IS IT TRUE we can’t wait to see who blinks first concerning the EVANSVILLE ICEMEN contract dispute with the City?  …todays “Readers Poll” question is; “Who do you think will win the contract dispute between the EVANSVILLE ICEMEN and the CITY”?

IS IT TRUE that last night City Council meeting was indeed interesting?  …we are getting a good idea of how the 2016 City Council meetings will be conducted?  …all we have to say is get ready for the Mosby and Weaver show?

IS IT TRUE we watch with sadness the lights of three fallen political stars go diim during the last several Council meetings?  …we wish John Friend,  Al Lindsey and Conner O’Daniel the best in their future endeavors?

IS IT TRUE that the brightest of all the fallen political stars is Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley who has continued to amazed us with her extreme knowledge of the details of how City government really works?  …we predict that Stephanie shall have a very successful professional life after politics?

IS IT TRUE that Council persons elect Robinson and Adams better get ready to sit in the back of the political bus?  …don’t be surprised to hear that Connie Robinson and Dan Adams will not receive any key Committee appointments under the Mosby-Weaver controlled City Council?

IS IT TRUE we predict that State Representative Gail Riecken political career may not be over?  …if John Greg is elected the next Governor of Indiana could it be possible that Gail Riecken will receive a major Cabinet appointment by Governor Gregg?  …the answer is a definite YES?

IS IT TRUE we have been watching with interest the actions of a couple of newly elected members of City Council members?  …we are extremely impressed with the way Anna Hargis have been conducting herself?  …Anna represents herself in an extremely professional manner?  …we predict that Anna Hargis will quickly  turn out to be a mover and shaker on the 2016 City Council?

IS IT TRUE although Michelle Mercer is a little more reserve then Anna Hargis but we predict she we become very effective working behind the political scene?

IS IT TRUE watching  the 2016 City Council will be fun?


  1. RE: The Icemen (Tenant) and their lease negotiations with Landlord.
    What contract dispute? All leases are negotiated.
    The parties either agree to a contract or they don’t.
    The Icemen have proved they can create a loyal fan base. This is a win for the Tenant.
    The Landlord has proved his facility can host professional hockey. This is a win for Landlord.
    That the lease is under negotiation IS news.
    A dispute? Meh.
    All leases have an end and require negotiation. It’s a lease.
    Bad news? Bad news is when no professional hockey team is interested. That’s not the case here.

    • The bad news is that both the Icemen and the City are losing money. There is no way to create a win-win situation given the financial performance. The Icemen lose and average of $600,000 per year and the Ford Center loses $300,000 (excluding the $8 Million debt service). The real question is how to increase the size of the pie because the pie as is will poison both sides with further losses. The Icemen do have the option of cutting their losses but the City does not.

  2. In regards to the poll question, I don’t know who will come out a winner, but the loser will surely be the taxpayer who is subsidizing this mess

  3. Mercer is a rubber stamp placeholder, nothing more. John Gregg won’t win, unfortunately. Never underestimate the power of hate, and Pence channels that well.

    • Ah but no one channels hate so well as you, Ghost. Hate is present in your every post.

    • Isn’t it interesting that we have people who don’t know the difference between “reality” and “hate”? It’s such a shame that they can’t offer realistic arguments for their optimistic cheerleading and immediately lapse into name-calling and insults when they are confronted with the truth.

      • “Isn’t it interesting that we have people who don’t know the difference between “reality” and “hate”? It’s such a shame that they can’t offer realistic arguments for their optimistic cheerleading and immediately lapse into name-calling and insults when they are confronted with the truth.”

        those people are called leftists and democrats. You all operate under a double standard on ethics. The right must abide by them and you only have to talk about it, but never actually follow those ethics. Still amazingly shallow aren’t you.

  4. Why is it every time a rich guy like Geary is losing money republicans sympathize with him and throw money at him (see also Wall St bailout) but if a poor man is struggling on low RTW wages about to lose his home they tell him to pull himself up by his bootstraps?

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