IS IT TRUE May 4, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE May 4, 2012

IS IT TRUE that 3rd Ward City Councilwoman Stephanie Riley tossed cold water onto the plans of the never vet, rush to vote, and now rush to fund crowd with respect to the Earthcare Energy loan?…that the people of Evansville are lining up in support of Councilwoman Riley’s courageous call to put a fork in this deal over material misrepresentation, withheld material information, a record of failure, and the obstinate way that a small number of people in authority have dug their heels in to protect this monumental mistake?…that as of the time of this writing there have been 125 comments posted between the CP and the CCO and that there IS NOT EVEN ONE COMMUNITY COMMENT IN FAVOR OF MAKING THIS LOAN?…that some members of the Evansville City Council are digging their heels in very vocally with the argument to “STAND BY THE VOTE AND MOVE ON”?…that such a statement is one of the most incredibly ignorant things ever uttered by members of any City Council

IS IT TRUE that the three most vocal are Connie Robinson, Missy Mosby, and Jonathan Weaver?…that both Weaver and Mosby have dabbled in real estate and know full well that a bad deal will not go through the vetting process of a home inspection and a loan process?…that if Weaver and Mosby think that if mold is found in the basement and a leak is found in the roof after the contract is signed that there will be changes to the contract to accommodate those new pieces of information?…that if they do not know that then they are as misinformed in the world of real estate as they are as City Council members voting on making a loan?…that Robinson is a businesswoman and knows that deals change when new information is available all of the time?…that it is time for Councilwomen Mosby and Robinson along with Councilman Weaver to have a “coming to Jesus” meeting with their constituents regarding the Earthcare Energy loan?…it is time for these lazy voters who must be dancing to some puppet master’s cadence to reverse their position and prepare for life beyond elected office?…that what needs to happen is that these three elected officials need to MOVE ON?

IS IT TRUE that GAGE president Debbie Dewey needs to send Councilwoman Riley a month of her salary?…that Councilwoman Riley did Dewey’s job for her while raising 4 children, sitting on City Council, and holding a full time job as an attorney?…that just as a reminder the things that Councilwoman Riley discovered during her vetting process are that among the management team of Earthcare Energy that there are bankruptcies, failed companies, over $2.2 Million of tax liens, an arrest, and no experience to speak of running a start-up technology company?…that anyone who thinks that is not material information to making this loan is either completely incompetent or has consumed so much of the Earthcare Kool-Aid that they have no business being a part of the process?…that we must wonder if Ms. Dewey did her job and knew all of these things and withheld this information or if she neglected her duty to vet and was surprised when Councilwoman Riley’s article came out yesterday?…that either way the vetting that was made available to the City Council prior to the infamous vote was grossly incompetent?…that this deal needs to be revisited using Councilwoman Riley’s information along with information from other sources that has not yet been revealed?

IS IT TRUE that the statements that Earthcare has no competition made by the founders of Earthcare and repeated by Ms. Dewey are also either blatantly false or incredibly naïve?…that there are as Councilwoman Riley pointed out a number of companies with a long history of competing in the gas letdown business with turbo expanders?…that the turbo expanders have on inlet for a high pressure gas stream, one outlet for a low pressure gas stream, and a generator that produces electricity?…that these devices do the EXACT SAME THING but do it in a slightly different way?…that the statements made by Haney and Dewey make about as much sense as saying that an SUV does not compete with an automobile for market share?…that Langson devices have been marketed by multiple companies for over 2 years without a single sale?…that maybe there is really no market for this device which essentially makes the competition moot?

Finally, IS IT TRUE that the published World Headquarters of Earthcare Energy is rental mail box #132 in a PostNet packing and shipping center in Humble, TX?…that it sits between a Starbucks and a Radio Shack?…that given all of Councilwoman Riley’s findings that people are beginning to wonder if there is any qualification procedure to get a $4.8 Million loan from the City of Evansville?…that it seems like the only qualification that is consistent with other credit qualifications is a pulse and a fantastic piece of fiction?


  1. Is there a process to impeach city council members who obviously are too stupid or are unwilling to perform their duties? Mosby and Weaver absolutely have to go.

