Brenda Bergwitz A “Rebel With A Cause”

Brenda has the reputation of doing everything she can to save God and Country and the unborn.  Its not uncommon to see Brenda attending two or three protest rallies a week. She has a strong passion for saving the unborn, fighting “OBAMA CARE”, and voicing her opposition to bad public policy.

She strongly supports  the local Tea Party group agenda, and volunteers her time on projects of her Church and giving of her time in helping her fellow veterans at the local to the VA Clinic.

Brenda openly will tell you that she doesn’t have all the answers about how to run local government but she has the desire and the mindset to learn. If elected she pledges to be a watchdog to insure that our tax dollars are spent properly by using conservative values.

She feels that our government is too big and  has out-of-control spending. Political patronage is rampant in County government and she pledges to take on the good old boy net work head on.
She was married for 54 years before her husband passed away last year. She is retired US Marine.

When a local priest  introduces County Commission candidate Brenda Bergwitz he calls her a “Rebel With A Cause”.  She feel that our government is to big and  has out control spending.  Political patronage is rampant in County government and she pledge to take the “Good Ole Boy” network head on.

She was married for 54 years before her husband passed away last year.  She is a retired US Marine.  She had 6 brothers served in the Marines and 4 sons seven in the militarily, 2 in the Army and 2 in the Navy


  1. It’s a shame she chooses to furnish a picture of herself with a sign that propagates a popular far right wing lie. I respect her motivation, but she should try to learn the truth instead of falling victim to right wing/church propaganda.

  2. Anyone who poses with a sign like that is an idiotic liar and not even worth arguing with.

  3. I’m not certain what she thinks a County Commissioner can do about abortion or any other TP issues. It just shows just how uninformed she is.

    • All politics is local. It all starts right here with the people you elect to fill the various offices, local, state, and federal. I would have thought you understood that by now.

  4. or it could be saying she is against murdering an unborn human being
    i never met a newborn that was for abortion

  5. First time I’ve heard someone make the claim that “Obamacare” pays for abortions. Truly uninformed.

    • They’ve been doing it since 2009. The GOP has no fear of lying, because they know their “poorly educated” base either doesn’t care or is too stupid to do any research.

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