IS IT TRUE MAY 20, 2016


IS IT TRUE we are extremely pleased to see that Dr. Sue Ellsperman has been selected as the next President of Ivy Tech Community College?   …Dr. Ellsperman is extremely qualified to run the 170,000 student post secondary education system?  …its time for Dr. Ellsperman stop the political and public relations games at IVY Tech Indiana?  …we expect her to quickly impermanent classes that will provide IVY TECH students with  the skills that help them become more employable?

IS IT TRUE one of first things she should do is to conduct an audit review of the hiring practices of adjunct instructors at IVY TECH?  …she should conduct a system wide review of drop out,  graduation and transfer rates of IVY TECH students transferring to other institutions of higher learning?  …its obvious that Dr. Ellsperman has her work cut out for her?  …we know that the first female President of IVY TECH shall show the “good ole boys” how to build a quality institution of higher learning?

IS IT TRUE that the Director of the Evansville DMD Kelly Coures is at it again? …he just created another bureaucratic night mare for the taxpayers?  …the name of his new bureaucratic night mare is called NoCoMakers District?  …Coures puppet Board (Evansville Redevelopment Commission) in 2014 purchased 6 vacant lots in a seedy part of town for a whooping $435,000 without any plans to develop them?  …two years later the DMD and ERC have decided to put out a Request For Proposal in order to help them to decide what to do with these vacant properties?  …we wonder if any business investor would spend $435,000 on property located in a seedy part of town without any idea of what they will use it for?  …if you disagree with this decision then you should attend the CORE sponsored “Community Roundtable” discussion of local issues to be held at 5:45 p.m. on Tuesday, May 24, in the meeting room at the North Park Library, 960 Koehler Drive?

IS IT TRUE yesterday Democratic members of the United States House of  Representatives shouted “Shame! Shame” when seven House Republicans switched their votes under pressure from House leaders that defeated a measure to protect gay rights?

IS IT TRUE that a former political candidate Henrietta Jenkins said she and others will make a public announcement this morning of demands aimed at curbing gun violence?  …the announcement will be at 11 a.m. at the Caldwell Life Center at Zion Baptist Church, 1800 S. Governor Street?

IS IT TRUE that Ms. Jenkins said “she will be joined by representatives from Mothers Against Senseless Killings, as well as Brothers Out Saving Souls, a faith-based group” at this announcement?…we have been told that Ms. Jenkins and her supporters “will call for a 30-day cease fire among gangs?  …Ms. Jenkins and her supporters will also demand that a change in the way the Evansville Police Department patrols center city neighborhoods.

IS IT TRUE that it looks like the old political guard of the 4th Ward has just been upstaged by Ms. Jenkins and her followers?  …we also hope that Ms Jenkins and her followers will attend the discussion that is to take place at the North Park Library at 5:45 on Tuesday, May 24th sponsored by CORE!

IS IT TRUE that Cheryl Musgrave spent about $17,000 on the solid defeat she handed to Winnecke-backed primary County Commissioner candidate Alex Schmitt? That we are told by reliable sources that Schmitt spent $60,000+ on his embarrassing loss? That the $40,000+ he reported in April did not include the massive spending on radio, TV, and newspaper ads?

IS IT TRUE some people at City Hall feel that the Jacobsville bar shoot-out that took place on Sunday morning would not have happened if the North Main bike lanes were already in place?  … the people of Jacobsville know that the crime problems will not disappear once they get their bike lanes on North Main?

IS IT TRUE “when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny! When the Government fear the people we have Liberty? ..could this be a good reason for you to attend the CORE sponsored “Community Roundtable” discussion of local issues to be held at 5:45 p.m. on Tuesday, May 24, in the meeting room at the North Park

FOOTNOTE: Today “READERS POLL” question is:  Do you think Henrietta Jenkins and others can work out a deal with gangs to stop gun violence?


  1. The $17 million bike “shopping cart” lanes on North Main is the dumbest City project in years, maybe ever.

  2. Editor highlighted “gay rights” today.
    Donald Trump is pro-gay rights. Donald Trump is pro-gay marriage. Donald Trump is pro-transgender equal rights and equal access. (…and for that matter, pro-Planned Parenthood)
    Pressanykey….?….the so-called Christian social conservative….sudden Donald Trump supporter.

    • Donald Trump on Civil Rights

      Promoted gender equality in a male-dominated industry. (Nov 2015)
      I’m “fine” with affirmative action, for now. (Oct 2015)
      Well-educated blacks have advantage over whites. (Sep 2015)
      After Supreme Court vote, gay marriage is a reality. (Aug 2015)
      I’m no misogynist; I put women in charge of construction. (Aug 2015)
      Disinvited from RedState gathering for misogynistic comments. (Aug 2015)
      Political correctness is country’s problem, not my problem. (Aug 2015)
      Obama’s presidency has done nothing for African Americans. (Aug 2015)
      Same-sex marriage is a state issue. (Jun 2015)
      No gay marriage; no same-sex partner benefits. (Mar 2011)
      Tolerate diversity; prosecute hate crimes against gays. (Jul 2000)

    • We all know you dislike Donald Trump. Posting anything you can make up in that small mind of yours about Trump is a different issue. In future I will give your posts all the respect they deserve, which is none.

      • ….we got six (6) months of this. Trump is a liberal New Yorker. You know, I know it, and smart people who are not gullible fools know it too.
        Pressanykey….I figured you were a “I will die on this hill” type of Christian social conservative.
        Clearly, I am wrong about that.
        Six (6) more months of this. Six.

