Letter Agreement Between City of Evansville and Earthcare Energy


the City County Observer has secured and would like to make available to our readers the February 28th letter agreement between Earthcare Energy and the city of Evansville. It is Earthcare’s failure to perform according to the conditions set forth in this agreement that was given by Mayor Winnecke as the reasons for declaring Earthcare to be in default.

Link to Letter:


Source: Office of Mayor Lloyd Winnecke


  1. I am really not interested in hearing about any proposal that has Debbie Dewey associated with it. She has zero credibility with me.


  2. Where is the part about the City giving Earth Care $200,000? Let’s see a copy of the $14,000 check they paid back so we know where the rest of our taxpayer money is so the account can be frozen.

    • That was laundered through DMD just like the $280,000 loan to GAGE was after the big Freedom Fest losses. DMD is also the group that built all those $200,000 homes in the ghetto that no one will buy for even half of that. There is something about that number $200,000 that DMD just seems to be able to waste indiscriminately. Mad Money = DMD

    • How much other money has the City spent on the turd in the last 3 months? Ted Ziemer’s law firm bills by the hour on stuff like this. Don’t be surprised if there is another $100,000 between legal, travel, etc. By the time this is done there will be over $300,000 up in smoke.

      • All that money down the drain because Dewey wouldn’t pay a couple of hundred bucks for a credit check and background checks.

  3. On page 2, subsection 2 of the Letter, we see that the $200,000. grant money went to Ben Kunkel.

    Lets see a copy of the lease that Earthcare signed with Ben Kunkel. How much of that $200K loan did Ben actually pocket?


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