    Robinson on the other hand has served well for a number of years but has a mental block with this deal. Maybe it is because the Rev. Brooks spoke for it and she has a pact to support his schemes.

  2. Thank you, to 3rd Ward City Councilwoman Stephanie Riley, for her due diligence and work for our city! There is no way this can go forward now. Run these snake oil salesmen out of town!

  3. RevJeremiahWright

    Need to also include Ms Robinson with Weaver and Mosby alike.

    Just wonder if alledged business women Robinson would give the Earthcare owner a $5,000 line of credit to purchase toliet paper from her company.

    What she consider to be good sound business practice for her company should also be good sound business pratice for the taxpayer!

    Oh, we know the answer to the above question. The answer is “NO”!

  4. Is it true that the executive board of directors of GAGE approved, upon the recommendation of Ms. Dewey, the loan request for Earthcaregate?

    Is it true that Mayor Lloyd Winnecke sits on the GAGE executive board?

    Is it true that GAGE refuses to release any information on the approval of Earthcaregate?

    Is it true that the city council members who voted for this fraud loan and the Winnecke administration through implied consent share the blame for this debacle?

    Is it true that it would seem the Mayor would kill this scam on evansville but will remain silent because he already voted to approve the scam as a member of the GAGE executive board?

    Is it true this will all unravel and the information extracted from GAGE through the Freedom of Information Act will make the gang of 5 and Winnecke administration look like a bunch of slack-jawed yokels?

  5. It’s time for the Mayor to resign from the GAGE Board of Directors because he has an obvious conflict concerning the Earthcare loan!

    Back room Homestead Tax Credit deal, $600,000 plus loss on the Freedom Festival (GAGE only reported about a $280,000 loss to media), $4.8 million dollar Earthgate loan and push to give his buddy Debbie Dewey a big bonas and salary increase for 2012!

    Enjoy your first and last term as Maayor Evansville! Sorry I voted for you!

  6. Even Al Lindsey figured out this was a scam. That’s how obvious this scam is. We can’t expect any logical decisions from Robinson, Weaver or Mosby. But with the stellar information from Ms. Brinkerhoff-Riley, surely Dr. Adams and Mr. O’Daniel will stop this train wreck from happening.

  7. that some members of the Evansville City Council are digging their heels in very vocally with the argument to “STAND BY THE VOTE AND MOVE ON”?…that such a statement is one of the most incredibly ignorant things ever uttered by members of any City Council


    Mr. Robinson’s statement represents a new low for both ignorance and arrogance by a City Council member.

  8. I am disappointed that nobody is asking the key questions:

    1) WHO brought this deal to the council? It’s not just any run-of-the-mill scam operation that gets access to an up or down vote on a $4.8MM loan from a city government? You have to have friends…

    2) Did Mr. Haney’s possible relationship to the longtime assistant to Mayor Winnecke’s wife play any role?

    3) What motivation did the person who found this “deal” have for bringing it to a vote?

    Frankly, the clown patrol on the city council is a sideshow. They are morons, yes, but they didn’t bring the deal to the table. Neither did Debbie “Don’t Ask My Salary” Dewey.

    Find the person who truly brough this deal forward, and all questions will be answered.

    • Andrew, you have to stop it. It is a bad deal and it is getting harder and harder to deny that.

      But, no personal relationship between Mr. HANEY and Ms. HAYNIE exists. It is only in your massively warped brain that it does. A simple Google search would award you all the knowledge you need to know that your claim in untrue.

      I do believe Google works in Louisville, right?

      • Who is Andrew?

        Glad to hear there is no connection (which is why I used the word “possible”).

        But we still need to know WHO brought this gawdawful deal to the table. Or do you not think hat is relevant?

        • By even brining it up on this thread, you are implicating someone who had nothing to do with this deal. If you really wanted to know if Ms. HAYNIE had anything to do with Mr. HANEY, you could have rolled your mouse over to the Google search bar and found out for yourself. You were attempting to implicate Mrs. McClintock and Ms. HAYNIE with zero proof. Save your beef with Carol for another time.

          Whoever brought this deal to the city is, at this point, irrelevant. The administration, the city council, and GAGE should be squarely in the hot seat now. People bring bad business ventures to the table all the time. It is up to the people that put up the money to understand the risk.

