Gilda’s Club Will Host Breakfast with Santa for Community Families Touched by Cancer


Gilda’ Club Evansville is hosting Breakfast with Santa for families in the Tri-State who have been touched by cancer. The free event is on Saturday, December 5, 2015 at the Clubhouse located 5740 Vogel Road, Evansville, Indiana. The doors will open promptly at 9am, and the event will last until about 11am.

The event will include breakfast, story time, holiday crafts, coloring pages, holiday treat bags, and a visit from Santa sometime between 9:45-10am. Children are invited to bring their holiday wish lists to share with Santa.

“We are looking forward this fun event for those families touched by cancer,” Debbie Folz stated. “Bring your family to celebrate the holiday season and leave with memories and a new circle of friends.”

Pre-registration is required by Wednesday, December 2, 2015 by calling 812-402-8667 or emailing

For more information, call Serina at 812-402-8667.

About Gilda’s Club Evansville:
Gilda’s Club Evansville is a free cancer support community for anyone living with cancer and their families and friends.  Gilda’s Club recognizes that social and emotional support is as essential as medical care when cancer is in the family and offers a variety of workshops, classes, groups and activities in a non-residential, home-like setting.