EVSC to Open New Early Childhood Center at Daniel Wertz


Parents in the Evansville area will have a new option next year for childcare with the opening of the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation’s Little Panther World. Little Panther World will be housed at Daniel Wertz Elementary School and will be open to children ages three to five and will operate from 6:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

According to Erin Ramsey, EVSC director of Early Childhood Education, Little Panther World will offer the same learning opportunities as all of the high quality early childhood programs within EVSC. The focus on active learning, application of knowledge, inquiry and exploration through creative and engaging curriculum offers children and families a wonderful opportunity, says Ramsey.

“We know that young children learn better by playing and exploring new things,” Ramsey said. “We also know that 85 percent of a child’s capacity to learn occurs from birth to five years old. Little Panther World will provide another option for families looking for high quality childcare that effectively prepares them to enter kindergarten. ”

Ramsey also says Little Panther World will be modeled after the EVSC’s Little Husky World, housed at Scott School. Little Husky World has seen much success and is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Cost for the program will be $130 each week and will accept 20 students its first year.

Individuals interested in enrolling in Little Panther World are asked to contact Daniel Wertz Elementary School at 435-8312.