First Lady Visits Evansville


On November 13, 1937, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt visited Evansville to address the Woman’s Rotary Club. While here, she accompanied Mayor William Dress (left) and Congressman John W. Boehne, Jr. (right) to Locust Hill Cemetery, where she laid flowers on the grave of James Bethel Gresham, the first American to die in World War I. Afterwards, the First Lady was taken to Lincoln Gardens, then under construction, before heading to the Hotel McCurdy. During a press conference, she praised the city for recovering rapidly from a major flood earlier that year

FOOTNOTES: We want to thank Patricia Sides, Archivist of Willard Library for contributing this picture that shall increase people’s awareness and appreciation of Evansville’s rich history. If you have any historical pictures of Vanderburgh County or Evansville please contact please contact Patricia Sides, Archivist Willard Library at 812) 425-4309, ext. 114 or e-mail her at

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