Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE November 10, 2015

IS IT TRUE November 10, 2015


IS IT TRUE that EPD Public Information Officer Jason Cullun sent the CCO a surprise e-mail a couple days ago.  …one of our staff member sent an e-mail to EPD asking why we weren’t receiving the daily EPD Activity police reports since the day after the City election?  …that the City County Observer received the daily EPD Activities Reports over the last 4 years without incident?

IS IT TRUE the e-mail sent by Public Information Officer Jason Cullum answering our question stated the following;

We have removed your blog from our media distribution list.

Sgt. Jason Cullum

IS IT TRUE we feel that Public Information Officer Jason Cullum of the EPD not only censored but also discriminated against the CCO and our readers?  …is obvious  that Sgt. Jason Cullum took one of the most effective public relations tools available to EPD that shows the general public what an outstanding job our men and women do on a daily bases to protect us?

IS IT TRUE here is a link of the EPD Activity Report that we received everyday from Mr. Cullum over the last four years?  …we would like for you to click this link so you will get the idea what an outstanding job our men and women in blue are doing to protect us on a daily basis?

IS IT TRUE we feel that the post we put up on October 29, 2015 IS IT TRUE post concerning Chief Bolin and the “Milan Swat Team” raid fiasco caused Cullum to censor the CCO from getting future press releases from the EPD?  … rest assure that the CCO will take every measure in having Mr. Cullum censorship decision reversed because State Access Laws will require him to do so?

IS IT TRUE we hear that Republican Wm. Billy D. Garrett will be running for State Representative District 77 seat now held by Gail Riecken?   …that City employee and Democrat Chris Cooke is considering also running for this position? …Mrs. Riecken announced last week she isn’t running for re-election to her District 77 State Representative seat?

IS IT TRUE we hear that local GOP Party Chairman Wayne Parke isn’t very happy about Cheryl Musgrave  announcing that she is running for the Vanderburgh County Commissioner seat?  …it looks like a internal political battle is looming within the local Republican  party?

IS IT TRUE we want to remind to to vote in todays  CCO “READERS POLL?  …todays question is; “Do feel that EPD Public Information Officer Jason Cullum should be allowed to censor the CCO from getting Daily Activities police reports”?


  1. Typical thug cop gestapo crap. We live in a fascist police state under martial law.

    • “We live in a fascist police state under martial law.”

      With apologies to Inigo Montoya, you keep using that phrase. I do not think it means what you think it means.

      On an unrelated note, happy 240th birthday to the United States Marine Corps. Semper Fi, fellow jarheads!

      • There is no clear cut definition of martial law. DUI checkpoints, breaking up peaceful protests, illegally entering homes, cop murders being overlooked, etc. When you consider our police force an arm of the military, which they are, we’re clearly living under martial law. Sheep.

        • Actually there are clear cut definitions of martial law. You can read them here:


          DUI checkpoints have been constitutionally validated by the US Supreme Court, see Michigan Dept. of State Police v. Sitz The fact that you don’t like them or agree with them does not make them illegal. In a ‘police state’ there is no court system to appeal to.

          Police illegally entering homes are routinely investigated and the offending departments/officers are found civilly or even criminally liable. Look no further than the Milan case in little ole Evansville for an example. In a ‘police state’ no investigations would be allowed, and certainly no LE agency would be held accountable.

          Cop ‘murders’ are also routinely investigated and officers are found guilty. Watch MSNBC for about 15 seconds to get regular updates on all of this activity – – http://www.msnbc.com/now Again, such investigations would not happen in a ‘police state’.

          Finally, only a person who has never served in the military (I presume you have not, but could be wrong) could possibly consider the capabilities and powers of local LE in this country as analogous to that wielded by our armed forces. If domestic LE were an ‘arm of the military’, they are so weak they would have to have their own separate toilet facilities so the other branches weren’t constantly giving them wedgies and making fun of them.

          Bob, due respect, but it is the height of irony for a person to cry ‘fascism!’ and ‘police state!’ as they post anonymously on an unregulated, public domain website dedicated in part to uncovering local corruption and casting a critical eye on the actions of local LE. You undermine otherwise legitimate complaints about domestic LE when you resort to such tired histrionics.

          Calling me a sheep, though, is REALLY clever. Didn’t expect that AT ALL… 😉

          • Yeah, Bob, I’ve seen that picture before. Taken during the Ferguson riots, I believe. Your ‘police state’ government (specifically the USDOJ) conducted an investigation after those riots, and found that police actions exacerbated the problem. Heads rolled and policies (on both the local and national level) were changed. You can read the report here:


            I suspect that in a ‘police state’ that picture would have never gotten out at all (’cause there is no free press or open access internet in a ‘police state’), and it certainly wouldn’t have been investigated with a resultant change in policies.

            On the other hand, If your intent was to show how ‘scary’ police departments are, I guess I’ll need clarification. Helmets, kneepads, sunglasses, and evil black rifles don’t scare me, nor does the equivalent of a financial services armored car. I am happy to explain to you what all the equipment those officers are carrying is used for (the sunglasses, for example, are used so you can see better if it is sunny out…), as well as where you can purchase said items yourself (assuming you can pass the background checks). With a bit of knowledge, you might not be so scared, either!