          Do you seriously think that venture capital groups hear nothing but good ideas? I’m sure they don’t go blaming the spouses and friends of the person who tried to pitch them the idea for a million dollar pooper-scooper.

          • The statistics for Angel and Venture Firms are roughly 80% of the business plans that come in are rejected by the screeners, 20% are passed on to the analysts, and only between 2% and 3% get funding. Many of the plans that are among the 80% that are rejected by the screeners are much better than the “investment summary” submitted by Earthcare to the City of Evansville. The Earthcare “investment summary” would not last two paragraphs in a real investment firm. It would be laughed out of the room. The real weak link in Evansville is not Earthcare or the people in it. They did what they could. The travesty is that such a plan advanced to a vote. This should have hit the trashcan 20 minutes after the envelope was opened. And yes, as you said the Winnecke Administration, the City Council, and GAGE are and should be on the hot seat over this.

          • Bitg big big difference. This is not a VC board…it is a cash strapped municipal body that absolutely lacks the expertise to make decisions like this, let alone at virtual gunpoint.

            The VC model works because they have a huge bankroll and place a lot of bets. They know that 9 out of 10 deals will fail, but the 10th deal pays for all the rest (and then some).

            And btw, EVERY venture.firm does a ton of vetting on every deal.

            So please don’t compare this debacle to a.real venture investment.

            No, this was a political deal thru and thru. And as such, it DEFINITELY matters who brought it to the table. If we learn that, all else will be clear.

    • Steve Bagbey, Connie Robinson, and the Reverend Adrian Brooks are who the word on the street says are behind Earthcare. Ask yourself what these three people have to gain or who is pulling their strings and you will have your answer.

      Didn’t Winnecke owe Brooks and Connie for delivering the 4th Ward vote? Dewey is just a stupid arrogant puppet who did what her Mayor told her to do. Ziemer is packing water for Winnecke on this now too.

      Ziemer is not a stupid enough man to really believe this crap. It is amazing how much a person will compromise their own senses for $150 per hour.

  9. What about the backroom political salary deal that Eric William, Jim Raben and Marsha Abell cut recently? They all agree to give all the Sheriff’s office employees a big raise for this year. Lady and Gentleman you’all now have major proplems with the rank and file county employees who didn’t a similar pay raise for this year.

    Enjoy your last term in office! I’m a shame of you Marsha agreeing to this kid of back room political deal.

  10. “It behooves you, therefore, to think and act for yourself and your people. The great principles of right and wrong are legible to every reader; to pursue them requires not the aid of many counselors. The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest. Only aim to do your duty, and mankind will give you credit where you fail.” – Thomas Jefferson

  11. When is the CCO going to put “Salarygate of Vanderburgh County” on their list to report? The taxpayers of this county need to know the honest truth concerning how the raises the Sheriff Department came about?
    I hear from highly regarded sources that a back room political deal was cut between Jim Raben, Marsha Abell and Sheriff Eric Williams.
    What the huck—I also here we also could this poliical deal “TIREGATE”!

    Go get them CCO your reading public demands it!

    • Wait a minute here. Didn’t the Sheriff’s deputies just negotiate a contract with the County?

      Isn’t a salary part of a contract negotiations? Don’t our public safety officers deserve the right to negotiate for a decent living wage?

      I say congratulations to the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s deputies for successfully negotiating a fair contract and earning a fair wage for yourselves and your families!

      • but I would think the county would have to approve such contract. I also applaud the deputies for negotiating a fair and equitable contract and hope the Teamsters of Allied Waste can do the same.

        • The county council approved the contract’s budgetary impact this past Wednesday morning with a 6 to 1 vote, Tom Shetler being the sole opponent of the deputies’ salary agreement.

          I did not attend the two most recent county commissioners meetings, so do not know if they too have approved the contract.

        • … and yes, I hope the county council will approve fair and equal raises for all county employees now that the local governments have experienced a windfall influx of tax funds after discovery of the hundreds of millions of dollars that Gov. Daniels’ administration withheld due to their years of accounting errors.

  12. This Williams, Abell and Raben conversation is off topic. Save it for another day. Please!

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