CCO Traffic Regarding Articles on Vetting of the Earthcare Deal Passes Previous Traffic Records


Stand alone articles that have been published by the City County Observer on the topic of how the VETTING of the Earthcare Energy deal was handled have now passed 25,000 unique readers. This total excludes visits to the daily column IS IT TRUE that has typically addressed several different topics each day but has recently become a forum to advise CCO readership about new information regarding this deal which seems to grow by the day.

The rush to vote and the allegedly sparse job of vetting that is accented by the failure to even check the management team’s credit because they are not being required to guarantee the loan has sparked interest and outcry from the readership. The Earthcare Energy Vetting Farce has now attracted more unique readers than the Executive Inn Dilemma, the McCurdy Fiasco, the Homestead Credit Tax Grab, FloatGate, Al Lindsey’s Mountain Dew, the Democrats didn’t pay for the ChickenGate, Barnett’s Double Paychecks, or even the Opus One party did.

Reader comments have been running roughly 10 to 1 against going forward with the Earthcare Energy deal until a real professional job of qualification of the technology and fully vetting a to be written business plan with verification of claims has been completed. A small group of our readers are from the Councilman Al Lindsey school of thought that local government has no business doing this no matter what.


  1. 25,000 readers on the Vetting Fiasco that Dewey was in charge of. Is this Tim’s revenge for her dressing him down the other night.

  2. No, it’s a newspaper doing its job. Any private citizen with $4,000,000 willing to lend it to Earthcare or whoever can be my guest and pony up the bucks. The taxpayers of Evansville have already been scammed at least one time too many. It’s time for us to hold onto our money and send those yahoos packing.

  3. I bet old Debbie Doobie is glad you guys didn’t drop a Friday afternoon news bomb on her dumb butt today.

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