IS IT TRUE JULY 15, 2016


IS IT TRUE that Donald Trump has postponed the announcement of Mike Pence as his running mate, ostensibly due to the events in Nice France? … That Trump also denies that a “final, final decision” has been made about who is his VP candidate? … That noon today is the deadline for Pence to withdraw from the gubernatorial race, although the governor is currently in NYC?

IS IT TRUE we stick by our July 11, 2016 post that Donald Trump will announce that Governor Pence will be his running mate?

IS IT TRUE don’t be surprised to hear that State Auditor Suzanne Crouch may be a candidate for Lieutenant Governor if the right people approach her? ..Suzanne is not only one hell of a campaigner but also one heck of a fundraiser?  … we highly recommend that the good folks in the mainstream media pay special attention to political activities of State Auditor Suzanne Crouch over the next several days?

IS IT TRUE that Mitch Daniels will not answer his Party’s call to run for governor? … that it is also true that another front-runner to fill Pence’s slot, Brian Bosma, has also removed his name from consideration?  …we hear that Mayor Winnecke has been quietly talking around to see if he has enough support to make a run for Governor?

IS IT TRUE that yesterday the City-County Observer posted its first “Breaking News” story furnished to us by Channel 44? … that we look forward to sharing more “Breaking News”  from Channel 44  with our readers?

IS IT TRUE Evansville will be switching up its disinfectant used in treating city water? …Evansville will be using Free Chlorine rather than Chloramine?  …that Free Chlorine is a slightly stronger disinfectant than Chloramine, and it is used to remove more resistant bacteria and viruses that may be found in the water distribution system?

IS IT TRUE that two Evansville apartment complexes have been named in aa alleged complaint of housing discrimination?  …the complaint against AMP Residential a company based out of Indianapolis?   …Its alleged to the have discriminated against families at 20 properties?  …its alleged that the two apartment complexes located in Evansville are Addison Place and North Park Apartments?

FOOTNOTE:  Todays “READERS POLL” question is  Who would you support for Governor?


  1. It didn’t take Scrunchface Gingrich long to find a microphone this morning to do his tough talking. He hasn’t given up yet. Most sane Republicans have let it be known they wouldn’t run with Trump under any circumstance. Gingrich saw a glimmer of light with the Nice atrocity and Trump holding off on naming Pence. That guy is like rust, he never sleeps.

    • Gingrich is showing that he’ll do anything to keep the Chumps stirred up for Trump, and it may be enough to get a last minute switch. It isn’t outside the realm of possibility that Pence will withdraw from the Indiana race and Trump will leave him at the altar. I do not believe that the Trump children are on board with the Sanctimonious Scowler.

      • Remember the CCO reader poll was 60% favorable on a Trump/Pence ticket. If you are like me and Trump wasn’t your first or second round draft pick, just think who is more likely to appoint Obama to a lifetime term on the Supreme Court to further radically transform America. Now its easy, vote Republican. If not for you, then do it for your kids and grand-kids.

        • Can we be clear about something?
          Voting for Trump is NOT “voting Republican” JoeBiden.

          Trump is unstable, dangerous and a fool, all successful qualities needed in a reality TV star. He changes his mind so often….hell, he’s ready today to change his mind on Pence!!……that anything you expect him to do (like appoint conservative SCOTUS, or deport Mexican immigrants) is likely to be adjusted with “Well, I’ve talked to my people about this, and they think we can work on making all of these hard-working Mexican families here into excellent, productive US citizens…its just good business.” He’s gonna appoint TOTAL moderates to SCOTUS. Ivanka, his closest advisor and really the only one he trusts, will never allow anyone else.

          You’re being exploited JoeB.

  2. Orangie has shown what he really thinks of Pence, leaving him twisting out there with his deadline looming today. Trump is so self absorbed it’s almost comical. He knows he’s not up to the job but his attempts to scuttle his candidacy all fail. Must be frustrating for him but his supporters like it. He’ll probably go on and announce Pence this morning, won’t he? Sure he will…

    In the meantime Gingrich looks for another microphone and another wife while Ryan sharpens his knives. The best Christie can do, which isn’t enough, is to keep saying he’ll do anything Trump asks. Pitiful. That bullying slob has given new girth to being an obsequious ass kisser.

