Whats On Your Mind Today?

Are you upset that the tax supported not-for profit Evansville Brownfields Corp won’t release any financial data to the public?

Do you feel that the City of Evansville should subsidize a Hockey team?

FOOTNOTES: Our next “will be posted on this coming Wednesday ?

Please take time and read our newest feature article entitled “HOT JOBS”. Jobs posted in this section are from Evansville proper.

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.

Todays “Readers Poll” question is: If the election was held today who would you vote as the next Governor of Indiana?

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed


  1. Since that news conference announcing him as the owner of the VenueWorks House Team, haven’t heard much at all from Mr. Hall. I guess, being the owner, he’s busy with the minutiae that a professional sports team owner has to deal with to get his team ready for the show.

  2. I see that Evansville has finally reached an agreement with the EPA to spend about $750 Million in today’s dollars to reduce the raw sewage events to 4 per year from today’s 50. That is good and the only thing bad about it is that it will take 24 years to implement.

    The thing that is bugging me is that it seems as though the federal government is going to pay some $200 Million to get Flint, MI out of a bind but Evansville and several other cities with legacy infrastructure problems are on their own. That does not seem equitable or fair.

    • “Governor Snyder initially requested that President Barack Obama declare a major disaster in Flint and provide more than $700 million for infrastructure repairs to pipes and the water system. But Obama turned down that request because federal law only allows for such declarations in the cases of natural disasters, fires or explosions. Obama declared an emergency, but that typically results in far less federal aid.”

      “Snyder appealed, but it was denied.”

      From what I understand Wallace, the emergency declaration Obama granted can only award them $100 million but a senator from Utah is holding that up until Michigan spends its’ own money first.

      Good question though because I’ve always wondered about the $160 billion dropped out of a plane over New Orleans during Katrina and the $60 billion awarded for Hurricane Sandy because the freedom of “States Rights” seems to fly out the window when wanting money is concerned.

      If the $100 million gets awarded, I believe the federal government eats it but it is supposedly paid for in a non-partisan bill addressing emergency water systems throughout the country.

      Iraq doesn’t have this problem, we built them brand new ones….

  3. Dear CCO Editors

    I am BEGGING, go watch this and post it. Hell, I will write a guest commentary if you want!

    It is SOOOOOOO much a reference to Evanspatch

    The news video is about “Special Districts”, and is the best thing you will see today.

    “Special districts spend more public money than all city governments combined. That’s odd considering most of us don’t know they exist”


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