IS IT TRUE DMD Director Kelley Coures made a strange comment during a recent T V interview that he’s a public servant and takes his marching orders from elected officials and all he does is grant their wishes?  …its common knowledge that he recommends nearly every ERC funded projects without little input from anyone else outside the Mayor and his inner political circle?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr has repaid the $8 Million Dollar loan he borrowed from the Rainy Day and Riverboat Funds earlier this year so the City could make payroll and pay overdue bills?  …it’s our understanding Controller Lloyd promised the taxpayers of this community to repaid this loan in mid December, 2015?

IS IT TRUE recently we predicted that the rank and file members of the EPD would reject the collective bargaining contract offer submitted to them just before the City election?  …we knew once the rank and file reviewed the benefit package more in detail they would reject the city’s offer by an overwhelming vote? …the City election is now history and we predict that the EPD rank and file may find it harder to get a contract offer that they will quickly agree to?   …we hope that the City will present members of the EPD with a fair employment contract offer that they can accept ?

IS IT TRUE our prediction,  City Council President Missy Mosby elect will appoint 1st Ward Republican Dan McGinn as the next Council Finance Chairman was correct? …we also predict Mosby will appoint Connie Robinson as Public Works Chairperson and Dr. Dan Adams the ASD Chairmen?

IS IT TRUE we predict Ms. Mosby will push to resend the Board and Commission ordinance  that allowed Council to appoint only residences of Evansville to serve on Boards and Commissions during the first week of  January, 2016?  …Ms. Mosby shall push to amended this ordinance to allow individuals living outside of Evansville city limits to serve on City Boards and Commissions beginning in 2016?  …Ms. Mosby’s amended “Residency Ordinance” will pass by a 9-0 vote?

IS IT TRUE  newly appointed City Council Finance Chairmen Dan McGinn will recommend that the money taken from the 2016 budgets of area not-for-profits will be re-instated?  …this move will prove to be very popular with the newly elected City Council and pass by a 9-0 vote?

IS IT TRUE we predict that ERC member Cheryl Musgrave (R) will not be reappointed as a member of the ERC Board by City Council?  …this move will please DMD Director Kelley Coures because Mrs. Musgrave questioned nearly every “political pork barrel” projects Coures dreamed up in order to generate support for the Mayors re-election campaign?

IS IT TRUE get ready for the newly appointed City Council Finance Chairmen Dan McGinn to push to raise the Local Option Tax during the month of January, 2016?  …we hope this isn’t the beginning of a tax and spend era?


  1. To the victors belong the spoils.
    The term was derived from the phrase “to the victor belong the spoils” by New York Senator William L. Marcy, referring to the victory of the Jackson Democrats in the election of 1828, with the term spoils meaning goods or benefits taken from the loser in a competition, election or military victory.

  2. ‘I seen my opportunities and I took ’em’. ~~ George Washington Plunkitt of Tammany Hall

  3. IS IT TRUE get ready for the newly appointed City Council Finance Chairmen Dan McGinn to push to raise the Local Option Tax during the month of January, 2016? …we hope this isn’t the beginning of a tax and spend era?

    The spending era has been in place. The funds are depleted. Property taxes are at the Max Levy. Is there any other place to get needed revenues for basic services? The basic services have been cut, cut, and cut some more. I think the choice is to raise this income tax or get out of the governing business and focus only on the entertainment business. Need a name change from “local government” to “fun and games”.

    • George:

      ” …we hope this isn’t the beginning of a tax and spend era?” (GL)

      * * * * * * *
      It began in a big way back in 2004 when Jonathan Weinzapfel took office as mayor, and it has yet to subside.

  4. Abolish the Evansville Redevelopment Commission immediately! Make Evansville a better place to live!

    • Any entity established by a majority vote of the Evansville Common Council, in this case the Evansville Redevelopment Commission, can be abolished by a majority vote of the same. The statute exists covering the abolition process, which would not complete immediately upon an affirmative vote.

      Let the process start.

      • That’s a great thought, but do you really think any of the incoming City Council would give it any consideration? I surely don’t!

        • Did you notice in today’s C&P article by Zach Evans about the 3 departing CC members, that in his list of issues that came before them during their tenure on the council no mention whatsoever is made of the city’s financial problems. All of that has been expunged from the local newspaper narrative because it does not fit with the wishes of the local minister of propaganda.

          As long as the media in this city continues to be so tightly controlled there will be an Evansville Redevelopment Commission, or, the city will end up filing for protection from its creditors, at which time it will be apparent what city entity led them to that end.

          In the meantime, the local taxpayers continue to take it on the chin, causing more of them to flee the city for economic reasons. It is time that the adults on the CC pay attention to things like this:

          and start adjusting the city’s spending accordingly.

  5. Cheryl Musgrave will have her hands full running for County Commissioner, and I expect she will win that seat. The ERC will continue to have its way with the public interest for years to come, and it was a waste of her talents to continue fighting that losing battle. The voters have spoken and they seem to like the status quo.

  6. Years of mosbys. Years of Evansville decline. Clarksville TN already bigger than Evansville despite being 1/4 the size 25 yrs ago.

  7. There is no doubt in my mind that Cheryl Musgrave would easily win a slap fight with local personality Kelley Coures.

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