IS IT TRUE we will be taking a break the week of Thanksgiving?   …when we return, you will see some big changes to our site?  …We expect our new format will encourage more reader participation and also attract a broader range of support from advertisers because we will   become a more informative and positive publication?

“Is It True” will no longer be a daily feature. It will be posted a couple of times (Tuesday and Thursday) a week?  …to access “Is It True” readers will have to go to a link that will be provided in the main section of our paper?  … the same will be true for our “Readers Forum.” ?  …in essence, we will segregate “Is It True” and the “Readers Forum” from the general readership and Interested readers will have to put in an extra effort to access these posts?  …both sections shall be advertising free so the reading public understand that our advertisers have nothing to do with these sometimes controversial and politically charged sections?

IS IT TRUE  we wonder if anyone knows the status of the Alhambra and the Arts Council agreement ?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if anyone knows the status of the ECHO HOUSING and the CRAWFORD  DOOR & DOCK agreement ?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if DMD have found someone to purchase and develop the vacant $525,000 CVS building on North Main?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if anyone knows what the status of the vacant INTERGA Branch building on North Main owned by DMD?

IS IT TRUE we are pleased with the way that Haynie’s Corner development is coming along?

IS IT TRUE we wonder when the city is going to force the owners of the vacant and dilapidated Old Bernie Little River House Hotel to begin renovating it?  …this property has sit vacant for over 10 years and is a major blight on the developing downtown?

IS IT TRUE we are waiting for the Mayor to announce his future plans for the Mesker Amphitheater?

IS IT TRUE we are pleased that the concept of making West Franklin Street an Entertainment District is finally catching on?

IS IT TRUE please go to our video section and pull up an extremely entertaining  video produced by the men and women of the EPD?

IS IT TRUE  the “Readers Poll” ask; Do you feel it’s a smart marketing move for the CCO to a print copy of their publication?


  1. I saw an article about some non profit veterans group that plays with dogs are getting the CVS building. Basically the city paid 10x market value for it from some crony and are “leasing” it to this non profit. Don’t get me wrong, animal therapy for veterans sounds like a worthy cause, I just hate being lied to. It sounded like an organization that probably has little if any financial backing, so this is another giveaway.

  2. It would be a huge community boost if there was a plan to repair and reopen Mesker Amphitheater. I keep on hearing rumors it will be turned over to the zoo for demolition and zoo expansion. If so, that would be a crying shame.

  3. Marketing: I know little of marketing, possibly a little more of human nature. Why not, as a first step, spend a little more marketing your existing website to the public and see if that increases the traffic a little? Some well crafted advertisements, possibly outdoor, placed at strategic points around the city should increase awareness that an alternative to the establishment propaganda is actually available, and hey, you do not have to purchase a social media account in order to leave your comments!

    • Purchase a social media account? You’re buying it with your personal information, but there is no monetary charge. I choose not to comment on the CP now that you cannot do so anonymously because we have a rogue police department and I fear harassment for my dissenting opinions.

      • You’re not that radical, but the CP did a poor job of protecting IDs and it led to me receiving some harassment. at home, work, and church. I don’t post to the CP because they did not enforce their policies equally and it was a zoo. The CCO does a much better job in keeping civility.

  4. Marketing in Print:

    1. Linked format marketing … Use a very abbreviated, potentially weekly initial print version whose goal is driving a deeper dive for more full content on the website.

    2. Rent, don’t buy … Many papers who have been in existence for years with their own presses are now subcontracting. Print with a third party, don’t buy your own printing equipment.

    3. Linked format both ways … Realize that many people who like the ‘feel’ of a print version also what content beyond your base. So have a web interface page that allows for the selection of content of yours but also to print off others. You are not just offering a standard print version for awareness of the web. Rather, you also are offering a printing service of custom content ordered online but delivered on your select initial route distribution corridors.

    4. Narrow banding advertisements … Since you would be logically only doing very narrow initial distribution routes and sale locations, pick off the advertising dollars from very localized businesses. A micro-market is hard for competition to develop due to full circulation rates. But is you are custom printing, with print on demand, you can also localize your market development.

  5. Editor – Hopefully one of your changes/modifications/improvements to your product will be the ability to edit/correct our posts after we have seen our posts on-line and observed our typos and errors.

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