Two New Laws


Dear Friend,

A pair of bills responding to the 2015 ISTEP problems were signed into law this week.

House Enrolled Act 1003 ensures last year’s ISTEP scores do not unfairly penalize Hoosier teachers and schools, since the state transitioned to a new, more rigorous test. The law prevents 2014-2015 ISTEP scores from being used in annual teacher performance evaluations unless those scores improve the teacher’s performance rating.

Senate Enrolled Act 200 provides that a school’s A-F performance rating for the 2014-2015 school year cannot be lower than the assigned performance grade for the 2013-2014 school year.

These efforts reflect a shared commitment to support our educators and schools. This session, we will also work on creating a framework for more streamlined testing and move to an accurate, timely and effective test. We are also focused on attracting top-performing high school students to teaching, encouraging college students to enter the profession and providing educators with more flexibility. Our children are our most precious resource, and I’m dedicated to making sure they have the best possible education.

My colleagues and I paired our sneakers with our suits this week at the Statehouse to help raise cancer awareness. With more than 35,000 Hoosiers expected to be diagnosed with cancer this year alone, it’s important we unite and support efforts to find a cure.

If you have questions or input as we continue moving Indiana forward, please contact me at (317)232­-9816 or


State Rep. Wendy McNamara


  1. Finally, someone is trying to fix what Indy broke. Please support these bills! Thanks Representative McNamara and colleagues!

  2. SEA 200

    “Senate Enrolled Act 200 provides that a school’s A-F performance rating for the 2014-2015 school year cannot be lower than the assigned performance grade for the 2013-2014 school year.”

    * * * * * * * * * * *

    We are talking about the assigned grade can not be lower, not the actual performance, right? What generous people these legislators are. I thought this system was already ingrained in the public school system. I think it is refereed to as social promotion.

  3. It is ironic that wearing sneakers is supposed to highlight the need for cancer awareness. McNamara’s Posey County is a “cancer cluster” area. It has one of the highest rates of cancer in the country. E.B. Brown anyone?

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