IS IT TRUE get ready for the Mayor to make another 11th hour public relations announcement concerning Tropicana Gaming boat before election day? …don’t be surprised that he will announce that an agreement between the City and Tropicana Gaming has been worked out to bring the gaming boat on land? …we hope that the Mayor will invite area State Legislators to attend this announcement because they are really the ones that got the Governor to support on land gaming?

IS IT TRUE we hear that 4th Ward City Council candidate Henrietta  Jenkins is making some serious allegations against Memorial Baptist Church pastor Rev. Adrian Brooks concerning a non-partisian  get out the vote “Gospel Singing Fest” event?  …this event has been held many times over the years and have seen Federal, State and local political candidates from the Republican, Democratic and Libertarian party attending this non-partisian event?  …that Rev. Brooks has never endorsed any political candidates attending this event but he does introduce them to his flock?

IS IT TRUE that the Mayor Winnecke just announced plans for a new Dog Park where Roberts Stadium once stood?….that he claims the park has been “years in the making”?  … can you believe that the real reason why Roberts Stadium was torn down was to make room for a Dog Park?  …its obvious that the timing of the Mayors announcement of the Dg Park was  political in nature?

IS IT TRUE that one of the justifications for this new Dog Park is that this park will not be owned by the city? …the Mayor claims that the Dog Park located on city land will  be operated by a nonprofit group?  …that the Mayor also claims the Dog Park   will be opened to anyone and will be charged a small fee that covers the operating costs of this park?

IS IT TRUE the Mayor claims this park may not cost the taxpayers anything?  …that we have heard that before?  …this is another want that the city does not need?  … the Mayor announced that the Parks Department is ironing out the  Dog Park budget details?  … the taxpayers are already ate starting to paying for the Dog Park because the taxpayers are paying the salaries of those city employees ironing out the details.

IS IT TRUE  Mayor Winnecke is proposing this new fun and games project just a week after the wakeup call that the city cannot afford to fund existing projects because of budget cuts? …we wonder why the Mayor didn’t use this prime piece of real-estate to build the IU Medical school?  … that decision would have saved the taxpayers many million of dollars that was incurred in the purchase of downtown property?

IT TRUE we hear from extremely reliable sources that top the Administrators of EPD are telling the rank and file that the Mayor shall be re-elected by a 70% to 30% margin?  …could this be the same EPD upper brass that told us that crime is down in Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that todays “Readers Poll” ask “Who you endorse to become the next Mayor of Evansville”?


  1. Yeah but then DPatrick wouldn’t have gotten their sweetheart deal and Whinny wouldn’t have gotten his cut.

    • Bob,
      Some say the dpat deal was not that sweet. If that is right I wonder why they will they not make the total cost and various transactions public?

  2. My prediction: we have enough dirt bag low life straight ticket republican voters in the backwoods town that a known pederast will be elected to the city council. People should be ashamed of themselves.

    • I doubt that any of his “hail Mary” passes will have much effect on the election. People have already made up their minds and many HAVE ALREADY VOTED. Remember, Bob, the straight ticket punchers numbers are thinning out every day.

    • Oh Please Bob, this city has always leaned democrat and we are reaping the benefits of the democrat mayor Weinzapfel. Its so bad that even our republicans behave like liberal democrats.

  3. Benghazi Bob, people are ashamed of your idiotic posts. Regarding a dog park, don’t you just need a grassy area and a poop trash can? How complicated can that be to run? What our elected leaders should first focus on is reopening Mesker Amphitheater.

    • Not according to your guy Winkie, faux Joe. He wants to move Frisbee golf holes and build a shelter. How far in the red is the Parks Department? Of course, there has to be a lot of fencing and maintenance, too. I don’t guess it matters much. If Winkie gets re-elected we’ll wind up filing bankruptcy on the whole mess, anyway.
      I wonder if he is smart enough to figure out that dogs don’t vote but Frisbee golfers do.

  4. I wonder if the Tropicana Gaming people would be interested in building a hotel somewhere close to the stadium?
    “Mayor Winnecke just announced plans for a new Dog Park where Roberts Stadium once stood?….that he claims the park has been “years in the making”? … can you believe that the real reason why Roberts Stadium was torn down was to make room for a Dog Park? …”
    Tearing down Roberts Stadium a building worth $200,000,000 was in my opinion a criminal act. I feel the same way about the vandalization of mesker amphitheater.