        • That has been true ever since George Washington used the Army to crush the Whiskey Rebellion so that he could start collecting whiskey taxes from We the People in order to help fund the Military/Federal Government. Those with the biggest guns and the largest and most well trained ARMY will control the rest of us and it’s always been that way since the beginning of mankind and maybe even before that. The Biggest Chimp controlled the group though terrorist acts.

      • DB, that’s a very funny response. Good job.
        English Bob is eternally pissed. More so after a 62% loss. Now, he has no where to go.
        It is what it is. You get more with sugar than vinegar. This is that simple.
        “But I don’t like cooked spinach.”
        “Then you are a crook! I can’t stand this thug gestapo crap! We live in a police state under martial law!”

          • English Bob….
            You and Bandana. The moment you lack a response, you go to the sex insults.
            Where does this come from?
            It is totally telling….

      • DeltaB, agreed 100%. I suggest Benghazi Bob move to North Korea to bask in his freedom from our “fascist police state under marshal law”. Thank you for your service protecting our freedoms, including Benghazi Bob’s right to spew nonsense.

        • The frustrating thing is that Bob’s sentiments are NOT nonsense. A free people SHOULD insist that their police services behave within the guidelines established by the courts, that they use the absolute minimal force required to do their jobs, and that if they overstep their bounds they should be held accountable. I think every reasonable person agrees with that. It’s the ridiculous blather that anti-LEO’s spout which gets tiresome – – “SQUAWK! FASCISM! SQUAWK! JACKBOOTED THUGS!! SQUAWK! POLICE STATE!!”. Especially when it is so demonstrably untrue.

          I think the CCO should be a place where reasonable people can have reasonable discussion without the histrionics, but such discussion rarely occurs when folks use language deliberately chosen to offend or inflame.

          • DB what do you have to say about the allegations that the Police Chief is altering records and destroying evidence. What that all about? Notice I said Allegations. But if he is indeed changing the police records that would be wrong. Do you agree with this?

            And who is the stop him? Meaning the Police Chief from changing any records that he controls at this point in time dealing with the events of the raid on the Milan Residence. Billy has already said that he was not there but I pretty sure he was filmed at the scene and was there. Is he lying when he claims that he was not there and didn’t have anything to do with the raid after the Milans filed a law suit against the Police Department? This maybe what Bob is talking about. You and anyone with a thinking brain knows that everything is not always done properly and legally. And if you deny that statement then I would say you are blinded by your loyality to the boys in blue. We all know that the Boy’s club is a very strong organization and they cover each other as best they can. We have heard about this in real life and in the movies. Serpico comes to mind. There is even a bit of truth in the fiction of the movies. The movies make take some liberty in how they depict the police forces in the USA but there is some basis in fact too.

            I will support the police as without them there would be total anarchy. We have to have someone in charge and I’d rather it be the police than the thugs. But let’s face it and tell the truth. The police are not all angles with white wings all the time. The nature of the job makes them have to be tougher than the bad guys. And they really don’t like to be called out on the red carpet. In fact I doubt that anyone likes to be called out on the red carpet or made to look bad in the eyes of their peers or others. After all we are all human and have feelings. The Milan case is a bad example of proper police work. I just wish that the Chief would admit that mistakes were made and take the responsibly for the ill raid that happened and not try to duck out of the responsibility that is soley on his shoulders. But with the win in this past election I guess he feels that he is unstoppable as he is the Mayor’s favorite Police man and who’s going to challenge the Mayor on this other than the courts. It looks to me that they are spending more tax payers money to delay the inevitable and the potential punishment of the people responsible for the ill forsaken raid on the Milan residence. So where does the Buck Stop?

  2. Is it true that the CCO is a Blog? What is a Blog and how is it different from a news paper’s internet edition? Or is it true that the CCO is a new form of the 21st Century News Paper?

    Either way if anyone in the public asked for the police reports they should be sent to the requester as required by law.

    My guess is that Billy is upset with you all for showing how he made himself look bad by what he did. Is Billy trying to do a COVER UP? Who can police the police when these sort of things are going on? Does the State have any say on how a local police chief handles his official duties? State Police are controlled by who? The Governor? And if the Governor is a republican and the Mayor of Evansville is a Republican and the Mayor appointed a Republican lolyist to the Chief of Police Position who can stop these misdeeds? Well the Federal Government controls the FBI and the President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Government and he is a Democrat at this time. Checks and Balances at work here. And then there’s the Federal Court System. Covering up a Federal Crime or tampering with Evidence could be one reason the FBI or the State Police have to step it. Also there is the local Sheriff of Vanderburgh County. And then there is the Coroner who I’ve heard is one of the few people that can arrest the local Sheriff.

    I do predict that the US Supreme Court will not take this case and will send it back down to the Appellate Court which has already ruled on this case. They there will be a Federal District Trial that will take on this case and decide the outcome. There may be more appeals from the GOP Mayor and his Chief of Police after the trial if the trial goes badly for the Chief of Police in Evansville, IN. This thing could drag on and on for a long time. In the mean time the Tax payers of the City of Evansville, IN are paying the legal expense of the Chief of Police for as long as this continues on.

