Home Breaking News IS IT TRUE JULY 18, 2016

IS IT TRUE JULY 18, 2016


IS IT TRUE we feel its time to call for the masses to assemble in support of our first responders and law enforcement to  express how proud we are of the outstanding job they do on a daily basis to protect us?  …if you agree with us that its time we assemble in support of our first responders and law enforcement please post here and tell us how you feel we can do this? …its time to stand up and be counted?

IS IT TRUE for 15 years we have being providing extremely accurate and thoughtful IS IT TRUE’S?

IS IT TRUE we would like for our readers to provide us with some similar IS IT TRUE’S?  …here is your chance do so?



  1. Thank you CCO for standing with law Enforcement and First Responders………I think the Mayor and council should dedicate a park to local law Enforcement First Responders to show our gratitude…………..

    • Look Al Sharpie. You want to help LEO’s by giving them a park? What is that?
      Cops are being killed by overwhelming firepower on the streets when they show up to do their job. Don’t talk to me about “dedicating a park.” Actually HELP THE COPS, support the LEO’s….if you are serious about showing your gratitude…..and get rid of the military weapons on the streets that are butchering them while they work.

      • don becker we have the lies told by the msm and the lies told by o shitbag in the whitehouse…..remember hands up don’t shoot………complete fraud complete lie and I could go on and on about the radical left that has taken over your party and you don’t even realize it……..dedicating a park would be a nice gesture in my opinion…………..

          • No I did not know I was a scum bag toad……I am in reality a rich……smart……God fearing man………also if I may say very very good looking…….😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

        • Scum bag sharpie, you are right as always. The media and politics, especially our “they look like me” president has turned a rash into a fever. He has needlessly and erroneously made claims of blacks being victimized and shoot more frequently despite facts otherwise and that most LEOs are more hesitant to use terminal force on a black offender because of the potential backlash of their actions.

          But we don’t need another park. Most likely this mayor would use honoring them to promote his dream of creating a dog park. But then if there was a Winnecke dog park, Spot and I would often frequent it.

          • (“…uh, we’re gonna go in this cafe and talk about Obama and hate groups, fellas. Now you Cops, you be careful out there. Good luck w/ the overwhelming military firepower problem you face in the streets today. I’ll have a decaf latte please!”)

      • You will have to change the US Constitution to do that or have the US Supreme Court Justices read the 2nd amendment differently. Shall NOT be infringed. Where does the 2nd amendment say you can’t have AR15’s. And you will never get people to turn their arms into the Federal Government without a huge fight. The founding fathers gave the people the right to keep and bear arms for a good sound reason. To prevent Tyranny. The 2nd amendment helps to enforce the other bill of rights and prevents the Federal Government from being too oppressive on the people. As long as the regular people are armed the Government has to respect the wishes of the People. After all the Government leaders work at the pleasure of the people not the other way around. While I support the effort of the police to keep the peace they should not be used as pawns in the big wig political efforts of corrupt government officials who might run amok. A

        A well regulated milicia being necessary for the security of a FREE state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL not be infringed.

        Now you tell me where it says that the people don’t have the right to arms. Even the laws that prohibit automatic weapons violates the 2nd amendment IMHO. The US Supreme Court went wrong some where down the line in trying to interrupt what the 2nd amendment said and means.

        If you gun control people want to ban the AR15 then you better get 3/4 of the States behind you and get a 2/3 majority in the US Senate and the House of Representative to vote to change the US Constitution and then get the President to sign onto that change. As you see there is a method that’s suppose to be used to change the Constitution. It’s actually written right into the Constitution itself. Bypassing the authority derived from the Constitution is one way that Tyrants get their way. For you see the Government gets all it’s authority to govern the people from the Constitution itself. If not for the Constitution there would be no federal government. If there were no government there would be no police or sheriff or FBI or ATF or any other office of the government.

        The police get their authority from the Constitution and have to pledge their allegiance to the US Constitution each and ever day as to our Government officials.

        So I stand by the US Constitution ahead of the Police or any other government official. The US Constitution is there to protect us from tyranny.

        What you have to do is put those that break the laws in jail and not take away the guns of the good guys. And criminals are not going to give you their guns willingly. Only the law abiding citizens would stupidly give up their weapons to government officials who bypass the US Constitution Illegally.

        Bypassing the 2nd amendment by passing unconstitutional laws that are approved by a out of control supreme court is cheating the system IMHO. That’s taking a shortcut by judicial activism that was not intended by the founding fathers. IMHO.
        Remember that the Constitution was written at a time when the British Government and Soldiers were taking over people’s houses at will and throwing our colonist out on the streets. They comendeered homes and weapons at will. So the founding fathers went to war against the King of England and his soldiers in order to win our freedom. And they gave us the bill of rights to help preserve our hard won freedoms. Now if you don’t believe in the Constitution then you lose all credibility. Maybe some day in the future there will be more fights to help protect or win back our freedoms. And if that time ever comes again the people will be armed. So said the founding fathers when they pass the amendments to the US Constitution and gave us the bill of rights. The main part of those rights was the ability to keep and bear arms. For it was though the force of arms that we won our freedoms in the first place. And to preserve those freedoms we need to be armed.
        Our constitution is on a higher order than any one part of the system. Its’ the law of the land and should be followed to the letter.

        • CoyoteHunter:
          Well said. And a nice political statement about guns rights.
          But can we stop the pretending that you care about Cops?
          Cause that’s what we are talking about today, right?

          We are trying to give 100% support to protecting LEO’s….and that is NOT your priority.
          Cops are being butchered by military weapons in the streets: Five dead cops in Dallas, three dead cops in Baton Rouge…..each group of dead cops killed by a lone gunman with military weapons.

          So Congratulations. You made an excellent political statement.
          But CoyoteHunter, can we stop the pretending you care about protecting Law Enforcement Officers?

          • If you think that the writers of the US Constitution and the founding fathers were “Political” then yes I made a political statement that backed up what our founding fathers wrote back in the 1700’s when this country was founded. A house is no good unless it’s foundation is done right! It won’t matter how good the roof is if the foundation crumbles and the house falls down.