  5. What is wrong with people using the dog park we already have? The “Central Bark Dog Park” at Kleymeyer Park is nice and under used. It is not city owned but sits on city property and everyone is welcome to use it. No tax dollars involved in this one. Dog owner pays small fee for combination to gate and its as simple as that.

  6. stoned, agreed the unconscionable closure of Mesker Amphitheater should be priority 1 for our elected officials. Here is an historic community gem that is mothballed for lack of political will. This is a real “black eye” for our community. Mesker Amphitheater before Pooch Parks!

    • Joe,
      The main reason for trying to forget Evansville had a Mesker Amphitheater is that it would be hard to move downtown. If it could have been moved downtown for less than half a billion dollars it would be sitting alongside the Stadium or in place of the medical building that they are trying to get IU and others to rent space in for classes. Doesn’t the downtown have to grow so it can fund the uncapped TIF that can then fund more Downtown projects? The only way to save the downtown is to focus all resources on saving it. The neighborhoods may die but what would a city be without the old downtown? Just get with the program and invest in the downtown and live out in the county. Or in another state, I doubt much of the Downtown real-estate is actually owned by people in Vanderburg County.

      • You can’t save downtown, they killed it. One might rejuvenate it, but you would have to remove what killed it in the first place, the City County Chicken Coup. The foxes have already taken it over.

        • Indianaenoch,

          Have you not heard about the new downtown plan? They are planing to remove the coop or cut a road thru it. Not kidding. They want to spend money on engineering to see if they could take out the first floor and continue Mainstreet right underneath the second and and third floors. If that can not be done the building will have to be leveled like the Roberts Stadium. If it can be done – it doesn’t matter how much it will cost.

  7. The dog park is not going to be where Roberts Stadium was. It will be located on the State Hospital grounds. I thought the same thing and questioned it. The media were filming on the grounds when I was there yesterday so I questioned why it would be called “Roberts”. It was supposedly an error in calling it Roberts Dog Park.

  8. IS IT TRUE that the Mayor Winnecke just announced plans for a new Dog Park where Roberts Stadium once stood?….that he claims the park has been “years in the making”? … can you believe that the real reason why Roberts Stadium was torn down was to make room for a Dog Park? …its obvious that the timing of the Mayors announcement of the Dg Park was political in nature?

    IT IS TRUE that the turds my dog leaves on the grass provides more growth for Evansville than Mayor Winnecke’s administration!

  9. The problem with dog parks is bad dog owners. The problem with poor leadership is poorly informed voters or poor choices. What any city is reflects either the deliberate will of the apathy of its residents.

  10. “…that Rev. Brooks has never endorsed any political candidates attending this event but he does introduce them to his flock?” (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    That is because Rev.Brooks is astute enough to know his church would lose its tax exempt status if he was caught endorsing candidates from the pulpit.

    I think a lot of people are curious about the tax status of his corporate entities that are involved in real estate sales and rental. Could it be the city is overlooking some legitimate property tax revenue?

    • Press. I think you can add for profit grocery store to the list of Rev. Brooks’ tax exempt organization’s endeavors.

  11. “IS IT TRUE that the Mayor Winnecke just announced plans for a new Dog Park where Roberts Stadium once stood?….that he claims the park has been “years in the making”? … can you believe that the real reason why Roberts Stadium was torn down was to make room for a Dog Park? …its obvious that the timing of the Mayors announcement of the Dg Park was political in nature?” (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    I think what he meant to say was the city has been going to the dog for years.

  12. ALERT:
    I know why the City Fathers did not choose the old Roberts Stadium site for the new IU Medical School.
    The former Roberts Stadium site is a horrible choice.
    That’s why.
    “It’s cheap.”
    It would have been cheap. Cheap because it is a horrible location for one of the best long-term development initiatives in Evansville’s last 50-100 years. You always get what you pay for.

    (“But I love Walmart. And KFC and Taco Bell! I do wish Taco Bell served french fries sometimes though.”)

