Dr. Bucshon Comments on SCOTUS Delay of EPA’s Clean Power Plan


 Eighth District Congressman and member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee Larry Bucshon, M.D. released the following statement after the Supreme Court issued a stay of the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan:

I’m happy to see the Supreme Court rule in favor of states like Indiana that depend on coal for low-cost energy and good-paying jobs. Let’s be clear: these regulations are not about the environment. They are about controlling our nation’s energy sector and transforming it to fit the ideological views of liberals in Washington, D.C., even at the expense of middle class families here in coal country. 

 “I’ve always maintained that our energy policies should strike the appropriate balance between the way we generate energy and protect our environment. I support an all-of-the-above strategy that incorporates renewables as well as fossil fuels. However, the way forward is through private sector innovation, not top down federal regulations that damage our economy and stymie research and development.”
Last year, a coalition of states, including Indiana, filed a lawsuit challenging the legal standing of the EPA’s “Clean Power Plan”. In December, the House passed a resolution disapproving the plan.

Additionally, in June, the House passed the Ratepayer Protection Act (H.R. 2042), a bill introduced by Congressman Ed Whitfield (KY-01), to protect families and businesses from significant electricity rate increases or reduced electric reliability that may result from EPA’s regulations. Following the vote, Bucshon said:


  1. If the Supreme Court’s stay ruling is so great in Bucshon’s eyes, why did he turn a blind eye continued funding of EPA’s war on coal in last years budget deal?

  2. Bucshon is a puppet. His words are not his. He only opens his mouth when his trainers have told him to read the cards. He is truly an embarrassment to Indiana.

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