Dr. Bucshon: This Decision is a Win for the Rule of Law

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Eighth District Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. released the following statement after a federal district judge ruled the Obama administration unlawfully used taxpayer dollars to fund ObamaCare:

“Today, a federal court reaffirmed that the Obama Administration overstepped its authority by unlawfully funding portions of ObamaCare with taxpayer dollars not appropriated by Congress,” said Bucshon. “This decision is a win for the rule of law, it’s a win for the American people, and it reclaims Congress’ Constitutional power of the purse.” 

The court ruled in House v. Burwell, a lawsuit filed by the House of Representatives, that the Obama Administration does not have the authority to spend taxpayer dollars for payments to insurance companies without an appropriation from Congress. The lawsuit was initiated in July of 2014 after the House passed H. Res. 676.

The Energy and Commerce Committee, of which Bucshon is a member, has conducted an ongoing investigation of the administration’s unlawful payments to insurance companies since February 2015. Unfortunately, the administration has continued to stonewall requests for information; therefore, subpoenas have been issued to the Department of Health and Human Services and the Office of Management and Budget. A timeline of that investigation can be found here: https://goo.gl/dBe2H2.