    • IU Med? Are we still calling it that? I thought there was another (loong) name on the project that didn’t specifically include “IU Medical School”.
      I have a growing feeling this is part of another big bait and switch. The price tag is higher, so are the stakes.
      I think it’s weird to build shiny new buildings in a ghost town, anyone else?

      • lets,
        Depends on how much property one owns in that Area. The idea of making the taxpayer pay to drive up private property values is a good one. If you had property downtown would you want to spend your own money to raise the value or somebody else s money. IU did not come up with an idea to expand to Evansville, downtown property owners decided to go get IU, or at least borrow their name.

      • Lets, from the day the idea was hatched it was going downtown. Looking for a location was a ruse or fraud similar to the idea of re-purposing Roberts Stadium. I am surprised IU will not let them use their name on the building, must be an extra charge for that or naming rights to come.

    • Don,
      It is not a “new IU med school” again this is a half truth. It is a building for rent to new tenants being forced by political pressure to relocate and hold classes there. Not a new school – just a new building – costing taxpayer a fortune to benefit downtown property owners!

  13. Winnecke has been a dishonest mayor and an even more dishonest candidate. One of his campaign videos shows him taking credit for the street work at 41 & the Lloyd. His part was to show up, smile and turn sand. He does know that ‘expressway’ wasn’t named for him, doesn’t he? Like the CP profile alluded to, he has been groomed to be a front man all of his adult life.

    Turn him out tomorrow, back to the public sector. Let’s see what that little cipher is worth in the marketplace. If he gets re-elected we will have once again been treated to a first hand look at the underside of democracy and its expensive consequences.

    • The stupid little man who stumbled into office by a sorry case of political backstabbing took a city that was already in financial trouble and made things exponentially worse. We can’t survive another four years of his insane spending on frills and fluff. The “dog park” is an insult to the voters. I say this as someone who has loved animals, especially dogs, for as long as I can remember. I have three who brighten my life every day. I take responsibility for seeing to it that they get proper exercise. I would NEVER consider taking them to a dog park, because they could be injured by an aggressive dog or may catch one of the viruses that are affecting so many dogs theses days. I don’t think the “First Couple” even has a dog.
      Here is my bottom line: The Parks department is already in the red. Evansville has homeless families and hungry children. What the hell is wrong with our “Fearful Leader?”

      • The backstabbing was democrat, the financial troubles were foisted on us by democrats, and a democrat who has been ensconced in Evansville’s political fat is going to turn this mess around? Maybe, but I am really sick of deciding who to vote against. But “Panem et Dog Parks.”

        • Yes, it is true that the backstabbing was done by Democrats. So what is your point? Are you saying nobody should ever vote for a Democratic candidate again? It’s not like Republicans haven’t engaged in the same activities, is it?

          • Always with the estrapolating my n comments into something I didn’t say. I am saying that Gail is not going to be the Evansville Joan of Arc you giddyites for Gail believe she will be. But if I am wrong, then great.

            And I would vote for a democrat long before you would vote for a republican. I’m just open minded that way.

          • @IE: I voted for two Democrats, a Republican, and an Independent just last Friday.

        • Indianaenoch, true points. Local Democrats only have themselves to blame for the unprecedented disloyal backstabbing of a good man that ran for Mayor. Since then, the local party descended into complete disarray to the point Democrat office holders openly jumped ship to support Mayor Winnecke. If Winnecke should win again, will transformational changes be made to the Central Committee? Or, is the status quo the best local Democrats can expect for the next decade?

    • V,
      These are the “Days of our Lives”. Stephano must own property downtown close to Horton’s square between the casino and Hanie’s corner.

  14. I will be happy when tomorrow when the votes are counted and we are done with it.

  15. I’m really concerned about the motives for telling EPD officers that Winnie is going to win by a 70:30 margin. I don’t believe anyone has a poll that indicates such a thing, so why are they dropping this news on the police officers? Is it possible that they are trying to keep them quiet on something that would embarrass the Mayor? More information on the Schriber scandal, more truth about the botched jobs by Bolin, or something else? It may have something to do with the quick arrest and release of suspects in the Shane Breedlove murder or information on special treatment for prominent politicians, but there must be something behind this.

