Jehovah Witnesses Convention Coming to Ford Center


Date: June 11, 2012
Release Date: Immediate
Subject: Jehovah’s Witness Conference
Contact: Bob Warren/Laura Libs @Evansville CVB 812-421-2200



EVANSVILLE IN. – For their ninth annual conferences in Evansville, the Jehovah’s Witness District Convention will be held at the Ford Center in downtown Evansville. This year, the two weekend conferences are scheduled June 15-17 and June 22-24. Organizers are looking forward to holding their event in the new downtown arena which opened in November of 2011. The Evansville Convention & Visitors Bureau is proud to work with this group – our largest religious conference hosted in Evansville each year.

Due to the change to the downtown venue, the Evansville Convention & Visitors Bureau includes a heads-up to the downtown district in our message informing local businesses and restaurants to expect 4,500 attendees on each of these weekends. They continue to select Evansville as the site of their annual conference because of our quality facilities and hotels but, mostly, because they enjoy the warmth and friendliness they experience in our community. They travel here from Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky and Tennessee. They fill our hotels, restaurants, attractions and stores generating over $2.9 million in direct expenditures for Evansville and Vanderburgh County. Since this group first chose Evansville in 2004 as the site for their summer conferences, they have contributed more than $30 million to the local economy.

The public is invited to attend their services which are free and open to everyone. Sessions at the Ford Center begin on Friday, June 15 through Sunday, June 17, and on Friday, June 22 through Sunday, June 24, 2012.
The schedule is:

Morning sessions begin at 9:20AM.
Break for lunch at 12PM.
Afternoon sessions begin at 1:50PM on Fridays, 1:35PM on Saturdays, 1:25PM on Sundays.
Sessions conclude at 4:30PM on Fridays and Saturdays and at 4PM on Sundays.

The theme of the convention this year is “Safeguard Your Heart” to study and note the Bible’s message to protect one’s figurative heart in order to enhance the quality of life now and in the future. Music and prayer services will be the focus on Fridays and Saturdays with baptism ceremonies and the Bible Drama highlighted on Sundays. Throughout the continental United States, there will be 385 conventions in 103 cities this year. Worldwide, there are over 7.6 million Witnesses in more than 109,000 congregations.

For information on the conference or to obtain a press pass, call Larry Messina at 812-989-2043. For other information or assistance, call Bob Warren at 812-421-2200 or Laura Libs at 812-449-5560.


  1. Is it true that on the Friday meetings they will park at Robert’s stadium and take buses to the Ford Center because the Civic Center parking lot will be full?

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