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    What regular CCO Poster known for castigating and demeaning all who disagree with him and his pompous Christian conservative social values suddenly abandoned all of his proclamations of the same and embraced the pro-gay marriage, pro-transgender equal access and pro-Planned Parenthood Donald Trump for President?
    (Hint: there are some here who have noticed this sudden and sleazy abandonment of his values and character and compare it to a holier-than-thou man who, married for 45 years, suddenly leaves his marriage and starts sleeping with prostitutes.)
    Any guesses on this trivia question….?
    And the answer is _______________________________ ?

    • Is there a prize being offered? I don’t want to say anything about IE, unless there’s something in it for me.

      • I-E is a reluctant voter, maintains his character and dignity, and I don’t think he qualifies…as a Trump supporter. He will sit it out before he violates his personal principles. He has all of my respect, and I think his is fully intact.

      • There is the usual $0.02 per anti-Republican attack, Comrade Elkaybee.

        J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
        Maximum co-coordinator
        Organizing for Idiocy
        Evansville Cell

    • The purity of your anti-Christian hatred and resentment is always inspiring, Epsilon Becker. And, it is wonderful to see how Hillary’s rigid arrow on your yard sign has finally put some steel–well, OK, spaghetti–in that Twinkie-like structure in your back where most people have spines. There may be hope for you yet, Epsilon Becker, although…your defensiveness regarding the Clinton Crime Clan betrays impermissible weakness. The correct answer to all these right-wing observations of their criminality, given by Comrade Rodham Clinton herself, is “what difference does it make!?” Laws do not apply to our progressive leaders.

      J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
      Maximum co-coordinator
      Organizing for Idiocy
      Evansville Cell

      • ……J-Cod, just how low is your I.Q.?
        The WHOLE POINT of identifying the hypocrisy of Pressanykey in supporting Trump, is that PAK has abandoned his so-called Christian principles, his so-called conservative social values principles and is conveniently and suddenly backing pro-gay marriage, pro-transgender equality and pro-Planned Parenthood Donald Trump. You are clueless J-Cod.

        • Please, Epsilon Becker. When it comes to clues, I am Sherlock Holmes and you are Watson’s–Emma Watson, that is–goldfish.

          It is true that as part of the inbred, East Coast liberal elite, I do not have a high degree of natural intelligence–but then, because of my family’s wealth, influence, and my lockstep adherence to progressive Democratic ideology, I don’t need a high degree of intelligence. I have discovered that managing the dregs of the progressive cadres in locales such as Evansville requires very little thought. Now, is there not a dumpster or two in which you can scrounge? OFI informs me that your next paycheck may be delayed.

          J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
          Maximum co-coordinator
          Organizing for Idiocy
          Evansville Cell

    • …..WHAT IS THIS? “I can’t make an argument, as I am so damn embarrassed…so, I am reduced to posting links no-one clicks on.” Why not just wear a sheet on your head, Pressanykey?

      • Stop your whining and tell everyone who you are voting for. Come on whiner, man up.

        All In For Donald Trump!

        Never Hillary

        • …you don’t read anyone else’s posts Pressankey. Says a lot.
          I have seen LKB mention the same thing about you.
          So, again, I am voting Libertarian.

      • There is NO COMPARISON between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Hillary is a liar who has never accomplished a thing on her own. She prostitutes herself for cash to anyone willing to part with it, regardless of how despicable they might be.

          • (You forgot on your little chant:
            “….leading the cheer of the toothless, ignorant redneck savages!!!”

          • You guys are so predictable, you have no arrows in your quiver, so you resort to your perpetual fallback position of calling anyone who does not agree with your tripe as red necks and racists. You are pathetic.

    • ALBERTO:
      I agree, by the way. The hypocritical point and the fall from grace of Pressanykey has been firmly established. I love a hearty debate, and I fully respect disagreement….BUT I cannot stand, nor do I respect, convenient hypocrisy. Hell, he needs to just cop to the fact…conservative social values were never part of his fabric….he’s just a damn racist. (My opinion, but I have backed it up, exhaustively.)