    • This election has uncovered some of our fake conservatives. Laid them bare. They can’t bring themselves to vote for an accomplished woman over a confirmed front man running as a Republican like the current mayor. Some have said they’d ‘sit this one out’ rather than vote for Gail (these folks have already voted for their man Winnecke). Ken Haney looks down from his plane and sees more marks than he can take care of in one lifetime.

      So much for the kind of governance these ‘conservatives’ really want. So much for their go-to plaints about wasteful spending. Next time they puff up and pontificate on anything, remember they voted for someone not worthy of anyone’s vote, to the detriment of Evansville. Winnecke will get the votes of people beholden to him for a job and the votes of the very dumb. It might be enough to Astroglide him back into office but I have confidence the people of Evansville are not blind enough to believe the outright lies he has blanketed the airwaves with the past couple of weeks. His $1,000,000 political warchest is obscene for a town this size. Ask yourself what Winnecke could do for anybody to merit such a level of givery. They’ve bought the little guy, they’ll be collecting on their investment if he is re-elected. It will be your money that pays Winnecke’s debt but you’ll never know it. Taxing districts and financial products not yet born will be bandied about to confuse you.

      • This true conservative will sit out this race because nither party can field a cadidate, male or female, that gives me that good old Matthew’s. “Tingle up may leg” feeling. Never the less, you go ahead and vote against a canadate while hoping for change. It surly can’t be worse even if it is not better. I am silly enough to believe that we will not see change until we demand it.

        • Nobody’s going to give you anything, especially on a demand. Gail didn’t run to send a tingle up your leg.

          Enjoy the show the lying little thespian is about to put on if he gets re-elected. If he does you helped enable it despite your transparent attempts to act righteous and have it both ways. You could hardly be considered by most a true conservative if you won’t do your part to deny Lloyd Winnecke another term. Sounds like just the kind of citizen we don’t need, one that purports to be a nonvoter to spare himself the embarrassment of confessing a vote for Lloyd Winnecke. It really doesn’t surprise me a bit. Hope you at least didn’t have to stand in line too long to vote for him.

          Gail Riecken is by far the best candidate in the race. Many can’t vote for her because she is a Democrat and a lady. I understand.

          • Bandana: Spite filled, vengeful, angry Cheerleader. Whew!

            Time to vote. Time to count votes.
            Time for a winner. Time for a loser.

          • There you go again projecting your latent misogyny on others. I admit that I can’t get past the ketchup stain in the shap of Urban a she proudly sports, but she has not given me a reason to believe she is not the same fleet footed politician. But you keep voting for liberal women because you’re afraid they will take your lunch if you don’t. I’ll still keep demanding better.

          • Becker/Shem/Weinz/Quark/et al, you filthy little troll. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t miss yesterday’s Doonesbury. Enjoy.

            Your continued bleating about some non-existent ketchup stain on Mrs. Riecken’s dress is just nasty. You misogyny is well known. You wouldn’t know better if it jumped up and bit you. I don’t think you and the circus clown Shem’s votes for Winnecke are going to get him there. We’ll see.

    I have it from an excellent source that the answer to both of those questions is “Yes.” If this is true, there should be members of the Election Boards at all levels looking into this, NOW. This reeks of racial stereotyping and bigotry at its worst.
    It appears to me that the Mayor and his minions are in a state of full-on panic if they are resorting to this sort of behavior. The silly dog park announcement and the anticipated announcement on an agreement on moving Tropicana to land are just pathetic. I notice that the Courier hasn’t put anything up about the dog park yet. Could it be they realize how sad it makes their man look? This is the vile and vicious behavior of a cornered rat, though.

  17. EnglishBob in the words of Charles Barclay ” Poor people have been voting Democrat for years, and they are still broke.”

    • You’d be surprised how many recipients of public assistance are hard line republicans. A very slim majority vote democratic, something like 55 v 45. It’s not the lopsided number the Republicans would have you think. The “conservative” welfare recipients always have this mantra that “I need it, but everyone else is just a lazy freeloader.” Just YouTube Mississippi residents obama.

      • Benghazi Bob, rumor has it that tomorrow the evil Republicans have manipulated the weather to make a morning fog to scare Democrats from voting.

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