INDIANAPOLIS – Ahead of Wednesday’s one-year anniversary of Governor Mike Pence’s failed attempt to launch a state run news service, “Just IN,” today John Gregg called for dramatic improvements to the Indiana’s public records laws.

“While this governor would have created a taxpayer funded propaganda machine to control what information reporters and the public have access to, I want to throw open the doors of state government,” said Gregg, a former university president, businessman and Speaker of the Indiana House.

“Times have changed. With advances in technology and following the lead of other states and communities, similar to what Mayor Pete Buttigeig did in South Bend, we can make our state government one of the most open and transparent in the nation,” added Gregg. “Hoosiers expect and deserve no less.”

According to a 2015 report by the Center for Public Integrity, Indiana received an ‘F’ for access to public information.

Under Gregg’s “Open Government Initiative,” the third policy proposal of the campaign, the following changes would be made:

• Mandate a 10 Day Turnaround on Public Information Requests
Under Gregg’s proposal, government agencies would be required to produce documents following a public records request within 10 business days. If an agency is unable to fulfill the request because of the size, scope or complexity of the request, it could seek an extension or exemption from the Office of Public Access Counselor. Under current law, agencies are only required to acknowledge receipt of the request and there is no time limit for fulfilling it.
• Strengthen the Powers of the Public Access Counselor
To improve access to public records, Gregg’s plan calls for giving the Office of Public Access Counselor the authority to review information a government agency wishes to be withheld to determine if it should or should not be made public. The office would also be granted power to compel agencies to release information. Existing law only allows the Public Access Counselor to issue non-binding advisory opinions
• Create an Public Transparency Commission
 Once in office, Gregg will create a Public Transparency Commission made up of experts in the field to review the state’s existing public access laws and make recommendations to improve them. Among other items, the commission would be asked to study giving the Public Access Counselor new enforcement powers, eliminating existing exemptions in public access laws, the creation of a formal appeals process for when information is not released and appropriate staffing and budgeting levels for the Public Access Counselor. The commission would work throughout 2017 with the goal of presenting its findings and recommendations to the 2018 General Assembly.• Create an Open Data Portal in Indiana
In addition to making recommendations about the state’s open records, Gregg will ask the commission to work with his staff to launch an Open Data Portal for state and local government agencies. Building on existing efforts, the goal of the portal would be to provide Hoosiers with access to real time budget information, GIS maps, contracts, reports and various data sets from a range of state, local and federal sources. The data would be searchable, could eventually be linked with similar portals in Indiana communities and other states. Availability of this data will lead to greater accountability within agencies, a more data-driven approach to addressing issues and a deeper understanding of government operations by the public. And, as more data is uploaded to the portal, fewer public information requests will be required, saving time and money.“These common sense steps will give Hoosiers access to the data and information that their tax dollars already paid for and in a more timely, efficient and responsive manner,” added Gregg. “It’s my hope that this will not only lead to greater engagement with the public, but new collaborations and innovations that improve the services government provides.”Gregg pledged to work with the General Assembly to enact measures requiring legislation and would issue executive orders to establish others.

 A native of Sandborn, John Gregg has worked throughout the public and private sector. He served as President of Vincennes University, Speaker of the Indiana House of Representatives, worked for two Fortune 500 companies and is a practicing attorney today.  A father of two, he holds an associate’s degree from Vincennes University, a bachelor’s degree from Indiana University, a master’s degree from Indiana State University and a law degree from Indiana University.

For more information on John Gregg or his campaign for Governor of Indiana, please visit or call 317-231-7100.

FOOTNOTES: Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Friday?

Please take time and read our newest feature article entitled “HOT JOBS”posted in this section are from Evansville proper.

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