re voting for the only real conservative in the race this year: Gary Johnson, Libertarian.
          (Let me say this again…..PLENTY of other Republicans are too…..Johnson is polling at 13% now. At 15%, he goes on the stage in the debates, and he begins prying away most of Trump’s lackey GOP voters. Now you know why Trump is going ballistic over John Kasich not being at the Trump Convention. He’s scared.)

          • Has anyone ever seen Don Becker and Jeb of Warrick County together? Republican, now that’s funny.

    • No, they are likely among the worst we could do. But, we did it. I didn’t vote for Hillary in the primary, but I will in the general election. I won’t vote for her because she is a woman, and I certainly won’t vote for her because she is married to Bill. I will vote for her because she is NOT Donald Trump.

      • I sadly have to agree with all you have stated here Laura. I think that Johnson is an interesting choice but fear that a vote for him will be a vote down the drain and will not prevent Trump from gaining ground. It is a very poor mentality I admit but this has been a very poor process all the way around. BTW I state this as neither a Rep or a Dem. I do not like labels and do not believe that there are absolutes as many others on this blog believe there to be.

        • That’s my take on the situation. I never thought I would encourage people to vote for her, but the idea of Trump having a chance at winning has convinced me.

        • I agree with you Martha. Labels don’t do justice to people. People have different takes on different subjects. Some may be fiscal conservative and liberal when it comes to other social issues. People can’t be labeled as they are complex beings.

    • It is apparently doing very well. It is getting the most air time of any of her ads, I believe.

  5. Melania Trump should take the stage alone and without introduction today in Cleveland and apologize to Mrs. Obama and to all of America for her plagiarized speech, tell the truth about the dirtbag she’s married to and announce that she is filing for divorce. That would almost make up to her adopted country for her behavior.

    • I don’t know why she wouldn’t, the optics of her with that hog-headed gasbag are unseemly. Must be love. She’d surely come out of it OK in the financial department.

      Orange might have instructed the speechwriter to do what he did. Maybe he deemed her deserving of national humiliation for springing Baron on him. Given what he thinks of women and his obvious mental illnesses, that scenario is not too far fetched.

      • Trey Gowdy, Republican Congressman just answered questions about Melania Trump’s speech plagiarizing First Lady Michelle Obama’s speech last night:
        “Well, I think she’s a woman, and I thought she did a good job. We put women in all these new roles, and sometimes we just have to accept that it’s hard out there. Women try hard, they really do. She did her best, and that’s just what we’re focused on right now.”

        • Well…he mighta said something like that. I think that’s what he said anyway. Oh wait, nope, that wasn’t Trey Gowdy. It was some guy with an orange bird’s nest on his head. My bad.

        • Flat Headed Trey is keeping with the mindset that spawned Pence’s thoughts that women should not only be banned from combat roles but not allowed to enlist period (no pun).

  6. Melania used words that has been used for centuries not unlike riffs in rock…. led Zeppelin just won a lawsuit on their riffs to the classic stairway to heaven……………..the phony msm is without a doubt over playing their hand again……..on a side note does anybody know how much taxpayers money has been spent on wideing the White House doorways…………….just asking because I just saw a pic of mrs barry hussein and her ass was as big as a ice cream truck……………….must be the free food……….

    • hi al….if youre gonna steal words for a speech…at least be smart enough to find them somewhere besides the current first ladys convention speech. ur writn wrds are dumb as a rock but we love you al

    • Get ready for 8 more years of sour grapes and hateful trolling, Al.

  7. wayne and toad do you live together in one of your moms basement……..them there comments was perrty close…….

    • i liv in a bunker i make vhs tape copies of red dawn and sell them as pirates i buy gun oil by the gallon and make ‘mater wine at 80 percent nun of my buddies get past 60 and there is spelt thar idiot ghost aint here cause no liberal n 30 miles round har

  8. LKB:

    I remember when we were at war with Iraq and Saddam was worried that his vital installations would be attacked. He put women and children in them. The strategy Hillary used in her latest attack ad was not dissimilar, with her use of children she hopes to deflect criticism of her past behavior. I doubt that ad will have the same impact on voters as this one, which currently has more than 2.4 million views, will have.


    • This is how logic works for Pressanykey:
      “Well, there are bears in Montana, and since the Great Bear of Russia represent all commies, that damn Bear Bryant from Alabama was a spy for Putin his whole damn life.”
      Press….are you made of taffy? Cause you sure stretch words and logic like you do.
      Pressanykey: What you need is a bunch of ignorant toothless fat rednecks to tell you how smart you are with that post.

    • This is America and you are free to believe or doubt anything you like. You are free to be as ridiculous as you want. Enjoy!

  9. To the amusement of my son, I have not been much help at work today…and have just gotten home to watch the RNC live. It’s a lot of fun.

    But I have been able to discern……Trump clearly wants the GOP to suddenly back him now. It is the single and only reason he reluctantly chose Mike Pence. More. He is SO pissed at John Kasich for not coming to the Convention. He is PISSED off at real Republicans “cause they need to realize they lost and it’s time to get in line.” Oh? So now you need us?

    Sorry. NO WAY. ALL of you guys are SOB’s.
    NOW you need us? Forget it.
    You are RENTING this Convention, and you are RENTING the GOP Candidacy this time
    …..and you are SCREWING IT UP.
    You’re a dog, and you caught the car’s bumper, and now you don’t know what to do.
    Real Republicans are pro-business. (Somewhere, you guys forgot that.)
    Real Republicans want to lower the debt. (Somewhere you guys forgot that too…cause your guy wants to pile on more.)
    I could name a whole lot more, like your guy wanting single-payer national health care!
    But no matter.
    Have fun watching the foolish cheerleaders say ignorant crap at their rented RNC. It’s hilarious to watch.
    Prepare to lose. Your reality TV Star candidate is a dangerous fool. He’s going down.

    • Got it wrong again, didn’t you? Crying in your beer tonight? What is your plan now, other than to vote for Hillary?

      • BTW, it appears those ignorant toothless fat rednecks have out maneuvered you again Wayne.

        • I am not sure what you are talking about….but suspect you are fabricating narrative again Pressanykey. Got what wrong?
          (and everyone hear knows…….you are never read anyone’s posts…it’s all just posting stuff like an air-headed cheerleader PAK.)

          • Libertarian Gary Johnson’s gonna clear 15% before the end of July…….
            …..and because you don’t read crap, you apparently don’t know I am one of the growing number of GOP voters voting for Johnson.
            (PAK…your posts are losing anything worthy of reading. No content. No wit. No substance. No belief. No detail…..it’s like you’ve realized you’re destined to watching Trump lose.)

          • The way he keeps trying to imply that you are Wayne Parke just proves that he is not in touch with reality. There is no resemblance in your posts and his illiterate drunken tirades.

          • LKB….Press is sounding increasingly desperate…..and this “Wayne” thing…… and the utter lack of substance in his posts, from a person who is perfectly capable of it….are signs that indeed you are right, he has descended into a lack of reality.
            It’s tragic

        • Here is great news for you PAK. This is about as good as it is going to get for you. It may be better next week, but after that, it is all downhill for you.

          • Ha! That’s true….Peak enjoyment.
            Hey……PAK gets to say stupid ignorant crap without being accountable for it……scot free……until the election. Then it’s back to the LOSERS BENCH. Live it up PAK.

  10. It’s official. Trump is the Republican nominee and the GOP is the party of STUPID.

  11. I’m looking forward to tonight. I expect that Tiffany Trump will do a reprisal of Chelsea Clinton’s speech in 2008, but I don’t have a clue of whose speech the big game hunter Don Jr. will steal.

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