“Honoring Community” Ceremony At The Garvin Fountain


What: A ceremony, celebrating the Garvin Park Fountain and the many individuals, groups and businesses who, through their generous contributions, enabled the re-vitalization of this historic community landmark and memorial.

Where: The Garvin Park Fountain at Garvin Park, Evansville, Indiana.

When: June 19, 2012 from 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Who: Keep Evansville Beautiful. All are invited to attend this free event. Light refreshments will be served

Why: The Garvin Park Fountain, at the head of North Main Street, is the entry into historic and beautiful Garvin Park. The fountain was built through Kiwanis sponsorship in 1925 and it has remained to be a cherished landmark for generations of families and visitors. Renovations and restorations had been conducted in the 1930’s, the 1960’s and the late 1980’s. Through the generosity and the pride of the people of Evansville, a major renovation was completed in 2011 and “we turned it on” again!

Cherish the past and push onward!


  1. WOW! This group has done a complete turn around since Musgrave has taken over. I wish I could make it…Way to go KEB!

    • They still do…their budget has expanded. They get a lot of money from Toyota and Vectren.

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