AIS Diamond to see the movie RACE

AIS Diamond to See the Movie RACE
Wednesday, Feb. 24
11:55 a.m.
Showplace East
Students from AIS Diamond will get a special look inside the life of track and field star Jessie Owens when they travel to Showplace East tomorrow to see the movie RACE. RACE is based on the life of track and field star Jesse Owens who overcomes adversity to win four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games in Nazi-controlled Germany. The movie comes just in time for Black History Month. Students also are studying this era in history, making it a great way to tie what they are learning in school with how it affected real people.
The move is offered at a discounted price thanks to a sponsorship by the NAACP, Indiana Black Expo and the local chapter of the Fraternity of which Jesse Owens (and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) was a part.