Mayor Ballard Reacts To Department Of Metropolitan Development Fallout After FBI Probe


This video was provided to the CCO by poster Pressanykey.


  1. Good job Pressanykey.
    This video is spot on in describing how long-serving City Officials with involvement or service in the Land Bank program can work with third parties, and especially those private practice third parties with long-time personal connections with past and current City Officials, and connect them and their clients with insider deals on real estate the Land Bank holds.
    We have seen Evansville’s DMD steer the Evansville Brownfields Corp land bank to use funds, not to clear blighted homes, but to clear those homes because the land they sat on…..was ideal for a D-Patrick Car Dealership.


      • Editor:
        I am afraid you are mistaken.
        They were wholly provable facts.
        And they made no accusations whatsoever.
        All of the information in that posting were printed in the Courier & Press
        and were matters of public record.
        Not a thing written was libelous, and again, there were no accusations whatsoever.
        The facts were perhaps inconvenient, but not libelous, and 100% accurate.

          • You are embarrassingly wrong in your implications about a former City Councilor, and I wonder why you singled out only one Councilperson, when the Brownfields board had no vote on the D-Pat deal, but the entire City Council did. Those who cast votes, whether as a function of a board or elected body depend on “professional staff” for information and advice.

            You remind me of a delusional dog with an imaginary bone.

          • LKB:
            Why are you continuing to try to promote this narrative that Executive Board Members (of which Evansville Councilwoman Connie Robinson is a senior EBC Member) of the Evansville Brownfields Corp. have:
            1. No involvement with EBC activities?
            2. With no oversight over EBC actions?
            3. With no approval authority on the actions of the EBC?
            4. With knowledge of EBC deals?
            The D-Patrick Car Dealership in the 4th Ward sits on former EBC land bank real estate.
            The residents of those homes were evicted to allow the land to be cleared.

            Why are you trying to promote this narrative ELKAYBEE?

          • @DB:
            I am not “promoting” any narrative. I am pointing out facts. One of those facts is that it became clear to me at last week’s meeting that the majority of the EBC board simply “rubberstamps” whatever the DMD employees propose, and Mrs. Robinson was not even present at that meeting. I’m trying to figure out why you are so anxious to assign blame for the D-Pat project to one person. In that case, Brownfields board did not vote on the money for the project, but the entire City Council did. Why are you out to place blame on one person? Is this a political ax you’re grinding, or is it a racist or sexist agenda?

          • ELKAYBEE:
            Yes, you should be scared of this.
            Race card and sexism card all in one sentence….? Laughable.
            LKB, I don’t believe you have any idea what is occurring within land bank activities.
            The D-Pat event involved MANY people.
            You are running interference…but you don’t know understand why you’re doing it.
            That’s ok. You just don’t know.
            You apparently will finish that apartment search in Owensboro or Arizona sooner rather than later, I’m guessing.

          • My guess is that LKB may be right on the Brownfields only being a rubber stamp. The Council was also a rubber stamp. Just who is the wizard or wizards behind the curtain? I do not recall seeing any Brownfields connection to the dpat lot. I think the gravy went to someone else. DMD let that one go through with getting a cut of it. They intended to get all the funding coming from the BEP, (they had plans for it) but someone (mayor?) stepped in and redirected it. Everyone went along. Who came up with the idea and promoted it?

  2. The dpat problem is the tip of the iceberg. Just wait until you see the total public funding that flowed thru EBC and who benefited. EBC received funding over the $500,000 threshold to require an annual audit for about the last 8 years I think there may have been only one completed – there was only one filed. It appears that the wrongdoing was discovered and exposed by the CCO at the time but no one would do anything about it. Coures said “george, not everything is a conspiracy” but the attempt to cover up what the EBC has been doing with Millions of “OUR” dollars since 2006 looks a lot like a conspiracy. Maybe it is just a collaboration to hide the truth. I wonder if they are trying to take advantage of the Statute of limitation.

    • …..Great job George. Great job.
      The facts have to be followed….to where the facts lead.
      Follow the facts. Follow the money. Follow the people involved.
      And follow the people connecting the people involved.

  3. Keep the heat on and they’ll do something (else) stupid. Like double down. You can bet your ass they’re being looked at right now. Any locals that can do anything about the misuse of TARP funds, etc. have been bought or otherwise co-opted. The feds are a different story. The administration undoubtedly knows this and … brilliantly sends one of their minor functionaries, Mosby, out to look just as bad as she possibly can on their behalf, trying to limit public access to what transpires at the public show part of the council’s machinations.

    Arrogance has brought down much more powerful people than this bunch of little satraps.

    • Bandana… read what was written in the earlier post. Were they not simply facts and information previously printed in the C&P? They were a clear and certain representation of the facts reported in the C&P of the D-Patrick Car Dealership, the DMD, the Evansville Brownfields Corp., the area the D-Patrick Car Dealership is located in (the 4th Ward), and the Councilwoman for the 4th Ward, Connie Robinson, who also is an Executive Board Member of the Evansville Brownfields Corp. and who endorsed GOP Mayor Winnecke in the Evansville Mayoral election. Right?

      • She endorsed Gail Riecken in the last election, not Lloyd Winnecke. I would also point out that she has NOT “lawyered up” as many others have done. Apparently she feels she has nothing to hide.

  4. I have information that came from one good source and was verified by another one, that the County Clerk’s office has badge-flashing visitors from the IRS. They seem to be interested in reviewing W-9’s and 1099s. Does anyone know whether this is just a routine audit or something more? Are the IRS people with the badges from the State of Indiana or the Fed? Rumor has it that their presence seems to be causing some discomfort among officials.

      • That’s how I see it, and “drop in” company is always a problem. It appears to me that if this was a routine audit, there wouldn’t be so much tension about the visit.

  5. This is an open plea to the Federal investigators who are examining the DMD. Please, please look into the awarding of the Façade Grants. These have been handed out for years, and recently they seem to only go to the politically connected. That program smells!

    • Bandit, Baby steps first. There are only so many agents. Me and you are a minority. I am doing all that I can with the limited resources I have. We need more volunteers for justice or a sponsor with deeper pockets than mine.

    • I have made them based on the assessors web site and then run the list through a map program. The current holding are not nearly as informative as the ones they have purchased and sold since 2006.

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