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      • The State Department, of Obama’s most transparent Administration in history, admitted Wednesday that a 2013 press briefing video was purposefully altered to remove a portion of a discussion about the Iran nuclear talks, after an unknown State Department official asked that it be edited out. The missing video clip was revealed more than three weeks ago, and it involves then-spokeswoman Jen Psaki, who was asked in 2013 whether officials ever lie to the public to protect national security interests. Psaki seemed to indicate that this does happen. “James, I think there are times where diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress. This is a good example of that,” Psaki replied to Fox News reporter James Rosen.


    • You shouldn’t be so easily influenced Joe, it’s not healthy.

      “Indeed, while vast throngs of Iranians greeted their government’s negotiators in a joyous welcome, the fanatical reactionaries in the Revolutionary Guard and the paramilitary Basij movement – which have violently repressed democratic currents in Iran – could barely control their outrage. Upon reading the terms, a Basij spokesman said last month, “We quickly realized that what we feared…had become a reality. If Iran agrees with this, our nuclear industry will be handcuffed for many years to come.”


      A little history Joe. When Iran offered to freeze their nuclear program at 163 centrifuges when the guy you voted for was in power, Natanyahu told Shrub NO, they must not have any. So Shrub said NO as instructed. So Iran said OK, then went on to develop 19,0000 centrifuges.

      We have all hydrogen bombs now Joe which are approximately 1,000 times more powerful than the ones we dropped on Japan. Iran’s facility at Arak was necessary to produce a hydrogen bomb and today it is filled with concrete and worthless. I guess about as worthless as you believe the deal was.

      Bottom line. All of Israel’s retired security experts believe the deal was in Israel’s best interest. Netanyahu has issued a gag order on present leaders warning them to keep their mouth shut.

      It’s little things like that that make it so easy to figure situations like this out if a person is actually concerned.

      If it’s only politics one’s interested in, they’ll never get to that point.

      They’ll get cut off at the pass by Breitbart….

      • Libtard Trump lies so much he makes Hillary look like the Mother Teresa of truth tommy.


        I watched this libtard at the first press conference I saw kick loud mouth interrupting Jorge Ramos out of the room, (and rightfully so.) When asked who he had kicked out, he said “I have no idea who he was. He hadn’t been called on and was being disruptive.” Then asked who it was he had kick Ramos out, Trump said, “I don’t know who security was that got him out of here.”

        5 minutes later tommy, he admitted he was suing Univision for $500 million dollars of which Jorge Ramos is their main anchor and the security guy I believe even sleeps with him because he never leaves his side.

        Right then I thought, aw aw, I can see I’m not going to be able to support this guy, but I bet my ole buddy tommyromo finally found his Messiah.

        Right again wasn’t I tommy?….

        • By the way tommy, you stole the salt to a slug from me from another thread the other day.

          Quit doing that or it’s going to piss me off….

  1. I saw a video Ben Shoulders has out about how Vanderburgh County is growing and how he has worked with the Chamber to make this an area that is attractive to employers.
    That is Silver Spoon Syndrome at its worst. He thinks his reality is the only reality. No, little buddy, Vanderburgh County isn’t growing. Warrick and Gibson are, though. Those jobs that you and the Chamber are creating are retail, not manufacturing. In other words, low paid and dead end. You are one screwed up fake Democrat, Dude.

  2. Maybe he misspoke. Maybe he meant the concrete heaven being created along North Main. Check the name on that masterpiece of urban renewal and significance. Might sound familiar and familial.

  3. Interesting story in today’s Indy star about the City of Carmel’s municipal banking change. Familiar names found there. Interesting issues raised. But, hey, why would any reporters check on this, they ignore issues closer to home.

    • Brainard (the 6 term mayor) felt the bidding process was open and transparent.
      “I was pleased to see a bank owned by one of our partners that has put so much into the city was the best deal for our taxpayers,” he said. ”
      Although Pedcor owns United Fidelity, the bank is based in Evansville and has its own management structure. United Fidelity President and Chief Executive Officer Donald Neel and Senior VIce President Kristi Krack did not return phone messages for comment left at their offices in Evansville.
      United Fidelity provides  banking services for one other government: Posey County in southwest Indiana near Evansville, which gives the bank positive reviews.
      Pauley (the Carmel Clerk-Treasurer) said United Fidelity offered two services that put it above and beyond the other bids Carmel received.
      United Fidelity agreed to continue to provide the city’s lockbox service that residents use to drop off utility fees. While that may appear a minor matter, she said maintaining the lockbox at City Hall was important to many residents who have grown accustomed to using it to pay their bills. Some of the larger banks that applied, she said, could not provide the lockbox service.
      United Fidelity also offered to provide armored car service to transport funds collected from the Parks & Recreation Department, which will allow the city to save an additional $1,000 a month it pays to the armored service, Loomis.
      Huh? Despite their disclaimers, those would not seem legitimate reasons to switch banks. Neel and Krack’s unwillingness to return calls from the Star reporter should hoist the red flag even higher.

      Excerpts from the Indianapolis Star

  4. I see Bill Kristol hasn’t given up the third party, Never Trump dream. I have thought all along that Mittens is going to take another butt-kicking. The silver spoons do feel entitled, but I’d have to choose between Johnson and Romney.

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