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Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Who would you vote for If the election was held today for District 77 State Representative seat?

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  1. Am I the only CCO reader here surprised that the so-called evangelical Christian voters who regularly post here at the CCO are apparently abandoning all of their values and supporting Donald Trump for President?
    I mean, were all of those claims they were Christians total lies? Never true?
    Cause here’s the thing:
    1. Trump is married three times. And those divorces? They were because he wanted a younger, sexier wife. (I think everyone reading this, knows that’s true.)
    2. Trump is foul-mouthed, talks of how big his sexual organs are while running for President of the United States.
    3. Trump has regularly voiced his support for Planned Parenthood and a respect for a woman’s right to choose. Any pretense Trump is against abortion…is a lie.
    4. Transgender issues? Gay marriage? Trump has said Bruce Jenner/Caitlyn Jenner is more than welcome to use his personal bathroom and that society has spoken, same-sex marriage is the law of the land. He has no intention of making any court moves to overturn gay marriage. In fact, he endorses gay marriage.
    5. No one, and I mean no Christian, honestly believes Donald Trump reads the Bible, or is even familiar with its contents. That was clear when Trump called Second Corinthians “two corinthians.”

    I think it is clear some of the evangelical social-values Christian voters who post here that they are supporting Trump – Does anyone else here think these people are selling their souls supporting Trump? I mean, was all that just a fat lie?

    • Sorry, we didn’t know we were voting for a pope.

      Where has voting for the elite GOP gotten us as evangelicals? We have a Obamacare, extrapolating debt, Christians having their lives ruined over gay wedding cakes, an invasion of illegals, never ending wars, and an abortion industry operating as normal.

      No, there is a lot I and those like me don’t like about Trump, but we are also tired of those serving with their lips and not their actions.

      But you enjoy raging against Trump and voting for Hillary. I am sure she is more to your liking. 🙂

      It’s time to move on brother.

      • I-E: An excellent answer there from a reluctant supporter. But you know…”We have a Obamacare, extrapolating debt, Christians having their lives ruined over gay wedding cakes, an invasion of illegals, never ending wars, and an abortion industry operating as normal”….and with Trump, you will also have:
        1. Obamacare enlarged, Trump is for universal, single-payer national healthcare.
        2. Trump is for gay marriage. He has said he would willingly allow Bruce Jenner/Caitlyn Jenner to use the Trump Tower’s women’s restrooms. This is not a guy who is for anything you think about those two things I-E.
        3. Trump WILL modify and embrace immigration reform. He won’t be able to not stand all the praise he will get for doing so.
        4. You’re getting your wish on eliminating never ending wars. Trump is reducing US military engagement.
        5. Trump will not touch women’s right to choose. Will NOT. You know it too. Anyone who says Trump will overturn abortion rights is lying. Full on lying.

    • They’ve always been on the Messiah Hunt. Drumpf isn’t anything permanent with them, he’s a temp, they’ll disavow him while genuflecting and giving him their vote. He is an aberration who will never be president. He is a perfect fit for them, although they’ll never admit it.

      Trump checks all their boxes, for now. He’ll be traded in shortly after losing the election, possibly for something with two heads and a tail, forceps in hand, straight from hell. They will explain their new fixation without blinking an eye. When that happens the screaming from the margins will be from the Trumpet and his Strumpets. No one will be trying to explain him at that point, his loyal base will have moved on.

      It took a Drumpf to pull the curtain back on the national Republican Party. The things he says are what his acolytes have long thought and yearned to see put into action, it just took a mutant like him to pull it all out into the open. The party has been quite warped for many years, Trump just made it OK for them to give voice to their selfish, prejudicial desires. Watch them scamper.

      • Some truth to what you say. Most everyone seems to look for a savior as if government is going to safe us, and when they find this messiah, it turns out to be Old Scratch himself.

        I have no illusions about Trump.

        My reasons for supporting him is

        1: It was obvious a few months ago that he would be the presumptive nominee and we needed to end this primary.
        2: I am as disillusioned with the GOP as I was a couple decades ago with the DNC.
        3: He has actually built something, created jobs, and made others wealthy.

        A net positive is that it winds up DBaker. He’s fun when he is animated. Love a DB. 🙂

        • The political system is pretty much broke now, at least for those who aren’t closely involved and being financially rewarded through it. It is unresponsive to normal people like you and me, (Ho, Ho Ho).

          If the Trump candidacy shakes it up enough to return it to something resembling what the founders tried to craft, maybe it will be worth it. I can’t vote for him but if he gets elected it could be an entertaining ride.

          • Yeah, and the ever growing bastions of liberal indoctrination are turning out a crop of youth with socialistic idealism and debt for useless degrees. Trumps failures a greater than most of our successes.

          • So I am going to take note of someone, who by a court order can not tell me about Trump’s returns, tell me about Trump’s returns? He said he would release them by the November elections. We’ll see, but do you think Hillary will really want to lock horns with her questionable finances?

