Stop Making Police Into Bad Guys!


Government is, itself, supposed to be governed. Regulators are to be regulated. And justices are supposed to be just. That is how the police are to be policed.

Police officers can’t reasonably be expected to enforce, impose and collect counterproductive, unfair, unconstitutional rules, fines, takings, prohibitions, mandates, taxes and punishments that have already become so numerous as to be unknowable, so complex as to be uninterpretable, and so unreasonable as to be unenforceable in any fair and uniform way.

Unfortunately, our government is destructively, unsustainably, and of course unconstitutionally, corrupt.

But just as counterproductive, unconstitutional foreign policy creates problems around the world and brings them back home, bad politics made immigration a problem in a nation of immigrants. It fans the flames of race and other class divisions. And of course, bad, unconstitutional politics has destroyed our respect of important institutions and civic roles…like police.

It’s good that more communities are remembering that police forces didn’t use to be, and don’t have to be, operated by politicians. Competition is good.

But let’s all remember that the current problems with policing are with the politicians who hire, train, equip, pay, direct and discipline them.

In other words, police are taking the hit for bad politics.

No other candidate for IN08 US House has any intention or desire to regulate our government. They all want it bigger, costlier, more dangerously powerful.
I am the only candidate who wants to put a leash where it most needs to be put. On politicians!

There isn’t a candidate with more written on that subject. Please see my blog at, and my websites at and for more information than you’ll find on any other candidate.



  1. The fact is, unfortunately, some are bad guys. The refusal to admit that by the good ones is contributing to the problem.

    • True. There’s always been “police brutality” and thuggish behavior to at least some degree.
      But politicians have increasingly put police into an adversarial relationship with citizens, and that makes things much, much worse.

  2. The police are the ultimate deciders in weather you are guilty of violating a law or ordinance. Also they decide how much force is to be used in most situations. While the LEO have the right to use lethal force if you walk away they are not required to. local LEOs did not used to be a military force. If it got that bad the Governor called in the national guard. Now every podunk police force has a fully equipped swat team. If you have a bunch of equipment and training you find ways to use it. We need to rethink our policing and our laws.

  3. The libertarian argument that private-sector policing (or private sector anything) would be some type of panacea is absurd, wishful thinking in the supposition of bourgeoisie morality by dewy-eyed capitalist worshipers (i.e., libertarians).

    If is nice to finally see Mr. Horning not compare our local guys and gals in blue to Hitler’s Schutzstaffel during one of his screeds, which is his normal schtick. So, thanks for that…

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