IS IT TRUE MAY 13, 2016


IS IT TRUE the Federal Court of Appeals just ruled that an Evansville Police Department officer used unreasonable force when he allowed a police dog to continue biting a man who had surrendered in a 2011 arrest? …the Court ruled that EPD Officer Zachary Elfreich is not immune from a lawsuit alleging that he violated the man’s Fourth Amendment constitutional rights by using excessive force, according to the appeals court?  …the three (3) Federal Court of Appeals .Judges ruled that the used of force is considered reasonable only when exercised in proportion to the threat posed and under the totality of the circumstances, they concluded that a jury could find that Officer Elfreich used excessive force.”?

IS IT TRUE the best part of the last City Council meeting when it was adjourned?

IS IT TRUE the segment held at the end of City Council  that allows public comment is  now dubbed as  the “3 Minutes of Censorship”?

IS IT TRUE the last Vanderburgh County Democratic party political fundraiser turn out to be a financial disaster? …we hear that the  Democratic party Golf fundraiser cost more money to put on than they collected?

IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh GOP Chairman Wayne Park is one “heck of a political fundraiser”? …this is one of the main reasons why the local Republican party is doing so well in getting out the vote is because they have the money to do so?

IS IT TRUE we hear that a member of the Evansville City Council may have barred an immediate member of their family from attending City Council meetings? …this decision adds a new twist to the meaning of censorship?

IS IT TRUE the Trump–Ryan meeting yesterday opened the door for unity among the Republican party? …we shall soon see if the truce will hold?

IS IT TRUE Mayor Winnecke and his “First Lady” are visiting Germany in hopes of finding potential business opportunities for the City?  …we wonder who they took with them?

IS IT TRUE we are wondering when  the Vanderburgh County Republicans Party caucus will find an opponent for Democrat Ben Shoulders in the County Commissioner race?  …we hear that Mr. Shoulders shall get a free ride from the local GOP?

IS IT TRUE we wish you a safe FRIDAY 13th DAY?

FOOTNOTE: todays “Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that the Mayors economic trip to Germany on behalf of  the citizens of Evansville is worthwhile?

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. The local Democratic party is a dysfunctional free-for-all, all resulting from the Central Committee’s treasonous backstabbing of Rick Davis. Compound that with the fact we have a very unpopular Democratic President and there is no light at end of the tunnel for local Democrats.

  2. I think Ben shoulders and ryan hatfield along with Eric Williams and some others like dave wedding are the future of the party and could easily be its saviors

    • You left out two of the best and brightest, Brandon Lee Ferguson and Lori Sherman.

    • Williams quit politics when he quit being Sheriff. Shoulders and Hatfield are a couple of silver spooners, but Shoulders spoon is fancier than Hatfield’s. Either Shoulders or Wedding will be next to run for Mayor. Wedding would probably be good, but we don’t need the silver spoon boys running Evansville. They can’t save anything.

      Ms. Sherman and Mr. Ferguson have what it takes to save the city, and I hope they get the chance.

      • If you think the Hafer gravy train is bad, can you imagine what it would be like if Shoulders was elected Mayor? He’d spoon feed legal work to one big brother and architectural projects to his other big brother.

        • PoseyCountyDutchman-
          If you are going to continue to speak about Mr. Shoulders, learn the facts first. He is a brother of neither the lawyer nor the architect. Also to add to that, the architect retired therefore there is no work to give him. Maybe if you took the time to learn about who you are speaking about and what they stand for, your opinion could be valued. As of now, it’s not. You must have a huge chip on your “shoulder” regarding this family because I have been reading your incorrect comments for years.

          • Well, Silly Sally Sunday, glad to know I have a stalker. But YOU are the one who needs to check facts. Ben Shoulders (lawyer, ONB employee) is the brother of Pat Shoulders (lawyer) and Mike Shoulders (not a retired architect; he works for Bernardin-Lochmueller, or whatever they’re calling themselves these days after selling his portion of VPS Architects to George Link and Sarah Schuler). You can even see a photo of Ben Shoulders and Mike Shoulders with their Dad on Ben Shoulders Facebook page. And there’s a photo of Ben Shoulders standing adjacent to his brother Mike with his Executive Committee on his Facebook campaign page.
            And both Lisa & Pat Shoulders and Mike & Becky Shoulders have hosted fundraisers for their brother.

            As far as how “chips” fall and fly, all you need to do is discuss the issue with any local Contractor who can explain Mike Shoulders “design by Addendum” and “design by Change Order” concepts. You’ve seen their work: the new North High School, the new Cedar Hall school, the Tepee at USI, the Fendrich Golf Course Clubhouse with HVAC issues (in-house engineering design), etc.

        • PCD, you have some facts right and some facts wrong. Mike and Pat Shoulders are brothers, but Mike is Ben’s father and Pat is Ben’s uncle. Also, Mike has been retired for years and is no longer associated with VPS.

          • Mike (unless it’s a recent change) is still plying his trade st the Lochmueller Group (formerly Bernardin-Lochmueller) where he went after selling out at VPS Architects (formerly VPDS, formerly VPS Architects-Engineers, formerly HKG/VS, formerly a lot of different names). I’ll take my licks if he’s a son and not a brother; but there is another Shoulders brother to Mike and Pat who’s a lawyer too.
            Hopefully, Silly Sally Sunday will get her facts straight too.
            One Shoulders in the politcal fray is one too many.

  3. The belief that Hatfield and Shoulders are the future of any party is curious at best. Hatfield has a one-way ticket on the entitlement train and Shoulders is a political opportunist – maybe a Republican at heart.

    • Same people bitching about what they call silver spooners will be the first to vote for Trump.

    • Shoulders is transparty, as are many silver spooners. His family trades capital in both parties, but the Hatfields aren’t that high up the food chain. To think about those two as our future makes me want to run.

  4. It doesn’t take much to out-smart what’s left of the Demos. Winnecke bought and paid for two Democrat council seats by letting them run unopposed. Could it be that Shoulders has that same price-tag dangling from the sleeve of his expensive suit? Winnecke lusts for control of the commissioners, as Musgrave has so accurately pointed out. Ungetheim won’t be bought. Shoulders has history with Mrs. & Mr. Mayor. The real path to representative local government is the emergence of an independent party to rise above this political pond scum.

  5. Random question: has anyone ever heard of a “Christian Science Practitioner?” Google it if you need a good laugh. The most outrageous part is that spending money on these lying crooks is tax deductible! If these people are able to make money off of naive fools then good for them I guess, but making it tax deductible is a crock of you know what. Side note: we need to start taxing churches yesterday.

  6. Let’s just accept the fact that we’re doomed to have as our future leaders people like Ben Shoulders, Anna Hargis, Ryan Hatfield, Missy Mosby, “Jeb” Claybourn, and Alex Burton. I don’t like it anymore than anyone else, but it’s coming and there’s nothing we can do about it.

  7. The C&P reported today that the GOP is having a caucus to seat a candidate to run for the county commissioner seat. They’re not rolling over yet.

    • They may well hand it to Shoulders by choosing a weak candidate that they don’t fund well. It is hard to see how Becky Kasha would do well against Mr. Shoulders.

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