Letter to the Editor: Biased or Negligent Newspapers Killing Journalism


By: Bill Hazelip

What happens to a newspaper when the readers are on to it? When the “news” is already old stories and the daily coverage is so biased that even the staff reporters complain of the imbalance, what happens? When a newspaper hides and distorts the real news about the incompetence of the nation’s leaders and the poor shape of the country what happens?

The answer is simple; the people stop taking the paper, and businesses that advertise take their business some place else! This is what is happening to the New York Times. It was not enough for the Times to have 90% of their staff vote one-way or follow the liberal lines of their Eastern journalistic teachings, but they also, had to turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the news that was happening all around them. Bernie Goldberg, winner of many awards of excellence in journalistic reporting says, “It is no longer just biases; it has now turned into corruption!”

However, the Times is not alone in their distortion of the news. The case of Trayvon Martin is a good example of distorted coverage, and two of the major networks even distorted and lied to the public about the incident. Was Trayvon Martin, a story of National interest or was it the media’s way of covering up the “whispering incident” of Obama to the Russian President? The media was saying to the three hundred million people, in the United States, these whispers to our long-time enemy are not of your concerns. But, the public was restless! We wanted to know more!

So, a new distortion was born! —- A white-skin looking Hispanic kills a young black man, who resembles Barack Obama’s son, — if he had one! The media once again realized that by playing the race card, they could protect their presidential choice. A black minister, who was appearing as a guest on a television show commented, “these killings are happening everyday in America,” and he is correct. But gasoline prices of four dollars a gallon, plus unemployment at a 50 year high and Obama whispering to the Russian, required an immediate media diversion. And the media responded in chorus!

Newspapers, magazines and the network news stations are out-of-date and nearing their end. They believe that they have accomplished their mission with the last presidential election. However, one election does not seal the fate of America, but it could seal the fate of liberal journalism and the TIMES!


  1. “So, a new distortion was born! —- A white-skin looking Hispanic kills a young black man, who resembles Barack Obama’s son, — if he had one!”

    What point are you attempting to make with this statement?

    Zimmerman looks Hispanic to me. Hispanic people come in all shades of skin tone. By the way, his surname is Jewish, and he has a Jewish father. What’s your point?

    As far as Trayvon Martin looking like Obama’s son, if Obama had a son, well Obama said that himself because it’s true. Again, what’s your point?

    Often times, people start off with a reasonable point of view, and then say something really off the wall that takes the reader right off the tracks. You completely lost me with that one sentence.

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