Weekend Readers Forum



FOOTNOTE: Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Monday?

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.

Todays “Readers Poll” question is: : Has Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and City Council been a “Good Steward of the Public Trust” ?

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  1. Anything happening with the Milano vs B.Bolin ,SWAT case in Evansville,or are they just gonna keep milking it and try to find 1 judge that says they were in the right???

  2. Heidi Cruz made sure to stop in, visit with and campaign in the home of the Indiana Klan, Martinsville Indiana, yesterday. “We gotta help the folks who brung us. These people in this town, they are standing up for our rights! We don’t need any crap from any of those people.” (In the 2000 census, 11 people in Martinsville were black.) Cruz did not say if she disagreed with the Martinsville resident.

    • Rafael sent her to Martinsville to dog whistle out of both ends. She apparently suffered a blowout and one of her whistles was found fouling Highway 37, a mile or so from where the incident occurred.

      As Trump would say, nasty woman.

      • As always, Comrade, the purity of your hatred and rage is always inspiring.

    • This edited stuff is fun for the toothless old white male Tea Party crowd to watch over glasses of corn alcohol. Those guys hate everybody. Really, they do. They don’t even like themselves. Not since George H. Bush has a Presidential candidate had more extensive domestic affairs and international affairs experience than the choice between Trump and Clinton. It’s not even close. Even mainstream GOP voters know it. (And the brown and missing teeth drunk guys don’t number sufficiently to make a difference in a national election.)

  3. We at OFI have been puzzled why so many of our beta, gamma, and delta male cadres, not to mention Epsilon Becker, are enthralled with Comrade Hillary, instead of Comrade Sanders, so we commissioned a survey:

    What is the most compelling characteristic of Hillary Clinton as president? According to 400 progressive Evansville male Democrats supporting Comrade Hillary (212 betas, 117 gammas, 70 deltas, and Epsilon Becker):

    23% Sociopathy
    20% Pathological lying
    15% Hypocrisy
    12% Money-grubbing
    10% Complete lack of accomplishment in positions she has held
    8% Raspy intolerable voice
    5% Clinton Foundation scams
    4% More manly than current boyfriend
    2.75% Dogged harassment of Bill’s extracurricular Jills
    0.25% A single respondent from the bottom of the scale cited his own total lack of self-respect and entirely justified feelings of inferiority and failure

    The results are intriguing.

    J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
    Maximum co-coordinator
    Organizing for Idiocy
    Evansville Cell

    • Will you go out of your way to use Raphael Eduardo Cruz’ full name like you insist on using for Obama? By the way, your sarcasm is pretty lame and just makes you look like you need to get a life.

      • ….oh man, what a GREAT question!
        (“Will you go out of your way to use Raphael Eduardo Cruz’ full name like you insist on using for Obama?”)

        It is stunningly obvious that Hillary Clinton is not good at this candidate thing. She is a highly vulnerable Democratic candidate.
        But in the worst kind of senseless, hapless, inept, unaware, pathetically hilarious GOP primary season that produced joke candidates like Cruz and Trump, it is Hillary Clinton who is gonna be the President…..who creates a liberal majority on the Supreme Court of the United States that lasts several decades. Stunning.

      • “President Obama,” “Comrade President Obama,” or “Maximum Leader Obama” is how I and other dedicated OFI operatives refer to him.

        Do you have racist feelings toward Raphael Eduardo Cruz? I would urge you to channel your feelings in the direction of envy and class hatred. Please keep in mind that your food stamps, other benefits, and bathroom preferences are imperiled by the Republican Cruz.

        J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
        Maximum co-coordinator
        Organizing for Idiocy
        Evansville Cell

        • Never had a dime in public assistance. I’m straight, white, and I don’t smoke pot. Next.

          • Halliburton Hugo the IV is correct in stating the names of his greatest 401 K account doubler aka President Barack Hussein Obama English Bob.

            Hugo the IV has been totally respectful of one of the greatest Presidents in his, yours and my lifetime’s name.

            But when your hard working daddy leaves you the pleasure of believing in the minimum wage to hating it only because of inheritance, then his Uncle Cheney’s views seem to take hold.

            Halliburton Hugo is probably a good guy Bob, he just temporarily lost his Idiocy because of inherited welfare.