            And what do you mean WE can stop pretending that You care about Cops. I don’t call them “Cops”. I call them policemen not COPS. That shows respect for the job.
            Do you pretend to talk for everyone when you use pronouns like “WE”. Now if you want to give me your opinion then the pronoun “I” would be more appropriate. But unless you have meet with everyone else and gotten their permission to speak for them don’t act like you talk for the entire group and use pronouns like “We”.

            I was going off topic and discussing just one aspect of the above comments. And yes I want the police to be safe. I think I put that in my comments after I talked bout the US Constitution. The police have a tough job to do. You must have misunderstood my intention when I posted earlier.

            The citizens have to follow the laws and if they don’t then the police have the job of making sure that they comply with the law. It’s a tough job and it’s not for just anyone. I personally would not want to be a policeman. I’m more of an EMT type. I more into helping others who are injured or hurt. I root for the underdog most times.

            So I’m not against the police. In fact I have good friends that were or still are policemen. I see them going to work each day and I’ve seen them at home with their children and wives. I support the police 100% but only when they too comply with the laws. I’m not going to worship anyone including policemen as if they were gods though. I support and respect police but I respect the Constitution above the police or anything else.

            Military weapons? Do you even know what a “Military Weapon” is? Do you think that a 1776 cannon that the patriots on the US Side used in the Revolution were Military Weapons? Yes they were in case you don’t know the facts. And the founding fathers didn’t say we could not use Military Weapons. They said that we have the RIGHT to bear Arms and that right SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. What don’t you understand about that. You are the one that has NO respect for the US Constitution unless you are pushing to repeal the 2nd amendment then you sir have no respect for the founding fathers or this country. If you want to ban military style weapons or automatic weapons then do it the right way. State a petition and try to change the 2nd amendent. Because that is the only way I will go along with banning any form of weapons in this country. I speak for myself here. But I’m confident that I have the backing of many others. Which is why these new laws being suggested by some have gone no where in the US Senate or the House of representatives.

            Now the killings are a totally different thing . The laws are clear that we shall not commit murder and these were cold blooded murders. We need to take care of the mentally ill people in this country. And anyone who actively seeks to hunt down policemen and murder then in cold blood has to be mentally ill. Those people responsible for these shootings/killings should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. I would say Hang them from the highest trees. But they have a right to bear arms. They don’t have the right to shoot policemen though. Just check out the number of people carrying firearms and attending the GOP convention in Cleveland OH today.

            I support the constitution and I also support our police and military men and women fully. Unless they are breaking the law or the rules and then they too should be punished.
            You are right I made an excellent discussion and in no way did I pretend to support the Law Enforcement Officers. You are mixing up things and trying to speak illogical thoughts and misrepresenting what I’m saying. That’s your fault not mine.

            People that want to ban firearms should learn about those firearms. For example you are thinking that the AR15 rifle is an assult weapon and a milligary weapon when it’s not. It’s a modern sporting rifle made for citizens not the military. The Military are supplied with M16 and M4’s which are fully automatic. The AR15 is semi-automatic. And the AR15 has a good place in the hands of the Citizens. Its’ a weapon that can be used for home defense or hunting. But the constitution didn’t say what we can only have arms and that they have to be used for hunting game. Now the founding fathers wanted to make sure that the citizens were fully arms with the modern weapons of the day back when the Constitution was written. They had no idea that 200 years later we would have machine guns. But they did know that the revolutionary has the same type of arms for their use as the British Soldiers had available to them. This fact allowed us to form this great country. Imagine the British telling the conolonist that they were not allowed to have cannon, shot, gun powder or long rifles or pistols. If that were the fact we would still be under British Rule today. Not they were clear. We have the right to keep and bear arms. What don’t you understand about that? You failed to even discuss this fact. You can’t argue the facts that I’ve laid out for discussion so you totally ignore the facts of the 2nd Amendment.

            My discussion takes for granted that I support the Police. What I objected to in your post above was the part where you said we should ban the weapons. I’ll fight you tooth and nail to protect my right to bear arms and keep them. Now if you don’t want to try to change the constitution then shut up about passing more stupid unconstitutional laws that have a impact one me. Criminals that would break into our homes won’t comply with those laws banning military style weapons and they will retain them where I would be forced to turn mine in. I would be at a huge disadvantage if I were not able to have my AR15.

            BTW the Police SWAT members have access to military style weapons and are not undergunned. In fact they have access to modern military equipment. If you remember the incident at Ruby Ridge where the Military ATF used TANKS to help tear down the walls at the Branch Dividians Compound and set fire to the building that kills the children and other people inside. All in the name of saving the children. When the police (FBI And ATF) act like that then they lose my respect. And when they shoot people’s wifes and their kids dogs over trumped up gun charges the Police lose the respect of the people. The police need to do a better job at times. When they break into old ladies homes and throw flash bang bombs into the living room at the wrong house and have the news media called in to the scene ahead of time to record the take down of a suspected bad guy then they police lose my respect. I respect the police when they do the job right. But they lose my respect when the screw up. The police are not Gods and they earn the respect of the people when they are fair and do the job right. So the guys that do it right have my full respect. But those that screw up (including the Police Chief) will lose my respect for that event. That doesn’t mean that they are all bad. But they do make mistakes as we all do. After all we are human. We all make mistakes. But your attempt to paint me as disrespectful of police when I stand up for MY OUR constitutional Rights I find very offensive.

            If we don’t stand up for our rights then we will lose them.

            I would direct you to a former EPD Detectives facebook page to show you that not all policemen want to disarm the public. In fact this guys facebook site makes it clear that he wants more armed citizens not less. For you see a good gun with a gun is a deterrent to a bad guy with a gun.

        • Wrong!

          The Second Amendment states “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”

          What part of the concept of “militia” means that people can own whatever they want? Look again at the historical fact from the Supreme Court that specifically states “The Second Amendment must be interpreted and applied with the view of its purpose of rendering effective Militia”

          Yes, the Supreme Court did rule in 2010 that the Second Amendment extends to private citizens who aren’t in militias. But that same ruling (McDonald v. Chicago) also found that gun regulations are well-within the bounds of the Second Amendment.