    • It must be exhausting to be you, having to dig for conspiracy theories and other stupidity in order to make support of a Trump candidacy appear to be anything other than it is. Trying to make a racist, constitutionally ignorant candidate look like a reasonable choice is a really heavy lift.

      • Laura you must be the most naive person in the universe if you do not believe they pulled the plug on her. No, you are just totally in the tank for the female candidate.

    • That is a good, factual even-handed article.

      Rump just let Pence off the hook. Said he was the choice, let him quit twisting in the wind. Good riddance to Pence, he saw it coming to an end at the hands of Gregg anyway. The Rump/Pence ticket is symptomatic of the sometimes aberrancy of American politics. No rational or reasonable person would run with the Buffoon.

      Looks like Rand Paul is the latest to announce he’s skipping the Trump Fest in Cleveland. All those people like the Bushes who are boycotting it will speak louder than the foolish Orange GasBag, even if he quickly attains full spew.

      They’ll study the Rump Phenomena in political science classes for years. That’ll have to do ’em. There will be no Trump presidency to dissect.

      • Pence wanted the hell OUT of Indiana. I doubt he expects to be VP, but he can get big bucks on the speaking circuit and can move back to DC.

        • Winnecke on the other hand can’t afford to leave Evansville. It’s his oyster. Says he’s not interested in being governor. Says ‘I am proud of the shining example Evansville has become for our great state…’.

          This shining example can’t scrape up enough funds through strong arming favored contractors or the old account switcheroo to raze those roasted buildings downtown.

        • Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence can and will do much better than crooked clonton, no telling how many people she would put on the clonton body count,,, specially if she chose that lizabeth warring liar

  3. Looks like the Indiana Chamber of Commerce will be busy with this “shake up” of their puppets!

  4. At least Mop Head was mindful of the national debt while making his pick.

    He probably realized the extra jet fuel hauling Golden Corral Christie around on Air Force 2 would have been astronomical.

    Now there’s a true conservative for you….

    • Not a Christie fan either. His state is among the bottom dwellers on the fiscal responsibility list. Not so for Mike Pence.

      • Not a fan of Pence either. But here’s my pro&con;

        Pence’s Medicaid expansion should be the model for the country. – Brilliant. But of course without ObamaCare, that expansion would not have been possible.

        Mitch Daniels was the first Governor to sign on to Common Core. Common Core was created by a variety of different opinions from people in the educational field from PTA members to school teachers, administrators etc., but was born in the States with the federal government staying out of it.

        Everything was fine until Obama signed on to it. Then a part of Pence’s base threw a fit and a bad spell. So to appease these cry babies, Pence changed a few words in it and low and behold, it was just enough to cost the Indiana tax payers millions of dollars you might just as well have thrown out into a ditch.

        Just how many millions that was wasted I can’t find out. But don’t think I haven’t tried. Anyway, when I was a kid if I put food on my plate I damn sure better eat it. All. So I guess that’s the reason I can’t stand waste. Especially for political reasons.

        Shut er Down Pence didn’t impress me back in Washington either because that amounts to waste.

        But from what I could find out about the waste in Common Core dollars, it amounted to anywhere from $3 million to $125 million just to change a few words.

        If that’s being fiscally conservative then I must be al sharpie’s English teacher….

        • With Pence as Veep, and Gingrich as chief political advisor, who, BTW orchestrated the last “balanced budget” this country has seen, there is at least the possibility that the country can get its fiscal feet back on the right path.

          • It is my opinion that the main threat this country faces is our national debt.

            Looking at how we don’t have the money to fix our infrastructure properly now, then considering interest rates rising and sucking more resources away by adding on to the debt scares me.

            And which is the reason I was willing to break my voting pattern and vote for Kasich. He actually proved, (instead of believe me, trust me like Mop Head), that he could get a handle on the budget because he had accomplished it before.

            My main worry would switch to nuclear weapons if Trump is elected because he is truly a mental midget when it comes to the world stage.

            “If Saudi Arabia wants nuclear weapons in order to defend themselves, then they should have them” – Trump

            That is the most dangerous statement I’ve ever heard anyone running for president make in my entire life and even though you can’t take a single word Trump says as the truth, I’m still not chancing it.

            F___ Trump….

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