Pending News: Councilwoman Riley to Collect Signatures for Petition to Rescind Earthcare Loan Approval


The City County Observer has learned that Evansville City Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley will be drafting a petition admonish the Evansville City Council to rescind the approval of the $4.8 Million loan to Earthcare Energy.

The petition is on the following link:


  1. Vote for Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley Mayor of Evansville!

    It”s “show time” and you can rest assure that I and my friends shall join you side by side in this much needed petition drive. We are extremely proud of you stance in on issue.

    I suppoerted Mayor W. but never will again. He just an empty suit!

  2. She will probably get more signatures on that petition than any council person received in votes. Would that be powerful to have thousand of signatures at the council meeting on May 14. If she really works it she may get more signatures than the Mayor got votes.

  3. People are feed up with Connie Robinson 4Th Ward political games. Fact is that she was forced to resign from the Democratic Central Committee before of her bad political conduct. She is nothing but a political pan handler and a self serving two face political hack!

    Oh, how many of her family members worked from Mets, The Center and Building Authority during the last couple of years? It’s obvious she has mis-used the system for her own political gain. It’s time for the good poeple of this community stand up and make her accountable!

    Bottom line Connie Robinson was the one who brought the Earthcare scam to the attention of the Mayor and the idiot bought it hook line and sinker.

    Thanks Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley for taking on Connie Robinson and her Earthcare scam!

  4. Stephanie, you are so worth the trouble! When you tell the truth about your own life, who can fight with you? I admire you and you write very well!!!

  5. It is very troubling that Al Lindsey understood that Earthcare was a scam, but the Mayor can’t.

      • Sure hope so. Anyway it is a stunner that even Mellow Yellow challenged Al Linsey knew this was a total, but a Mayor with a banking background, Lawyer O’Daniel and Dr. Adams (who I have respected greatly over the years) all still are on the wrong side of this obvious McCurdy/Executive Inn type debacle. It’s as if they are somehow possessed by the ghost of Weinzapfel’s completely incompetent ERC that gave us the McCurdy/Executive debacles in the first place.

        • Winnecke may have worked at a bank but he is no banker. He was the guy who decided whether you get a kuzi or a calculator when you started a checking account. For God’s sakes, a news reader took over his job. He is more suited to making Village People exercise videos and pickup up beer cans.

      • And clearly not beholden to the political madness associated with, what were they called, “Main Stream Democrats.”

    • Those people who reside within the city limits of incorporated Evansville should sign this petition now and notify their neighbors and relatives within Evansville so that they may also sign this petition.


      • The County residents should be sweating this also. When this deal goes bad, and it will, and the CONSOLIDATED City loses $4.8 million, they will be affected also.

    • The CP has essentially become useless as a reporter of real local news. Failing to report on the things Stephanie wrote is irresponsible and damaging to the community. One has to wonder who is telling the CP what to publish but more importantly what not to publish.

      If you want to know where people gather to knit or pat each other on the back in designer clothes, by all means read the CP. That is about all that they do a good job of. They did report on the “chicken fat” video though. Fluff, Fluff, and more Fluff.

  6. If this EarthCare deal turns out to be criminal, wouldn’t CourierPress be hard pressed to explain their cover-up of the Riley expose’? If I were the CP editor, I would feel COMPELLED to publish the expose, . …

    • The editor of the CP is a local yokel and is in over his head just like Mayor Winnecke. Neither of them should have the job that they have.

    • It is shocking that they refuse to cover these developments. But then again, neither is the television media.

      It’s clear that if she wants the public to know about her efforts, Brinkeroff has to get more aggressive–hold a press conference, visit the local newsrooms, maybe even submit an op-ed to the Courier.

  7. I was told Brinkeroff was going to have press conference last Thursday or Friday at 1:00 but cancelled the event and released the information to only the CCO. Don’t know this for a fact but that is what I was told.

    • You were told wrong. All news outlets have been provided access to the article she wrote and all including the CCO got it on Friday. Stephanie even spent a number of hours being interviewed by the CP on the subject only to see an article published about “monitoring” the money spent by Earthcare. Furthermore all of the information in her article was made available privately to Mayor Winnecke and GAGE about a week before she released it and fell on deaf ears.

      • Did any of the owners, publishers, or editors of the City County Observer make a political donation to a 2011 City Council candidate whether directly or through an intermediary?

        • I personally did not but do not know about the others. Their business is their business.

          • actually if you are gonna claim to be an impartial news source it is our business. It is my understanding that members of the traditional media are forbidden from donating.

          • Why would Leach, Et al, need to make a financial donation anyway? How much is their written endorsement worth in dollars and cents?

            It slays me that they think candidates, who you know damn well they will never endorse, should come to their establishment and sit for the inquisitors, instead of them getting their lazy butts out in the field and following a candidate and maybe at least acting like reporters.


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