Governor Pence Celebrates Veterans Day at Indiana Veterans’ Home


Governor Mike Pence celebrated Veterans Day at the Indiana Veterans’ Home in West Lafayette. There, he offered remarks and met with veterans and staff.

“I am thankful today to spend Veterans Day with some of our nation’s heroes here at the Indiana Veterans’ Home,” said Governor Pence. “On this Veterans Day, let us pause to remember those in uniform and their loved ones. We thank them for answering the call of duty and standing at the ready to defend the blessings of liberty, no matter the cost. Here in Indiana, we vow never to fail to honor their service. God bless those who have served and our Hoosier families that serve alongside them.”

Photos from the event can be found below and attached.

Veterans Day: Governor Pence celebrates Veterans Day at the Indiana Veterans’ Home (IVH), where he offered remarks as part of IVH’s annual Veterans Day Ceremony.