          • @ IE: No, he didn’t say he would release them by the election. He said it “”may be after the election.” I suspect you are hearing what you want to hear. There is no good reason for him not releasing them right now, except it would expose him for the liar and braggart he is.

          • @ IE: Trump University was not a “failure”. It was a crime, meant to swindle people who idolize the Trump brand out of their hard-earned money. I believe the AG of New Jersey is still looking into an indictment.

          • Well your honor, the vrrdict I not in on TU, but might be by November. Not so sure on Hillary’s email indictment makimg it before November.
            We will also have to wait on November to see if he releases his tax retirn. No law he has to. But I am pretty confident that it will show that he is in a different bracket than you, me, Hillary or Bernie.
            And please, you want to a see what you are wanting to find in these articles. It’s not there.

      • Yes, she is. I just wish we had an Etch-a-Sketch and could shake both of the scumbags away.

  2. Does anyone know how Joshua “Jeb” Claybourn became an Indiana Republican RNC delegate? Is this a club like Augusta National Golf Club where you have to be invited to join?

  3. KInd of odd how when we vote our faith we are theocrats and when we don’t we are hypocrites.

    • …the curtain has been torn in two on you PAK. None of that crap you posted in the past was authentic.

        • Indiana Enoch:
          It is hard. I acknowledge. And she is a horrible candidate.
          There’s this joke that goes something like this:
          The people who read the Wall Street Journal run the country.
          The people who read the Washington Post think they run the country.
          The people who read the Los Angeles Times think it would be cool to run the country.
          The people who read the Miami Herald, well, they want to run somebody else’s country.

          The problem with Trump…..I think he doesn’t want to run the country.
          I think he thinks it would be cool to run the country.

      • You and Ghost are the two dimmest bulbs I have ever had the displeasure of reading. I could not care less how you interpret what I post. I am not now, nor have I ever been, out to gain the approval of you or anyone else. Your attempts at censorship and intimidation on this website is laughable.

        Never Hillary

        • ….foolish answer. Whining about censorship simply because you are being shown to be two-faced. If you’re gonna post this crap, at least have some backbone PAK.

          • You wouldn’t know backbone if it slapped you in the face. All you do is hurl insults and post your stock, off the shelf, propaganda. No one on here is buying into your rants on Trump.

            All in for Trump!

            NEVER Hillary

      • Exactly. She will likely appoint 5 justices if elected. I am not leaving the country, but it might just leave us.

      • You just gave me reason to feel a little bit better about voting for Hillary, but I doubt that POTUS is interested in being a SCOTUS Justice.

  4. Evansville must be in better financial shape than we thought or Local uncovered some long-unused Germany Money. The Winneckes are partying in Germany right now, the mayor apparently thought our ‘sister city’ needed an official visit from him and his traveling crew. He intimated, from Germany, that he had some sort of fuzzy commitment from a German company to pay Evansville a visit, presumably resulting in some economic benefit to the city. He appeared to be having a great time.

  5. Our benefit from this German vacation is that he, his wife & crew have to manipulate by text and email without actually laughing at former Democrats face-to-face.

    • He was on some sort of video hookup yesterday, possibly Skype, and showcased that lower row of snaggly teeth for international consumption. So, he sort of managed to laugh at us through that crooked little fence anyway. There, I’ve said it. I’d like to think that will be about the lowest class thing I say or write today but I’m afraid there are no guarantees.

    • I feel that that a good “majority” of Christians are “genuine” when they are inside, and outside of their brick and mortar church. It is the ones that beats the doors down, parade around in their church “projecting” the image of being holy, but once outside of their brick and mortar church/church members, they act/do/think the opposite (hypocrites).

      • I think the majority are” Revelations 3:16 Christians,” also known as “lukewarm.”. There are other sincere believers, and the hypocrites you describe. Those brick and mortar churches should be taxed because of the political involvement of most of them.

  6. Ryan “Silver Spoon” Hatfield walked out of a public meeting that had a worthwhile purpose on Tuesday, because George Lumley stood up to Ryan instead of allowing himself to be bullied. Now I have gotten reports that Mr. Silver Spoon has a bad habit of sending out angry emails when his and his family’s political prowess is challenged. Does anybody have one that they are willing to share here? That would give some real insight into the character of Gail Riecken’s choice of a successor.

  7. Does anybody know of a town this size with the head of City Council that only has a high school education? I wonder how the silver spoon guy feels about that?

  8. Remember when right wingers dismissed Obama as a celebrity full of hot air with no experience. Will they be too dumb to get the irony that they’re now supporting Trump? I doubt it.

  9. Hatfield may have Missy and his silver spoon, but Johnny Kincaid has something more valuable. He has name recognition and that’s what keeps getting Weaver reelected. Missy wouldn’t be where she is today if 8 voters had changed their votes, so I hope Hatfield figures out that her promise isn’t worth much.

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