YESTERDAY-Main Street Fire


One of the costliest fires in Evansville’s history ravaged the 300 block of Main Street on January 2, 1951, destroying businesses and inflicting damage on others. A Walgreens drug store and the Economy Department store were completely leveled before firefighters finished unrolling their hoses. Despite the frigid temperature, intense heat from the inferno caused buildings across the street to burst into flames. Arson was ruled out, and the cause of the fire was attributed to inferior construction methods. A year later, the Evansville Store opened on the site.

FOOTNOTE: We want to thank Patricia Sides, Archivist of Willard Library for contributing this picture that shall increase people’s awareness and appreciation of Evansville’s rich history. If you have any historical pictures of Vanderburgh County or Evansville please contact please contact Patricia Sides, Archivist Willard Library at 812) 425-4309, ext. 114 or e-mail her at