ABA Committee Recommends Indiana Tech Law School For Accreditation


ABA Committee Recommends Indiana Tech Law School For Accreditation

byMarilyn Odendahl for www.theindianalawyer.com

Indiana Tech Law School’s application for provisional accreditation has received support within the American Bar Association.

The Accreditation Committee of the ABA’s Section on Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar recommended Jan. 21 that Indiana Tech’s application be approved.  The Fort Wayne law school must now get final approval from the Section’s Council.

Indiana Tech Law School will make its presentation during the council’s scheduled meeting March 11 and 12 in Phoenix, Arizona.

“While I am grateful for the committee’s work and their recommendation, I recognize and respect the Council’s role in this process and look forward to appearing before the Council in March,” Indiana Tech Law School Dean Charles Cercone said in a statement.

In 2015, the ABA denied Indiana Tech’s application. According to Cercone, the bar association was concerned that the law school had notfully developed its curriculum.

“I appreciate the hard work of our entire team in putting together such a strong program for our students and the tremendous support of the University, its Trustees and the Fort Wayne community,” Cercone said.