          If you think the Second Amendment prohibits any and all restrictions on gun possession in America no matter what the circumstances, then you must believe that convicted murderers have the right to carry guns in prison.

          Do you assert that there should be no laws regarding automatic weapons or bazookas? Should American citizens have zero limit on their ability to purchase weapons, meaning that you can purchase any weapon with no limit other than money? So if I want to purchase a fully automatic M-16 that there is no restriction allowed? Because that is NOT the current way that weapons are licensed.

          Are you asserting that there should be no gun regulations at all? If the Second Amendment is going to be a “Shall” issue, then that means Federal and State regulations regarding the licensing of people to purchase and own weapons are all unconstitutional. Your stance means that there cannot be a restriction of a felon to purchase, own, and carry a weapon.

          All laws regarding the legal ownership of firearms will have to be null and void, since the constitutional right you state from the Second Amendment cannot survive the scrutiny of the law. The ability to prevent certain citizens (felons, gang members, and drug dealers for example) from purchasing, owning, and carrying firearms are not based in the Constitution, they are based in Federal and State law.

          Your stance means that the Constitution guarantees that the “right to keep and bear arms” of all citizens is written so they cannot have their “Second Amendment right” regulated since it says that right to a firearm “shall not be infringed”

          • “Yes, the Supreme Court did rule in 2010 that the Second Amendment extends to private citizens who aren’t in militias. But that same ruling (McDonald v. Chicago) also found that gun regulations are well-within the bounds of the Second Amendment”

            This is where I think that the Supreme went out too far. They neutered the intent of the 2nd amendment to protect all the other bill of rights. For without adequate weapons the citizens are ill equipped to counter tyrants. I didn’t write the Constitution but I can read it and it’s pretty clear to me. The well regulated Militia created in 1776 were a bunch of farmers and colonist who have virtually no military training what so ever yet the writers of the US Constitution wanted to make sure that they were armed and could fight for the cause.

            IMHO the Supremes in that court were reading things into the 2nd amendment that were not there.

            And Yes I think that the 2nd amendment doesn’t address the fact that people should be allow under the constitution to have any type of weapons. But I’m just reading what they put in writing.

            I said above that if people want to change the 2nd amendment to make it more clear for our modern society then they should petition the government to change the 2nd amendment. That is what I am really saying.

            What is happening is that the government is basically ignoring what the 2nd amendment said and are writing laws that are being put into force and effect by the Supremes re interrupting the constitution That is what some might call judicial activism.

            I’m fighting for my right to own a gun and use it for home defense and hunting or any other legal activity.

            Most of the problems we have these days is due to overpopulation not too many guns. Too many people is the basic problem.

        • I find it amusing when people try and say that, in the 21st century, citizen militias are necessary to secure American sovereignty? If so, those folks are kinda unfamiliar with how powerful the modern American military is.

          Yes, the Supreme Court did rule in 2010 that the Second Amendment extends to private citizens who aren’t in militias. But that same ruling (McDonald v. Chicago) also found that gun regulations are well-within the bounds of the Second Amendment.

          In any event, if those same folks think the Second Amendment prohibits any and all restrictions on gun possession in America no matter what the circumstances, then they must believe that convicted murderers have the right to carry machine guns in prison. Right?

          I frequently debate the discussion point that citizens have the right to defend themselves against a tyrannical government.

          There’s no easy way to say this, so let’s just say it: If folks believe that their personal firearms are any match for the firepower that the American government has at its disposal, they are deluded beyond belief. If they believe that any group of private American citizens would be able to accumulate the weaponry necessary to stand up to our modern American military in an armed conflict, they need to step back, take a deep breath, and acknowledge objective reality.

          The United States military has, among other things, tanks, hydrogen bombs, one-handed shotguns, blindness rifles, remote-controlled grenade launchers, unmanned drones, and a wave gun so powerful that it’s been nicknamed “The Goodbye Weapon.”

          They may not like the fact that an armed domestic resistance against the American government would essentially be impossible, but it’s a fact nonetheless. Deregulating gun laws will not change this fact, unless their idea of deregulating gun laws is to make rocket launchers available and affordable to the entire population of America

          • In any event, if those same folks think the Second Amendment prohibits any and all restrictions on gun possession in America no matter what the circumstances, then they must believe that convicted murderers have the right to carry machine guns in prison. Right?

            No I’m saying that if you don’t want convicted murders to possess arms then you need to change the 2nd amendment to say that. Right now it does not say that. It says that their right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. It didn’t say may not be infringed but it said shall. The US Supreme court took the easy way around the law by changing it’s meaning without changing the wording or telling congress to rewrite the constitution. That would have been too hard. The founding fathers made it difficult to change the constitution for a good reason.

            What we need to do is revise the constitution and maybe rewrite it so that it works in our modern world today. After all it was written more than 200 years ago and many things have changed since then.

          • Lolllllll classless in eville has to work for the gubmint……….what a dumb ass………….

  2. Our Cops, law-enforcement officers of all stripes, are the ultimate public servants, giving their lives, and dragging along the lives of their anxious families too, for little reward. They are the highest form of dedicated, public servants, and they deserve 100% of our support and respect.

    But today….they are trying to do their jobs while confronted with military-style weapons in the streets….and they are being butchered by people using these military weapons against them.

    Small-minded people are gonna try to convince you, TO DISTRACT you, with language about hate-groups.
    Wake the hell up people. Hate groups have been around forever…but these small-minded people are gonna use “twisted political motives” to try to IGNORE THAT COPS ARE BEING BUTCHERED BY MILITARY WEAPONS IN THE STREETS….LEO’s can’t do their job because they are being confronted with overwhelming firepower in the streets.

    The Cops in Baton Rouge?
    The Cops in Dallas?
    They were doing their job but were confronted with military-style weapons in the streets…and were butchered because of it.

    You serious about helping our LEO’s? Really serious? Start with removing military weapons they see when they show up to do their job.
    LEO’s are not afraid of hate groups…these guys have seen this before. They are professionals and know how to win that confrontation.
    BUT they can’t do their job when the streets they are working on are flooded with military-weapons they cannot overcome.
    Support your Cops.
    Get rid of these military weapons….LEO’s can’t do their job with military weapons on the streets.

