Governor Pence Spokesman Issues Statement on Department of Education Report


The Pence administration issued the following statement from spokesman Matt Lloyd on the review of the ISTEP+ scoring process that showed no discernible impact on scores:

“Governor Pence is grateful to the Indiana Department of Education for undertaking this investigation. While the results of the report are encouraging, the governor will continue to listen to local educators and school leaders to inform his discussions with the Indiana General Assembly. The governor appreciates that this is a transition year and he will continue to work with legislative leaders to ensure that test scores do not affect teacher bonuses or compensation and that schools are treated fairly.”

The link below is to the DOE news release on the report of scoring of 2015 ISTEP+ by CTB McGraw Hill:



  1. Someone needs to distill these documents down to layman’s terms so the average person can gain a better understanding of what actually transpired.

    The public has grown suspicious, and rightfully so, of these annual “glitches” that always cast some doubt about the validity of the scores.

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