      • You agree? Hell, ever since you arrived on this website EVERY day has been Don Becker day. Up at 6:00am and expounding your particular form of “wisdom” until you chase everyone except your posse away. If you think for a single minute that I would let you hound me from this website you must be the dumbest individual God ever made.

  2. This Presidential election is going to be a true test for the American people. We’re going to see what percentage of the voters are sane/insane, amoral/immoral/moral, ignorant/informed, patriotic/unpatriotic, not bright/intelligent.

      • He will definitely pull more voters to the Libertarian ticket. I’m no Libertarian, but those two men would keep the country in tact. I doubt that Hillary could, and am pretty sure Trump couldn’t.

    • LKB…we most certainly are. 6 more months of this.
      Lincoln was known for “moral courage” in the face of so much evil, racism and corruption…and he maintained his moral courage while making pragmatic decisions that held up to long-term scrutiny.
      We are in that time again…..and the racist exploiters are out and whipping it up wrapping themselves in the Flag.

      • Six more months of this? BS, Trump has it locked up already and you know it. Whine all you want, right up to the time reality bites you in the butt.

        • All in for Trump!

          Never Hillary.

          Don Becker is a childish whiner who will not even come clean about who he is backing in the presidential race.

    • If our progressive coalition of the insane, immoral, ignorant, unpatriotic, lazy, and envious turns out the way we did for our Maximum Leader Obama, either Bernie or Hillary will win, and we can continue with the transformation of this country into the New Venezuela, where the superiority of socialism is clearly displayed.

      J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
      Maximum co-coordinator
      Organizing for Idiocy
      Evansville Cell

        • Comrade Elkaybee, the undermining of this country requires a great deal of effort. In order to keep your benefits coming and maintain your indolent lifestyle, there are those of us in the progressive leadership who have taken the hard and entirely distasteful role of having to organize for several hours per week.

          J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
          Maximum co-coordinator
          Organizing for Idiocy
          Evansville Cell

  3. liberalism is without a doubt a mental disorder………..no matter how much big government gives them……..even telling them when to wipe their @ss…………………………..they still go to bed mad and wake up mad………………………………….poor poor souls………………………………..

    • I’ve always gotten more out of your posts reading between the lines instead of actually reading what you write tommy.

      If you wouldn’t mind doubling the amount of dots, I’m sure a lot more people will start seeing the genius of your posts as I do.

      Just like old times bro….

  4. Pressanykey:
    1. I open up at 5:45am, and w/ coffee look at the news including the CCO. It’s routine.
    2. I’ll lay off of you, not because you don’t deserve it, but because I’ve made my point: you’re not a Christian social conservative, you’re a racist. You’ve proven it by embracing Trump, who has no Christian social conservative values whatsoever. But he hates immigrants, and so do you, so your true side showed up. It was important to point out your “Christian values” were a farce…all this time.
    3. I noticed you’re not pointing out I am wrong about you….you’re just whining that you’ve been so clearly identified, and you holler at me and anyone else who won’t stop noticing you’re just another racist voter.
    4. Pressanykey: the convenient hypocrite. Sums it up.
    5. Back to the issues: I’m a capitalist, a libertarian who believes in equal opportunity based on ability who is pro-business and believes the government should stay out of people’s private lives and avoid getting involved in social issues and religion. At least I stand for something consistent. I won’t throw away my values to win an election either. To do so is disgusting, shallow and small-minded.

    • Frankly I could not care less about what you think about me or what you do. What ever made you think for a minute that I, or anyone else on here, would have to answer to your nonsensical rantings.

      As for Trump, that train has left the station, he WILL be the Republican nominee for President.

    • Epsilon Becker, I believe that you have once again veered off the path of logic and are embarrassing our progressive movement yet again. It is true that the Republican Trump has no conservative social values, but he has married two immigrants, after all. Your claim that he “hates immigrants” is of course illogical. Unfortunately, both of his immigrant wives went about the process legally.

      Now, I must admit that your claim to be a capitalist and a libertarian is amusing. Our former progressive mayor, Jonathan Weinzapfel, had no more faithful a sycophant than you. I remember well the copious tears you shed when he declined to run again.

      I must also remind you again that “libertarian” and “libertine” are two different things.

      J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
      Maximum co-coordinator
      Organizing for Idiocy
      Evansville Cell

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