Exciting Lunch with the Aces event set for April 15


Event to be held on campus for the first time 

A new and exciting format will be in place for the annual “Lunch with the Aces” event, which is set for Friday, April 15.

For the first time, the event will be held on campus and will feature a full program.  Running from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m., the Maikranz Gym in the Carson Center will hold the lunch.  It will also feature a full program with keynote speaker Colt Ryan.  Ryan, one of the top players in Purple Aces men’s basketball history, graduated in 2013 as the leading scorer in University of Evansville history.

Attendees will be able to eat lunch at any point from 11-1 with the program beginning at 12:30 p.m.  This allows people who are on a strict lunch period to come and go as they need.

The cost of the lunch is $25 for those who register before April 11.  Tickets will also be available at the door for $30.  Marx Barbecue is catering the event and will serve a whole roasted pig.  UE student-athletes will be sitting at each table while coaches of the Aces programs will be serving food and drinks.

Corporate tables may be purchased for $350 and contain several great benefits.  It includes a full table of 8 seats, tables in the front of the room, logo in the program and on the video screen as well as mentions by the emcee.

Another great part of the day is that those who attend can purchase baseball tickets for the 6 p.m. game versus Bradley that night for just $3.  Tickets normally cost $7 for home baseball games.

For more information, please contact Amy Davidson at 812-488-2338 or ad204@evansville.edu.  Those who would like to attend can register here: www.uealumnionline.com/PACLunch

or by filling out the registration form and sending it back.