“IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Friday.

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    • Poor ole Alberto. After-the-fact quasi-legal (I’m running out of hyphens) justifications for Cheney’s war crimes. Floated as a Supreme and quickly withdrawn. A complete lightweight.

      He finally low motored a half step away from being impeached. Couldn’t get a job after he ran from office. I think Texas Tech finally hired him and he licensed his tainted name to a few law firms (Alberto: ‘Of Counsel’). I’m sure he did some collections and personal injury, chasing the ambulances on foot. They oughta waterboard the filthy little greaser everytime they see him.

      • So Laura do you think Allen West should have asked him politely and offered him donut bank coffee and maybe a couple donuts , then maybe he would of cracked and told him their plan on how they were gonna kill him
        Why do ya think they say War is Hell

        • No, but I believe he should have followed military law. He is a disgrace to America and to the fools of Florida who elected him to one term and then kicked him out.

      • LKB, Lt. Col. West should have received a medal for what he did. This liberal idea of fighting a war in a politically correct manner is a national security disaster. Kudos to Congressman West.

    • You’re 100% right. I’m waiting for somebody to sink so low as to try to defend this murderer.

          • Well, look who’s being prickly.
            The Minnesota shooting? Out and out execution. That cop will be going away for a long, long time and he won’t last long in the pokey.
            The Baton Rouge shooting. Too much info missing. Let’s wait until ALL of the evidence is presented before it’s called a race based shooting.

    • People with Ghost’s leftist talking points shot 2 officers in Dallas. Unfortunately, I fear this is the start of manufactured social unrest. Pray for the officers and that I am wrong.

  1. Sorry folks. Fishing in N. Minnesota. N. Pike, walleye, lake/brown trout, lots of crappie and smallies. 2-3# smallmouth are considered throwback average here. Going to a muskie lake Friday. Man, nothing else matters when you fish. A fisherman knows what I’m talking about.

    Off the grid…but I see Hillary is not indicted. No surprise. Mistake but not a crime. GOP and DEM State department people mishandle emails, they have been frustrating the Homeland Security techs since email was invented. The Security folks want to eliminate email, but you can’t do any job at State unless you send emails….Colin Powell, Hillary Clinton, Condi Rice….ALL of them mishandled emails in some form according to the Security tech people.

    Ok Press and JoeBiden….the game is over on the indictment thing.
    Spend the next 120 days talking about “how we got robbed in that game we lost.”
    Got nothing else….AND you’re saddled with a worse candidate than Hillary – Trump. I swear. I NEVER have seen someone other than Clinton’s campaign staff more competent at taking a bad Hillary Clinton headline off the front page……like Donald Trump can……..by talking about Sadaam Hussien or Trump University or “the Jews.”
    This guy. He’s a disaster.

  2. ol becker needs to get back in the wilderness….because he is without a doubt a ball lost in high weeds……….Trump…………….2016😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇

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