    • Except the are not military style weapons. Would it not be more important to focus on what is causing these killings and the people promoting it rather than the tools they use

      • Oh for God’s sake Indiana Enoch!!
        LEO’s showed up to do their job in Dallas, and ONE GUY with overwhelming military weaponry, ONE, killed FIVE COPS.
        LEO’s showed up to do their job in Baton Rouge, and ONE GUYO with overwhelming military weaponry, ONE, killed THREE COPS.
        And you’re still sitting their insisting it isn’t military weapons?
        You are wrong Sir.

        • Oh for Lucifer’s sake DB. Were these fully automatic weapons, or hunting caliber weapons made to look scary? How will banning most cosmetics change the intention of one who is angry and bent on causing harm?

          USING CAPS DOES NOT STRENGTHEN YOUR WEAK ARGUMENT. OR MAKE ME WRONG. If I must I will STAND and tell you that they are not military weapons and even if they were your idea would have zero affect on the problem more or less even being feasible.

          Please do not go fishing because you seem to have a propensity to swallow any media worm dangled before you. Let’s deal with the problem not the tool.

          • Indiana Enoch…..and you Sir, are trying to promote a political narrative using Cops confronted with overwhelming military firepower while trying to do their jobs.
            This is not about helping Cops for you. You know Cops shouldn’t have to confront this kind of weaponry I-E.
            No one is authentic anymore…..it is sad.

          • I-E….literally, you are exploiting Cops to promote your political beliefs. You’re not truly interested in helping the LEO’s.
            Cops should not have to confront overwhelming military firepower in the streets.

          • DB, sir, it is you and other homophobes who are exploiting another tragedy for your agenda of banning scary guns. Deal with the cause not the tool.

          • Indiana Enoch,
            Did you just inject “homophobes” into this discussion?

            What is that….? Changing the subject?
            We’ve just made it clear, you’re not authentically interested in protecting law enforcement personnel….that much I know.

        • No that was autocorrect’s idea of what I wanted to say. I meant hoplophobe, someone afraid of scary guns.

          • What do you call somebody who is afraid of idiots and lunatics with guns? A gun only becomes scary when someone who shouldn’t picks it up.

          • I-E:
            Well….for a Cop with a family who hopes to do his duty and return home to his family….he is legitimately afraid of military weapons/”scary guns” (and SO is his family) all Police Officers encounter in the streets now and used to kill five Cops in Dallas and three Cops in Baton Rouge.
            You are trying to promote a political narrative……and it is your narrative that is exploiting the Cops that are dying Indiana Enoch.

          • Progress LKB, you are finally beginning to see that it’s the person not the gun.

        • No Don you are wrong. They are not used by the US Military. They are designed and manufactured by for the regular Joe to take out to the rifle range.

          Guns don’t’ kill people. People kill people. Thousands of people walk into gun stores all around the country each and every day and no one has been shot by a gun yet. Only when a person grabs the gun and makes a decision to use the tool to kill is someone harms.

          If you want to stop the mass killing of people in this world then ban the automobile as it’s killed way more innocent people on our streets that guns ever will. But you don’t want to ban the gasoline powered vehicles do you?

          We need to end the kills and figure out the root cause of these incidents. Be it terrorism or mental illness those problems need to be addressed. If you want to ban firearms then go try and rewrite the 2nd amendment. Don’t just ignore what its says.
          I don’t want policemen shot anymore than anyone else. But I also want to follow the constitution which creates a huge conflict for me. We live in a totally different world today and we need to rewrite the constitution to make it applicable to what todays world needs.

          So if you truly believe that we should ban any type of weapons then sign a petition and try to get the officials to change the 2nd amendment though the legislature. After all I hears the President and many others say that the vast majority of the American People want to ban guns. Well if that’s true then it should be very easy to get the State Legislatures, Governors and the Senate to rewrite the 2nd amendment and the bill or rights to work in our modern world.

          • Got it Coyote.
            Law Enforcement Officers are being gunned down by overwhelming firepower of the weapons you are describing….those Cops deserve protection from us, and you’re not interested.
            You could help by trying to help the Cops not have to confront these kinds of military weapons (the kind that allow one guy to kill five Cops, near instantly), but……..you….are…..not…..interested Coyote.

      • Will agree with IE on this one. Had these scumbags used “pressure cookers” as their weapon choice, there would be many on this site that would demand a ban on pressure cookers! Methods of killing are many.
        Elimination of the motives/10 sec of fame media coverage, would go far!

        • Armstrong…..Cops responding to “shots fired” did not get killed by “pressure cookers” (another word for “a bomb”…nothing new, and a tactic they are trained to confront).
          These Cops were killed by overwhelming military weaponry in the street…when they showed up to do their job. Your joke was amusing. But that dog don’t hunt.

          • I see where your going with this. I’m in favor then of allowing our military (with all their military gadgets) be first responders to any gun fire. Having the “MP’s” patrolling should have everyone feeling “fuzzy” inside then!

            One should look back at history. Ban on alcohol a hundred years ago did nothing but hurt the “law abiding” citizens, not the people it was meant for! Guns would be the same way.

            C&P had a article this morning where 66 children in Indiana for the fiscal year 2014 lost their lives from neglect and abuse. There’s something to worry about!!!!!

          • Armstrong:
            What I hear you saying…is that “it’s gonna take courage to truly help Cops”…..and while you know how to do it, you’re not willing to stand up and truly help protect Law Enforcement Officers. They shouldn’t have to face that kind of overwhelming firepower. You want their protection, but you’re not willing to provide them the same kind of help.
            (“…I don’t know. I just can’t. People will be upset if we do that.”)

          • Don you evidently don’t care about the Constitution. But without that the Police have NO authority what so ever to be doing what they do. All the power of the Federal and State Governments is derived from the US Constitution. What part of shall not be infringed don’t you understand. Why do you knowingly keep calling the AR15 an Military Weapon when you know that it’s not.

