Todays Question: What are your thoughts concerning the City settling the SWAT Team raid lawsuit?

FOOTNOTES: Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Friday?

Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Do you feel that GOP Chairman Wayne Parke should endorse any candidate in the Republican primary?

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  1. The City finally settled the flash-bang grenade lawsuit filed by the Milans. Hope the Milans have a very nice settlement for that fiasco.

    • They certainly earned it. Going through the terror of that unnecessary raid and watching the city twist and turn, going all the way to the Supreme Court before having that final door slammed in their face. The settlement is long overdue and when the amount comes out, which it will, remember where the money came from.

      • I don’t begrudge Ms. Milan the money but i would like to know the true cost of covering Chief Bolin’s butt. In the real world he would be fired for costing his employer this much money.

        • That’s how I see it, too. If they want to modernize Evansville, firing the incompetent department heads would help a lot and it wouldn’t cost the people a dime. I wish I knew what Bolin and Lloyd have on the mayor and his missus.

        • We had dinner at Plump’s Last Shot about a month ago. It was excellent, nice place with great food, but the high point was no doubt that Bobby was there being a seating host for the evening. He said every year around State tournament time he gets the calls to talk about Milan.
          Really cool. A living legend.

    • I hope Mrs. Milan was well-compensated for the way the local “keystone cops” mistreated her and her granddaughter. The biggest problem I see here is that we still have the same incompetent leadership at EPD. Without a change there, it is just a matter of time until another Milan incident or something much worse happens.

  2. Seems the City is cutting money now for the Zoo funds. Are they trying to let it go downhill as well so it can be closed and those monies be used for other interests??? Why is there no interest in trying to maintain what treasures we have and yes, the Amphiteater is one of them also, but reality is, it should have a roof cover like the Lincoln Outdoor Amphiteater has so it can also have use in inclement weather. Seem they have money for dog parks and a walk bridge over the expressway from “nowhere to nowhere”, among other things.

  3. Update:

    Sean Selby won the GOP caucus to run for County Commissioner

    Parke is 3 for 3. Talk about the kiss of death

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