St. Mary’s Earth Day Celebration this Friday


St. Mary’s Health will celebrate Earth Day with a program at 10:00 a.m., Friday, April 22. This will take place in the St. Mary’s Prayer Garden, located next to the Center for Advanced Medicine at 901 St. Mary’s Drive.

During the program, Vectren officials will present a cost-savings check to St. Mary’s for recent efficiency upgrades.

Representatives from City Serve and Keep Evansville Beautiful will speak about opportunities to get involved in neighborhood cleanup efforts.

St. Mary’s grounds crew will also plant two trees and everyone will receive a gift to create their own flower bed.

Attendees are encouraged to bring plastic bottle caps for recycling. Collected caps will be used to create park benches for the planned Learning Garden in front of the C. K. Newsome Center. We’ll also be collecting old and unwanted cellphones for domestic violence victims at Albion Fellows Bacon Center.

Refreshments will be served as well. We hope you’ll join us.