            Your right.. You got me. I care more about how this country was formed and the Constitution of the United States that I do about the Police. You see I grew up in this area and in my school we said the pledge of allegiance to the United States and not the EPD each and every day before school. So it’s sort of ingrained in my brain to respect the US Constitution (United States) above all else. For if not for the Constitution we would still be just 13 colonies under the control of the British Empire.

            The police are not outmanned or out gunned 99% of the time. They have many more military type weapons at their disposal than the criminals. I’d bet that the police end up shooting more people that people shot the police. Like I said the police are not GOD. They work for the people and the people we elect work for the people.

            Look at what happened in Turkey recently. The Turkey Military tried to take over the country. By all rights they should have easily taken over the country. They had all the Jets, Tanks and military weapons. They should have easily crushed the Opposition. But the elected leader of the Turkish People call the people to take to the streets and guess what. The Undermanned Police force fought the Military with all those Military weapons and WON. The Military gave in and the Police and the people prevailed.

            American’s Citizens need to remain armed. The Crazy people need to be put away in mental institutions not jails where they can get medical treatment and helped. And the rule of law should prevail.

            The people who shot the police are going to be caught and punished by being either executed or jailed for the rest of their lives. There is no need to call for the banning of the tools they used to commit crimes. They should however be punished for their crimes. Most of these shooter are dead. And that’s a good thing. We won’t have to pay to have them tried. One was blown up with some C4 and a robot. A little expensive way to take him out but it worked. He was actively shooting people and deserved to die IMHO. They caught him in the act and took him out. Good job.

            Others were resisting the police and in possession of a pistol and trying to reach for the pistol and were shot dead. Another justified shooting. Don’t fight the police when they try to arrest you. Get a lawyer and fight them in court not out on the streets.

            The last guy shot by the police was a suspect in a armed robbery that occurred three days prior to his shooting. That guy didn’t have a permit for the gun he has on his left thigh when he was stopped by the policeman.

            We have laws about rioting and attacking police or anyone for that matter. Just because the 2nd amendment says you have the right to keep and bear arms does not give you the right to go out and shoot the policemen.
            And banning AR15 or how many bullets the AR15 magazine can hold won’t stop the crime in the street. They will use other tools to get the job done. You can’t take everyone’s guns away just because a very few idiots missed the guns. Sorry it should not work that way. The police have body armor and they have true military assault weapons at their disposal. Most of the squad cars probably have an AR15 in the truck or a 12 gage shotgun in the car. They carry semi automatic pistols and are quite capable of defending themselves and if they can’t they can always call out the SWAT teams or the National Guard or the Army if needed to put down any revolts. I do feel sorry for those policemen that got shot and for their families. But I still don’t think that banning the AR15 is the right thing to do. Put away those that shoot at policemen and put them away for life or hang them. Most all that try to shoot and the police will end up dead at the hands of the police. They don’t live very long after trying to take shots at the police.

      • I agree with Indianaenoch on this topic. AR15 are semi auto and are not military style weapons by any means. But the ignorant and misinformced with yell from the roof tops to ban the AR15 simply because it looks like an M4 assult weapon or the Military Style M16 fully automatic rifle.

        AR stands for the name of the company that designed the AR15. Armalite not Assault Rifle.


        • BOTH of these weapons are military weapons…..
          ……exactly the kind that allowed ONE gunman to KILL FIVE COPS in Dallas.

          ONE gunman with overwhelming firepower military weapon kills FIVE Cops!
          …Coyote, you are pathetic to not care about Law Enforcement Officers that have to face these weapons down. The Cops are being butchered because of them.
          So much for supporting “law and order.” That’s bullsh–.

          • The guy could have killed those same five policemen with a modern sporting rifle such as a Remington 700 in many different calibers. Don you need to get some training and do more research on the AR15. You fear of the unknown is coloring your thoughts.

            An AR15 is not over whelming firepower. A Machine gun might be considered overwhelming firepower but they were banned a while back. Remember the Roaring twenties and the St Valentines Day Massacre? Those were Thompson Machine guns that were banned in the USA.

            My main point is that you should not go around banning arms of any kind unless or until you rewrite the 2nd amendment the proper way. And I don’t think that the Supreme Court rulings on the meaning of the 2nd amendment are right in that the congress should be the ones rewriting the words not the Supreme Court. The words are pretty clear to most people of average intelligence and reading skills. They use the word ” Shall” not the word “should or May”. That shows me their intent to preserve the peoples RIGHT to keep and bear arms. Once can’t really form a militia if they don’t have the same arms as their opponents. The founding fathers would have failed to break away from London if they had been restricted to bow and arrows or rocks and sticks when the British Army had smooth bore long rifles shooting lead shot with black powder. In fact the British Army tried to take away the Patriots black powered several time during and before the revolutionary war.

            It’s too bad that Justice Scalia had to die when he did as we could use him back on the Supreme Court for this discussion on the 2nd amendment.

            Many of these mass shootings that we have had lately could have been prevented with just one armed citizen taking out the shooter before he could kill anymore of the unarmed citizens.

            And more people were killed in Nice with a truck than with a AR15. The only guy killed with the military type weapons was the insane driver of that truck. Over one hundred people were killed in France. Do you now want to ban trucks too?

            Seriously don’t take away the gun from the thousands of good people that keep and bear arms without going around and shooting people. Put the people that do bad things in jail but don’t deny those guns to the rest of us. That’s not going to really stop the shootings. Criminals will continue to keep their guns. Most of the shootings around here are done with illegal guns or stolen guns.

            And please stop calling the AR15 a military assault rifle as it’s not. It’s a modern sporting rifle that’s very popular with thousands of them in the hands of thousands of good law abiding citizens. Stop the crime but don’t ban the tools.

  3. Welcome to CCO this morning guys and gals. Make yourself at home….. insult someone.

  4. Is it true these scumbags get their 10 seconds of fame on the social media?
    Is it true these scumbags names should never be released?
    Is it true these scumbags actions should be belittled to a point of embarrassment on social media?
    Is it true these scumbags bodies should be disposed of by the same means as any dead “animal” that has been picked up along our highways?

    • Wow Arm! 100% true. They should never identify the killer. No infamy for the scumbag.

