By Susan Stamper Brown

We should be thankful the Obama administration is nearing its end. This year is bound to have its share of surprises and grandstanding from a president who seems more enamored by regimes like Iran than America. The administration relentlessly insists the Iranian regime can be trusted to keep its word and honor treaties, even after the recent hostage-taking of U.S. Navy sailors who weren’t released until we apologized.

In short order, the Obama administration did its best to communicate the swift return of the sailors was due to their diplomatic outreach to Tehran. The release was about as connected to diplomacy as a homemade video was connected to Benghazi.

As the saying goes, a picture paints a thousand words — and what a picture was painted when a humiliating video surfaced showing the boat’s captain apologizing to Iran. NCIS’s Leroy Gibbs would be appalled, given his rule #6: “Never apologize — it’s a sign of weakness.” Despicable videos followed of sailors on their own boat, apparently kneeling in submission at gunpoint, displaying the picture of weakness this administration exhibits and America’s enemies exploit at every opportunity.

And elsewhere in some alternate universe to which the Obama administration dwells, Secretary of State Kerry thanked Iran for its “diplomacy” in their handling of the matter.

As I write, news breaks about the release of four additional hostages from Iran, which at first blush seems to contradict my opinion about the administration’s new BFF, but as I read further, the hostages came with a hefty price tag. In addition to the pending $150 billion from Obama’s nuclear deal, apparently seven Iranians were released from U.S. custody, and charges were dropped for an additional 14. With details still unclear, and given the Bergdahl debacle, one can’t help but be suspicious of any deals this administration cuts.

Surely, we would’ve had those hostages back straightaway, if, like Ronald Reagan, America stood up to evil regimes rather than constantly capitulating. Admittedly, words sometimes work, as Reagan’s presidency taught. History shows us Reagan’s tact also allowed him to tell the enemy to go to hell in such a genteel way, our enemies appeared to gladly anticipate the trip. “We maintain the peace through our strength; weakness only invites aggression,” Reagan said.  Of course, sometimes a good punch in the face communicates much better than words.

What business does the Obama administration have doing deals with Iran anyhow? Throughout the whole nuclear deal negotiation process, it’s been documented that Iranian leadership continued to chant “Death to America” and say the U.S. remains “the great Satan and their “number-one enemy.” Were I in charge, I would take that personally. As Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) said, “When someone chants… death to America, we should take him at his word, and we shouldn’t put him on the path to a nuclear bomb.”

As retired U.S. Army lieutenant general Michael Barbero wrote in an article for the Weekly Standard last August, the Obama administration’s nuclear deal also lifts sanctions on the man responsible “for sowing sectarian conflict in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.” Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp Quds Force Commander Major General Qassem Suleimani is also responsible for the deaths and injuries of thousands of American soldiers fighting in Iraq — yet we’re about to pour in his pockets “a large infusion of cash to wreak more havoc and terror,” Mr. Barbero wrote.

One can’t help but wonder what sort of terror might be visited upon the planet once the sanctions are removed and the billions begin to flow. After all, there is a reason why, up until this administration, America didn’t negotiate with terrorists.


  1. Susan Stamper Brown is simply stampering her feet. It kills any vestigial soul she might have that our president has handled Iran so deftly. Wonder why it took her so many words to simply say ‘Benghazi, Bergdahl, terror and Reagan’.

    Junior Rubio stampers with her, the little Beatle boot wearing kindergartener is looking to bomb somebody but like Susan Stamper Brown is still sounding around for somewhere to focus his hate. For now Obama will have to serve that purpose. Any ordnance those two brave idiots dispense will be at the cherry bomb level. In fact, a couple of those little gems twisted together and properly inserted could make Rubio, at least momentarily, seem 5 ft. tall.

  2. Iran went from being within 3 months of having the bomb to now at least a year and that pisses Susan, Tom Cotton, the entire Republican Party, Netanyahu and the warmongering hard liners in Iran off, but not the rest of the world.

    OBAMA AND IRAN: STRANGLE BEDFELLOWS – There are strange bedfellows wandering around alright Stamper, and they all graduated from the Dick Cheney school of no-bid contracts….


    • You nailed that one! I guess Stamper is looking forward to a more “sensible” administration, like Trump or Cruz.

      • Susan longs for the days of losing 700,000 jobs a month when her bill collecting business was going great guns instead of being resigned to writing columns of low information talking points that would even make Shaun Hannity blush.

        Right Joe?….

  3. Perfect political cartoon. Thankfully for our Country, Barack “Mullah” Obama will be out of office soon.

    • Obama’s been a devastatingly effective President. Look at the themes he promised in each of his two Inauguration speeches. Obama would deserve the criticism of being a bad President if he failed to deliver on what he promised. But he didn’t. He stamped all in his way, including annual budgets – won EVERY time.
      His policy wins…across the board….big time winners. If you judge a guy based on doing what he said he was gonna do….and he does 9 out of 10, that is an “A” for effectiveness.
      And the reason the GOP is pissed? The reason JB doesn’t like him? The reason all of the GOP can’t stand him?
      He’s kicked their ass all over the table for the last 7 years. Simple as that.

  4. Putting aside the US strategic debate on engaging w/ Iran…
    ….this article reads like it was written by a GRADE SCHOOL student.
    And it draws conclusions like she did her background research by reading the headlines of the NY Post.
    The whole Tea Party idiot base…same thing.
    They get their research by reading the headlines of the NY Post. (“Hubby in trouble for forgetting wife at Gas Station!” “Iran disses Obama while he watches the Kardashians!”)

  5. TOP STORY TONIGHT? (It’s not Iran.)


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