            Who in the Hell in their right mind could blame him for that?….

          • I had the same problem. Then I retired on social security. I also discovered pot has medicinal properties and got a great tan. I have not been able to get passed the “straight” thing.

          • Regulator is quite wrong about my hard-working daddy. Like me, Father was the beneficiary of immense inherited wealth, as were all the Fetlocks, back to that running Republican dog of capitalism, A. Sherman Fetlock, who invented numerous machines benefiting the human race, worked 20-hour days, and established many charities. The succeeding generations have done our best to run down this fortune with indolence and riotous living, but alas!–the accountants, lawyers, and bankers who guard this fortune have prevented us from touching the principal. Like many wealthy progressives, the Fetlocks have dedicated themselves to the great cause of ensuring that no one except liberal celebrities or politically well-connected progressives be allowed to accumulate such a fortune.

            We also have taken on the great and wearisome burden of directing the lives of our less intelligent, unambitious, and perpetually aggrieved junior progressive associates, such as Epsilon Becker, Bob, and Bandana.

            J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
            Maximum co-coordinator
            Organizing for Idiocy
            Evansville Cell

          • “Regulator is quite wrong”

            It would be interesting to know if Epsilon Becker, Bob, and Bandana had a prehistoric meal ticket written for them like A. Sherman Fetlock did for yourself Hugo the IV, if their appreciation would be directed toward your Uncle Cheney or Comrade Obama.

            My guess is if their GrandPappy worked 20 hour days, they would be no taller standing up than sitting down , like yourself, and they would be mad at the world also.

            But Cruz? Come on IV.

            Just sayin….

        • J-CODDINGTON:
          C’mon man.
          You gotta be accurate at the very least!
          And make better arguments with better logic….
          ……OR people who read your comments, J-COD, will come to the conclusion:
          1. You’re just a damn racist.
          2. You’re just a damn bigot.

          • Do you also harbor racist feelings like those of English Bob toward Raphael Eduardo Cruz, Epsilon Becker? Again, I urge you and Bob to direct your bitter hatred of the Republican Cruz into the safer avenues of class envy and resentment. Only the masters of progressive grievance such as Comrade President Obama can safely practice racial hatred toward minorities such as the Republican Cruz, not ordinary mortals such as I or epsilons like you.

            J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
            Maximum co-coordinator
            Organizing for Idiocy
            Evansville Cell

          • ‘Lil Codpiece IV’s problems run deep. We must allow him his bigotry and smile at his ramblings. A couple of Roman numerals and a spite for humanity is all his purported daddy could leave him. Bless his pointed little haid.

  4. My comment today is the passing of Prince.
    While we wait the outcome of the toxicology report. I hope you did not die of a drug overdose.
    It reminds us that life is too short now. No one knows when their last day on this earth is.
    I wish I could have met you and I could of shown you how to live as a multi-millionaire.

  5. Our generation was/is the “die before I get old one”. Suicide is the number 1 cause of death for men his age. He was a pretty good musician. From what I read he lived pretty good. He was his own man.

    • According to top guitar greats Prince was the Greatest Guitarist in history so far

  6. Was driving this morning and noticed Walt Lowe has a Ryan Hatfield sign out along side a Trump sign at his office. Interesting.

  7. I just read that Musgrave is trying to pay college students $10/hr to work the polls for her. That’s pathetic, and I bet neither CP or CCO will mention it. When no one likes you, you’ve gotta pay people to show support.

    Also, after reading another Cheryl-slanted article by Tom Langhorne this morning in the CP, and reading Musgrave’s finance report, why doesn’t Langhorne mention that she spent $4100 on a Massachusetts “campaign consultant”?

    • Alex Schmitt’s man, the fizzled flaccid Dirksnoggle, has groundhogged up long enough to put his wage envy on display. He just hates it when a college student makes more money than he does. Pathetic he says, taking the opportunity to showcase the breadth of his vocablulary..

      • How’s that? He’s a licensed and practicing attorney. At least he doesn’t have to buy friends.

        • Practicing? When, where? Name a client. Your’e a lying piece of work Snog. We’ll know the deadbeat by his supporters and you’re a Jim Dandy.

          ⭐︎Cheryl Musgrave For Commish⭐︎

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