      • “Mostly true”? Oh, did not think about the degrading to the animals, of these scumbags bodies being mixed with them!

        • No, I think cruel and unusual punishment is unconstitutional no matter how vile the crime is. unconstitutional is, but it is also inhumaneand degrading to the poor suffering road kill. 🙂

    • Sounds harsh but that’s one of the best ideas yet, in my opinion. The killers are motivated by whatever. But, if they thought their names and faces would never be uttered or seen in any media and their rotting corpses would be dumped anonymously by a couple of strangers in an ocean, like Bin Laden, or promptly incinerated it could well take part of whatever their motivation is away. It could cause the next cowardly copycat to pull up before he acts.

      That would assume the murderers have the ability to think rationally, which they probably don’t at the points leading up to their heinous crime, but it’s worth a shot. Probably nothing’s going to stop it. The killers certainly don’t deserve their 15 minutes and the media, being what it is, continually insist on granting them that small measure of infamy.

      • Bandana…..alas, media types like InfoWars and Drudge, who’s business models are based on setting things on fire so they can record the First Responders getting killed trying to put it out…..will say it infringes their right to free speech.

        • I know. It would be up to them to put the decedent on ignore. They could do that but won’t. They are not constitutionally required to cover anything. It’s not just the outlying media, it’s all of them. They’d have to take the readership hit and do the right thing and cover the crime but treat the killer as if he never existed except for maybe a quick mention of his anonymous cremation.

      • I have believed that the publicity given to these killers only breeds copy-cat crimes from other sick puppies.

        • You are right about the copy cats. Without the media constantly reporting the events over and over again all day long people would not even think of doing such crimes as often. People see this on TV and then they those with mental illness or uncontrolled fears/urges end up repeating what they see on the TV all day long.

          I’m not against the police when I say I’m for the Constitution. The police should have the means to protect themselves and o arrest the bad guys without killing innocent people or interfering with the rights of other people who are not breaking any laws.

          Our laws need much reform IMHO. We have laws and rules based on the 1776 revolution and we try to make them work in the 21st century.

          We need to figure out a way to protect our Police and Military without breaking laws and interfering with the rights granted to us by our Constitution.

          I read something on a former policeman’s web site (facebook site) that said that the guy shot by the policeman in Louisiana the other day didn’t ever apply for a carry permit. Unlike what his girlfriend claimed to the world on her facebook video that was rebroadcast around the world for the past few days. I blame the media for a lot of the ill will that we see directed by other towards the policemen. When the media broadcasts videos that that ladies without telling the entire story then that does a disservice to the rest of us. I read that the guy shot was stopped because he fit the description of a armed robber from a store robbery three days prior to the shooting. He and his girlfriend were described in a police BOL report and that is why they were both pulled over by the policemen that ended up shooting the black gun in the passenger seat. The guy didn’t have a gun permit based on the story I read. Now the web site that reported this is new to me. It may be wrong. But Guy Minnis, who is a retired EPD detective and firearms expert, put it on his Warrior Dynamic’s Facebook page for all to see. Guy use to train the EPD policemen in the proper use of firearms when he was still on the force. So I trust him when it comes to gun control issues.

          • It is well verified that Philando Castile held a CCW Permit. Have you been hiding under a rock?

  5. There is very noticeable bias in the coverage when the shooter is black. The media barely mentioned the 2 cops killed in Michigan last week.

  6. Is it true that the Greatest Show on Earth starts today in Cleveland? That the request of LEOs that the Ohio open carry law be suspended in the immediate area of the circus is NOT being honored? That the fact that this request was made in the first place belies the NRA cliché about law enforcement officers welcoming the “help” of the “good guys with guns”?

    Is it true that both instances of police murders took place in states that have very lax gun laws? That not one single “good guy with a gun” came to the aid of the police in either case?

    • A good guy with a gun? A bad guy with a gun?
      It misses the issue LKB…..and by your framing the conversation in the language of the people who want to exploit Cops by makes this a “political narrative” instead of saving Cops by not placing them in situations where they get gunned down by military weapons on the streets.

      …in fact, the Cops had to confront “a guy with overwhelming military firepower”…..and got butchered.
      One guy killed five Cops in Dallas. One guy killed three Cops in Baton Rouge.

  7. Is it true Evansville has had its own share of egregious civil rights violations by police?

  8. Oh, wait a minute. Now the posts are showing up. Yep. Same old trite radical left-winger “take everyone’s guns away” and it will solve the world’s problems and radical right-winger “get rid of Obama and get right with (my) God” and it will solve the world’s problems rhetoric.
    Yep, the world is normal for a Monday morning.

  9. Is it true that last night on Sixty Minutes Trump and his monkey on a leash failed to invoke any specific plan to meet their promises to make America great again, or even “safe again”? x/wp/2016/07/18/donald-trump-is-way-more-humble-than-you-could-possibly-understand/?postshare=6681468853994785&tid=ss_fb

  10. coyote

    No other passage in the US Constitution is as hotly debated as the Second Amendment. In full, this controversial sentence reads:

    “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

    What the Second Amendment does not do is grant any drunken asshole the right to stagger into a gun shop and buy an assault rifle without a single background check. In 1939, the Supreme Court even ruled that “The Second Amendment must be interpreted and applied with the view of its purpose of rendering effective Militia”

    The Supreme Court has extended that to cover self-defense in the home, something else that doesn’t require a high-capacity magazine and the ability to kill everything within a three block radius. There’s no constitutional “right” to carry a concealed weapon, no “right” to use armor-piercing bullets, just the right to defend yourself against intruders.

    Of course, we could just as easily go in the opposite direction. If everyone was armed, no mass shooter would stand a chance, right? Not exactly. When the numbers have been crunched we find that successful interventions by armed civilians had occurred in only 1.6 percent of all mass shootings since 1980. In other words, it happened a single time in thirty years. You might be an ace down the range, but when you’re in the middle of utter carnage, it’s another thing altogether.

    I can prove this in the last couple months easy. The cop in Orlando was there when the mass murder began, and he could not do a damn thing to help what happened. The mass murder of cops in Dallas had hundreds of cops, all trained in firearms and combat, and the shooter was able to kill five cops with ease. There were dozen of Second Amendment nuts walking around with handguns and long-guns, and they did not help in ANY way!

