IS IT TRUE June 14, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE June 14, 2012

IS IT TRUE there is a legal ad in today’s Courier and Press that discloses the city council will hold a public hearing on June 25 to discuss additional appropriations in excess of the budget for 2012?…the excess amounts include $1M for the general fund, $1M for parks, $2M from county option income tax, and $1M from riverboat?…thus makes the City County Observer wonder about the budget process of the past administration but also piques our interests about the spending habits of the current administration?…it is only June and $5 Million is being discussed that would cause adjustments to the budget that Mayor Winnecke inherited from Mayor Weinzapfel?

IS IT TRUE that Mayor Winnecke is having his 52nd birthday party on Saturday night the 16th of June at the Mesker Park Zoo?…this milestone is a fundraiser for Mayor Winnecke being held on City of Evansville property that is being hosted by a multitude of local movers and shakers?

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville received a favorable credit rating on some parks bonds that is enabling the refinance of some old debt?…the savings over the next 10 years from this positive move will amount to about $800,000?…while saving $800,000 is a frugal and A+ step on the part of the Winnecke Administration and Controller Russ Lloyd Jr. this should not be a license to go out and spend $800,000 on frivolous things?…these savings and other saving opportunities should be used to establish a fund to start the work on the combined sewer overflow problem that the EPA is still breathing down the City of Evansville’s neck to correct?…the responsible thing right now is for all found money to go toward these repairs which are needed to get Evansville back from the brink of being a 3rd World City?

IS IT TRUE that we are pleased to see that the old Hilliard and Lyons Building seems to be reopened?…that we are wondering however what is going on with the McCurdy Hotel project as the Vanderburgh County Assessor’s website still shows that it is owned by City Centre Properties and that two tax installments are now overdue and penalties have been assessed?…the windows are still open, the grass is beginning to grow, and the bats, pigeons, rats, and snakes are taking over for another summer of jungle life?…that Mayor Weinzapfel’s beanstalk even looks to be making a comeback?…if old buildings like this are to be returned to any functional usefulness that time is of the essence?…the longer the McCurdy sits there in an abandoned state that the more expensive the eventual repair bill will be and the less likely the prospects for a full refurbishment become.

IS IT TRUE that there is a pretty clever description of the state of today’s economy in a column authored by Edward Lazear?…he compares the economy of the last several years to a baseball game in which two pitchers named Bush and Obama have occupied the pitcher’s mound?…that President Bush was pulled from the game after only a few innings after giving up 4 runs largely due to pitching mistakes?…that the manager (the American people) handed the ball to President Obama who vigorously took the mound and threw his best pitches?…that President Obama got knocked out of the park and has given up 5 runs in 3 innings and is now under management scrutiny?…at a conference on the mound that President Obama told the manager the only reason he has pitched so poorly is because that Bush fellow had him in a 4 run hole when he started pitching?…the manager is now faced with the decision of whether or not to change pitchers again as there are only a few innings left in this game?…it seems as though we need both better pitching and some decent batting to get out of the jam we are in?


  1. “President Obama told the manager the only reason he has pitched so poorly is because that Bush fellow had him in a 4 run hole when he started pitching”

    This in no way excuses Obama for his lousy pitching, but I don’t think this part of the analogy is correct. I think it would be more accurate to say that Bush left the game with the bases loaded, no outs, and a host of dangerous batters on deck.

    • As owner of the team, G.W. Bush seems reluctant to give his pitching staff the sure sign to send Romney in as a relief pitcher. G-Dub’s signals, flashed from the elevator as the doors quickly closed, were weak, mixed, and unclear.

      Maybe Daddy Bush and the Gang prefer the current pitcher to go to the bottom of the 8th before they send Brother JEB in to close the game in 2016.

  2. A responsible news organization would report the amount of the underwriter’s fee paid on the refinancing transaction as well as identify the law firms involved and the respective excessive fees.

    • So when will the first edition of your newspaper be available for sale?

      Put up or shut up.

  3. “If your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall”

    And Lord knows how little “upkeep” has taken place in city government over the last eight years.

  4. The Historic McCurdy Hotel stands as a sad and rotting river-front Memorial to the former administration and their clueless ERC. Not even able to close windows? Simply pathetic.

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