With February marking Black History Month, The Indiana Democratic Party would like to celebrate and honor the achievements of African-Americans across Indiana and throughout the nation.

Talking Points for the Week

Mike Pence’s Late to the Game Strategy on Infrastructure Continues to Fail Indiana

While Mike Pence and the GOP-controlled Statehouse are still mulling over an election year short-term strategy to address the state’s D+ rated infrastructure system, concrete parts of the I-70 overpass in Terre Haute are literally crumbling and falling onto U.S. 41 putting lives of everyday Hoosiers in jeopardy.
After jeopardizing our ‘Crossroads of America’ reputation and wasting $71 million on faulty asphalt, Governor Mike Pence has been doing literally anything possible in an election year to make it look like he’s concerned about Indiana’s crumbling infrastructure.

The fact is, Gov. Pence has only provided the bare minimum needed for Indiana to keep its D+ grade while also ignoring 90% of the state’s roads.

Instead Hoosiers are ready for a leader like John Gregg, who foresaw this crisis and advocated for the improvement of the state’s entire infrastructure system back in 2012.
Is Mike Pence Moving JustIN Within His Own Administration?

Did last week’s report on the faulty ISTEP review ring any bells? It should.
Perhaps Mike Pence scrapped the JustIN news service publicly, but it appears as though privately, it still exists within his administration.

Did Gov. Pence fear more bad results from an independent audit? It certainly looks that way. Why else would he have intervened in the review of ISTEP and manipulate the numbers?

Obviously, the Pence Administration still believes they are entitled to putting out their own version of news.
Hoosiers deserve independent answers to the ISTEP review and full transparency from Mike Pence and all of his staff.

Mike Pence Talking Through Both Sides of His Mouth on HIP 2.0 Evaluation.  Mike Pence sent a letter to Congress this week claiming he had “no confidence” in the independent evaluation of HIP 2.0. This letter comes after the Pence Administration last week manipulated an “independent” review of the ISTEP exam.

Considering his administration manipulated a review of the ISTEP exam, Mike Pence is talking through both sides of his mouth if he claims there’s ‘no confidence’ in the independent review of the HIP 2.0 program.
Hoosiers should expect this with Mike Pence as he won’t even admit it’s the Affordable Care Act that’s paying HIP 2.0’s bills.

This letter was Gov. Pence’s last-ditch effort to keep the facts about HIP 2.0 away from everyday Hoosiers. And once again, it’s Mike Pence putting his out-of-touch ideology ahead of the overall well-being of the state.

Stories from This Week

South Bend Tribune: Our Opinion: No Good Way to Say ISTEP is bad Both Lanes of I-70 Bridge Open Again But One Lane of U.S. 41 Closed Until Further Notice
The Washington Post: The Big Trouble in Indiana Public Schools, As Explained by a Troubled Educator.
Indy Star: Gov. Mike Pence says He Won’t Seek Extra Medicaid Money. Why We Challenged Todd Young’s Candidacy
Eagle Country: Ritz, Gregg Stump for Votes in Aurora
Save the Dates

May 3, 2016 – Primary Election
June 17, 2016 – Hoosier Hospitality Dinner
June 18, 2016 – State Convention
July 25-28, 2016 – National Convention
Aug 25-28, 2016 – IDEA
Nov 8, 2016 – Election Day


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