    I’m also pretty sick (and tired) of dealing with the cliche of “If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have them” far too many times. I’m not arguing that we should outlaw guns. I’m saying we should erect legal barriers that make it more difficult for individuals with a higher propensity for violence, such as convicted felons or the mentally ill, to obtain guns.

    Look at the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). It was enacted in 1994 and established, among other things, a centralized database of individuals who are federally prohibited from buying guns , convicted felons, domestic abusers, and fugitives. It’s one of the most significant gun control laws in American history, and since it was put into place, 2.1 million outlaws have been blocked from purchasing guns. So really, gun control is assisting in making a difference.

    It is almnost universally shown in studies that gun laws reduce violence. In the United States, the South consistently has more deaths by assault than any other region. It also has the most lenient gun control laws. A Harvard study showed that between 2007 and 2010, states with fewer gun control laws had higher gun-related mortality rates than states with stricter gun control. Another study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association confirmed that finding. An analysis of other studies, also from Harvard, showed that higher gun ownership rates was correlated with higher homicide rates, both within the U.S. and amongst different high-income countries.

    What’s indisputable is that the amount of gun-related deaths in America, which has the highest rate of private gun ownership in the world, is appalling. On average, there is a mass shooting every day in America. Around 12,000 people in America were killed by guns every year, or over 30 people per day, and in the year after the Newtown massacre, over 200 children have been shot to death. The average age of those child victims was six years old. On the whole, America has more firearm homicides per capita than anywhere else on the planet.

    That sounds pretty damn unsafe to me!

    • I hope your home is never broken into when you are asleep and three armed thugs kick in your front door in the middle of the night. You will figure out pretty fast that three guys on meth or angle dust takes more than a couple hits to stop them from getting to you and your family.

    • Was there a sale on cherries at Wal*Mart, because you seem to have a lot of cherry picked statistics in your dissertation.

      BUt then I thought that was sure a lot of information and typing for one post, so I used a little trick of mine and copied some phrases from your post to my search engine to see if it matched anything. Sure enough, I found your arguments almost word by word in this article. http://listverse.com/2013/04/21/10-arguments-for-gun-control/

      So in all fairness I will post this article in response. It’s my apple to your cherries per say. It was given in response to the article which appears to be where you gleaned your arguments. Pay particular attention to #4.

  11. The best militia is the United States armed forces with great leadership. If the day ever comes when a rouge president give the military an order to fire on Americans who are not being violent, I expect they will ignore the order and effectively neutralize the rogue president.

    That said, if the police ambushes do not cease, I fully expect to see curfews and a quasi martial law instituted in the near future. Today the protesters and the very few who use their peaceful assemblies as opportunities to ambush police are shall we say a JV team.

    ISIS which was a JV team 3-4 years ago, should have taught us not to allow such things to proceed without opposition. We cannot allow such a cancerous violent culture to metasticize within our borders.

    • Kind of like the Kent State massacre? No heads rolled for the right wing debacle.

      • Kind of, except things are way beyond that already. I was in the 8th grade when that happened. I wrote “remember Kent State” on a book cover and was forced to take it off. That did seem to end the protests back then.

        I lived near LA during the Rodney King riots. What is going on today seems more like that that the 60s war protests on a wider and more focused scale.

        I also remember what happened in LA when a street mob headed to burn down Koreatown. Little did they know that the Koreans were armed to,the teeth. When the streets in front of the would be arsonists got sprayed with machine gun fire from the Koreans, they turned around and went back home. That was a very effective use of private gun ownership because that whole part of town would have been torched without them. I always admired the Koreans for not shooting any people. Opposing the mob with overwhelming force worked. The next day Edward James Olmos took to the street with a broom and the riots ended.

  12. Does anybody else have a problem with the $50 million worth of gear given to Cleveland for this convention? And yes, I have just as much of a problem with the amount that Philly will get for the same purpose.

  13. Is it true that the Secretary of the Republican party is literally in hiding to keep from accepting the petitions to bring a roll call vote to the floor and unbind delegates? Is it true that if the delegates are unbound that Toxic Trump will not have the votes to gain the nomination on the first ballot? That the Rumpster took time last night to congratulate himself on “crushing” the #Never Trump movement? This is getting good! The nomination depends on an adult game of hide-and-seek.

    • It is true and it’s also true that Bad Dye Job Manafort is saying, maybe accurately, that the petition to flush the clown probably isn’t going anywhere anyway so why the hide & seek? I understand this is pretty much unprecedented. It is showing the disunity of a party highly embarrassed by the candidate their primary voters chose and a lot of nervous Trumpeteers. The Republican governor of Ohio isn’t even showing up at the convention in his state. No Bushes, no Romneys. Just Melania and a shitpot full of other assorted Trumps.

      Rump and Pence did a pretty good Edgar Bergen/Charlie McCarthy skit last night. Rump did everything but put his tiny effete had in Pence’s back to control his futile efforts to smile. He answered many of the questions directed at his bigoted running mate with that rictal grin that told Pence to keep quiet or he’d trade him in for his fellow gasbag Newt.

      • It looks like the delegates that are peeved about the treatment the #Never Trumpers got, and may just refuse to nominate Pence in order to get even.

      • JOEBIDEN:
        You are NAIVE. They DID succeed. The Trump Convention’s story line has changed….

        ……the Cruz faction demanded a roll call vote, and while they weren’t successful
        …….they have SEIZED the headline from Trump.

        Even Fox News opened their news tonight discussing the unity problems at the RNC Convention.
        It is clear Trump wants the GOP to back him, it’s why he chose Pence as VP.
        But they don’t like the dangerous fool Joe.

    • …..please, someone put some coins in Pressanykey’s cup. The guy needs help.

      Things suck for Trump PAK. You’re desperately trying to put lipstick on the pig, but the VP announcement and the RNC Convention are supposed to be HIGH points!! It looks like a train wreck….

      • Hey Becker/Wayne, what happened to your buddies at the convention? Looks like they went down in flames. All that is left for you now is to join up with ghost and vote for Hillary. Evidently the clout you establishment boys have locally does not translate to the national stage. Hopefully Trump can do a little house cleaning after he is elected, and even Evansville can move forward for a change.