        • This guy has HONOR. A quote from an honorable Marine in the movie, “A Few Good Men:”
          “We joined the Marines because we wanted to live our lives by a certain code and we found it in the Corps. Now you’re asking us to sign a piece of paper that says we have no honor. You’re asking us to say that we’re not Marines. If a court decides that what we did was wrong, then I’ll accept whatever punishment they give. I believe I was right. I believe I did my job. But I will not dishonor MYSELF, MY UNIT, OR THE CORPS SO THAT I CAN GO HOME IN SIX MONTHS! Sir!”

  3. Is it true that the Law Enforcement Appreciation rally only got out about 75 people. Yep its true. Hell, the cops families didn’t even go.
    Maybe Missy isn’t the person to depend on to turn out a crowd. She only won her primary by 16 votes, and didn’t have anybody against her in the general election. She needs an opponent in 2019. If 9 of those voters that got her by last time wake up she won’t even be on the ballot in the fall.

    • Maybe those who might have otherwise attended have wised up that it’s about Mosby, not the police officers. Did Weaver even show up? He used to be a co-sponsor of her biannual fest, maybe the siren song of the Bokeh Lounge drew him Haynieward like a tractor beam. Look for this thing to go monthly as her next primary date draws nearer.

      • If those two didn’t sit on the Counsel, they’d do everything they could to avoid the police. At least that’s what the drunk drivers and wife beaters I know do.

    • missy mosby missy mosby……..blahhhhhh….blahh blahh….this a bigger problem then missy mosby……….you are without a doubt a jealous miserable person……..get a life…….

  4. “Ms. Jenkins and her supporters will also demand that a change in the way the Evansville Police Department patrols center city neighborhoods.”

    I’m interested to hear the details behind these demands. I’m sure it will involve some iteration of ‘community policing’ and a return of foot patrols. Both of these things can be accomplished, of course, but I expect that taxpayers will have to hit their wallets to provide extra officers on the beat. EPD responds to around 175,000 911 calls per year, and putting officers on foot patrol will wildly reduce the number of runs an individual officer can respond to during a given period of time, as well as limiting their response to a very small geographic area. Increasing the number of Crime Prevention Officers (officers currently detailed full-time to community policing efforts) means a reduction in patrol manpower, unless more officers are hired to backfill those depleted positions. All options = more $$$$.

    Anyway, kudos to Ms. Jenkins for trying to raise awareness of the ridiculous amount of crime and violence we have for a city our size. I’m cautiously optimistic that her and other community leaders will refrain from blaming the police for the problems we have in the Center City, something that has become de rigueur in activist circles lately.

    • The Heroin/Opiate trade is fueling nearly all of the crime increases. Big street dollars being made, street competition for protection of the trade/turf is fueling violent crime…and everyone reading this has some family member (including extended family) who is an opiate addict. It is a massive, national problem. It is an unbelievable, overwhelming problem.

    • I wonder if Evansville’s version of Al Sharpton, the Rev. Adrian Brooks, will show up to offer his opinion why the EPD isn’t performing as he expects it to do so?

      • Reverend Sharpton is a controversial figure, but whatever else he has done, he has also fed thousands of hungry people. I suspect that makes him a better human than you. Your mean-spirited racism is showing, PCD.

        • Sorry to disappoint you. Unlike you I’m not racist. I even have a multi-racial son-in-law. Heck, come to think about it, we’re,all multi-racial. You, on the other hand, hate all people who appear to be Caucasian and successful.
          And Al Sharpton is no Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Rev. Al needs to be in jail along with Hillary.

    • Alex Jones? Come on. Plus, it’s well known the right plants paid troublemakers posing as leftists. This is documented. Did they assault this person? Did Bernie offer to pay their legal fees if they did?

      • Like the 23 year old Bernie supporter who sucker punched an elderly man at a Trump rally and then got pepper sprayed for her benevolent actions? And then she took off running through the crowd with her tail hanging shamefully behind her before she was taken into custody for assault.

      • “it’s well known the right plants paid troublemakers posing as leftists.”

        Now that is funny, good one. Thanks for the laugh!

      • JB, Sharpie, and PCD don’t really deserve any recognition, Bob. I gave in and answered the last two, but I won’t do again for awhile.

  5. Editor – Dr. Ellserman is going to “quickly impermanet classes”? I hope she’s going to quickly implement classes.
    Now, on the other hand, if she’s planning on impermanet Evansville’s former Mayor from his seat warming position at Ivy Tech, that would be a plus.

  6. Re: Mr. Coures new project for downtown Evansville; .NoCoMakers. This might be a great site for the two new 2400 acre (each) duplexes that the Evansville Board of Zoning Appeals approved. Yep, that’s right, 2400 acres each. Well, that’s what WFIE14 is reporting. And we all know that out local media sources (print, TV, and radio) always,get it right.

    Yes people, that’s sarcasm.

  7. Rev. Brooks is busy working in the community, I am sure. We need to be more interested in the whereabouts of the council’s new appointment to the Police Merit Commission. Did he appear at either event – the one hosted by Mostly Messy or the Independent Republican Ms. Jenkins? Now remind me, what’s his name again? And do I recall that he pledged to get more involved in the community, right after he found time to register to vote? Would anybody know him if they saw him – that is, except for the FOP?

  8. henrietta always making demands of somebody cause she a bully. She don’t even live in evansville. She is a fake.i wish somebody would run a criminal background check on her. they’d see she is also a criminal. in both states.
    she aint got no business telling the police how to do anything after saying they just another part of the KKK.
    girl just wants her picture in the paper. smh.

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