Governor Pence Statement on Justice Brent Dickson’s Retirement Announcement


Governor Mike Pence today issued the following statement after Indiana Supreme Court Justice Brent E. Dickson announced he will retire from the bench in the spring of 2016.


“Throughout Justice Brent Dickson’s historic tenure on the Indiana Supreme Court, his intellect and opinions have shaped Indiana law and judicial practice for the benefit of all Hoosiers. His tenure, including as Chief Justice of Indiana, has been characterized by integrity and a deep devotion to the judiciary in this state and he will be missed.


“For most Hoosiers, it is hard to envision a time when Brent Dickson was not a member of the Indiana Supreme Court. Appointed by former Governor Robert Orr in 1986, Justice Dickson will have served the Court and his fellow citizens for more than 30 years — longer than anyone appointed or elected to the Court since the adoption of the Indiana Constitution of 1851.


“Upon his retirement, Justice Dickson will leave behind a body of law skillfully crafted by his careful reading of the Indiana and United States constitutions and his commitment to the rule of law.


“On a personal level, I have always been inspired by Justice Dickson’s faith, character and devotion to his wife, Jan, his children and grandchildren, and wish him every blessing when he steps down next year. Even as he retires from the Court, we are hopeful that he will remain close to the administration of justice in this state and will continue to provide his sound counsel to all of us who have the privilege to know this wise justice and outstanding public servant.”