        • You are NAIVE PressAK. They DID succeed.
          The Trump Convention’s story line has changed….
          ……the Cruz faction demanded a roll call vote, and while they weren’t successful
          …….they have SEIZED the headline from Trump.

          Even Fox News opened their news tonight discussing the unity problems at the RNC Convention.
          It is clear Trump wants the GOP to back him, it’s why he chose Pence as VP.
          But they don’t like the dangerous fool Press.
          Your guy……..he’s having problems.

          (News Tip: the naked model and potential first lady is the headlining speaker at the Trump Convention tonight!!”)

          • Gary Johnson, Libertarian is at 11% now.
            4% points more?
            The Libertarian Candidate is ON the Debate Stage as a true conservative alternative to fake Trump.

      • Thanks for calling attention to this article, Laura. Not hard to imagine that this happened but amazing none the less. Trump is a true self-centered jerk to put it very mildly.

    • So, Press what say you to the convention erupting in chaos? When your guy can’t even run an orderly convention, how do you expect him to be a “law and order” president? It is going to be funny if they refuse to nominate Pence.

  14. His “surge” still leaves him trailing but within the margin of error. I guess you have to grasp at any straw that blows by. You will probably see him “surge” even more this week, but after that I doubt he will see very much out of him after that.
    The truth is that fewer than half the voters in the primary went for Trump, and he needs 90% of them if he’s going to win in the general.

  15. The NRA cares more about selling military weapons than they do protecting Law Enforcement Officers.
    “Law and Order” candidate my ass. You’re SELLING OUT COPS.
    So much for supporting Cops. That’s BULLSH–.

    • Don that is simply not true. Why do you continue to say such outlandish things? The NRA has many policemen as it’s members and they will defend the NRA all day long. Just because one believes in the 2nd amendment doesn’t make them anti police. In fact more NRA people support the Police that you think. No one is selling out the Police when the fight for their Constitutional Rights. It’s a right given to us by the 1nd amendment.

      Don do you know care about the bill of rights?

      And again the AR15 is not a military rifle. It’s not issued to the US Army or Navy or the Marines. They get M16’s or M4’s. Please lean more about the arms that you like to argue about. Please educate yourself on the subject and stop calling the AR15 and assault rifle. Assault rifles are fully automatic or have a full auto capability and the AR15 does NOT have that capability. It’s not a military rifle it’s name is a modern day sporting rifle. It’s used for hunting wild boar and other game and for personal and home defense.

      If the government ever breaks down and fails to protect your family you would be wise to have one in your house to protect yourself and your family. You should borrow one and learn how to use it at the rifle range some times. I think that Uncle Rudy’s may rent one to use at their range next to tri state racket club.

      • I’ve been using guns since I was 6 years old, and I have forgotten more about guns than you know.
        And I know, and I know all cops know…..AR15’s are military style weapons. They kill fully armed Cops effortlessly. One man killed five Cops with an SKS Soviet made semi-automatic carbine, a gun created for military use. The SKS and the AR15 are military weapons on the streets of the US, and Cops should not have to face that kind of overwhelming firepower.
        This “protect my right to own military weapons” crap narrative from you……..is just you saying you don’t care about protecting Cops.
        That point has been clearly established Coyote.

  16. My last post didn’t get published and I got a message saying that I was banned for spamming or something to that effect. So this is just a test to see if I can still post in the CCO.

    • Well after I proved I was not a computer spammer I guess my post went though. Too bad my post before that didn’t make it though to spam blocker. Does everyone have to prove they are not a computer spammer or are certain people allowed to post in here while other’s with different opinions are blocked?

        • Well something has changed for me in the last hours. Like I said I was able to post freely the last month or so and not all of a sudden my access to this site is denied unless I give my email address each time and request to keep posting and also solve a new math problem each time. something must have changed. Hope that the site adm can fix this for me so that I can post more easily.

          • What are you auditioning for the straight man here Coyote?
            (“…..well, we all want you to ‘post more easily’ real bad C-man.)

  17. Trump is worried.

    He had to come in to the Convention on the FIRST night…..to try and get it back on track.
    He’s not nominated until the end…
    Possibly the only potential first lady who has posed nude.
    The Porn First Lady – Donald Trump’s (3rd) Wife.
    Yep…..she’s the Keynote Speaker tonight. PRESSANYKEY is so proud of his Convention. (clap, clap..)

      • This is actual news tonight:
        LIBERTARIAN GARY JOHNSON is up to 13% in national polls!!!

        2% more……and Gary Johnson, True Conservative, will be on the Presidential Debate Stage with fake Trump.
        Gonna happen PressAK.
        We got trouble. Right here in River City. With a capital T and ends with P…..and it’s called:

        • Take Alka-Seltzer Pressanykey.
          The Libertarian Candidate is take away Trump Republican votes like candy.

        • So the pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, anti religious freedom, and pro illegal immigration candidate is conservative?


    Newcomer to the area Ghost of Tom Joad ll has been elected the 45th police chief of Cleveland, Ohio on the promise that any officer not calling in with pink eye at least once a week will be fired.

    al sharpie fell off the train he was riding and had his head severed but was still going to be able to vote at the convention because it wasn’t that big of deal.

    And after 3 hours of trying to get into his room trying to Pressanykey he could find, drunk ass Becker finally found the right key and is snoring like Chris Christie in the fetal position.


    • Fine reportage but you missed an important side story. When they cranked cranky old Bob Dole up he reflexively dropped some of that Viagra he used to hawk on TV. Joni Ernst perked up quicker than he did and went after him with a switchblade. Bysitters said he apparently escaped on a pogo stick. These are tough people, folks with the bark on.

      • Senator Dole must take Viagra in order to eat his cereal in the morning Bandana,

        It has nothing to do with getting it on with Elizabeth.

        Republicans don’t screw their own, just us….

  19. BREAKING NEWS: Mike Pence SMILED during Melania Trump’s speech! It was a far-away, dreamy little smile. He must have been thinking about her naked.

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