    And it’s no wonder the Police are trying to cut off the news presented openly by the CCO. You don’t have to buy a subscription to read the CCO. Although you have to be very careful what you say in here or the post will get censored. So who’s the one doing all the censoring?????????

    • Moveon,
      It’s not an insult to call the CCO a blog.
      It is a blog. A City/County political affairs blog.

      • So therefore it should not be an INSULT to the Evansville Courier and Press to call their online BS a Blog according to YOUR Thinking? Huh Don Becker. I mean what’s fair for one blog is fair for another Blog. Define Blog please.

  3. CCO,–do you, or anyone else for that matter, think the e-mail you received concerning the dissemination of the EPD Daily Activities Report was a unilateral decision by the Public Information Officer?

  4. so, is the EPD shift report available anywhere else online? i’ve never seen it anywhere but here.

    • +1.
      People who show up to vote get to decide.
      62% of them decided what they wanted.
      If the losers of this last election had won, THEY would be able to enforce the consequences of victory.
      Time to move on.
      And next time, win.

    • Yeah, One shouldn’t blame the EPD public information crew much, its really to bad that old fatso Parke is calling, or influencing anything for the Republican candidates/representatives there. With that said, and what can be recovered today if actually researched there really shouldn’t be a pathway for any of that type of political garbage to flourish at all. Like I’ve posted before I’m finding and urging the people we know there to get the hell outta that low valuation dump before the real cost of the curse, called your elected leadership kicks into high gear. What a fiasco, and those are not just one incident, but a whole list of fails. As those add up, everybody/everyone looses.

    • If we are going to have a blatantly politicized police department, them we might as well ELECT the chief of police. After all, the Vanderburgh county sheriff is an elected position. an any reasonable argument be made for the mayor of a city appointing the chief of police?

    • To the victor goes the spoils. I thought that went away with the merit system. But then again the entire city work force is not on the Merit System and the Department Heads still work at the Pleasure of the Mayor. what a wonderful way to run the local government.

    • Big Idiot

      You might want to look up what libel is, because that is what you just did. Cheryl served with distinction as part of Governor O’Daniels team in the DLGF. She resigned as County Commissioner when asked personally by the Governor to go lead the DLGF. If you look at ALL the news around that she served in Indy with the express limits that she would only serve a certain time limit. The Governor picked her to go to Indy to be the leader of the DLGF and get it back on track, and that is what she did.

      I have to wonder, are you Wayne Parke doing one of his little snide attacks on someone who is smart and powerful and who refuses to kiss his backside?

      • I also concur, or agree, your countries Veterans day is less than 24 hour away, I myself probably wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for those American soldiers who stopped the German offensive of late 1944 and early 1945. You have to know my Grandfather fought in the resistance throughout the occupation of the Ardennes, during the last fight He was severely wounded, He and another fighter were found at a cross roads by some American soldiers,picked up and transported to a Allied field hospital . Through the care he received he survived the war. I and my whole family owe the American Soldiers of the 75th infantry division forever! He always made sure we all knew what division saved him, we revere them. To think in ones own home town and handicapped, (my GOD) you would lose your parking place to someone who simply bought it is pretty much disgusting.
        A sign of the times I suppose.

        Ellie. L.

      • Yes it is. And then I just read on the paper online that UE has reversed this decision. I guess they say the light. I just say the headlines and didn’t read the actual article but the Headlines pretty well summed it up.

    • In the article, has everyone noted the blame being placed on the hotel construction for fewer parking spaces? Yet another reason to have canned the hotel and saved over $20 million dollars. Just a damn parking garage would have been fine. I still haven’t figured out who will be racing to get rooms in that hotel. Maybe the hotel will offer to save spaces for handicapped game goers. Yea. Right. The lack of planning in this town is criminal. That doesn’t even bring up the bad CSO conditions under the whole shebang. Is that being fixed before the hotel is under construction? Can you spell PEEE-UUUUU?

  5. I looked it up online today because I couldn’t find it on CCO. There is a International Association of Chiefs of Police. I think somebody should report Bolin to them for what he did changing the address of the guy they wanted to get. They could censure him for what he did. I don’t think he’s going to get any charges filed on him or it will be too late like it was with Schrieber.
    I still think Bolin has something big on somebody big.

  6. Easy solution. Do what many of us have done for quite a while now. Just do not ever go inside the Ford Fiasco. There is nothing there that we need or want to be a part of. If you are dissatisfied with Evansville and cannot move away, just don’t support it in ways that will put more money in your pocket and less in the local government’s account. We can all live without sports, half-baked acts, and the circus that abuses animals and has been glorified for years for it. Am I negative? Sure, about some things. But then you all are most of the time on here.

  7. You’re absolutely right about that, Martha. I’m glad that you have the good neighbors that are typical here.

  8. That stink about Cullum’s fundraisers. He’s been working his way up the ladder for along time now. Evidently you made him mad.

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