Home Uncategorized Daily Off Topic Forum November 21, 2015


  1. 2012 Speech to the UN General Assembly.–
    Obama–“The Future must not belong to those who slander The Prophet.”

  2. I think Obama is doing a great job. In fact, probably the best President since Lincoln.

    • They are similar in this way:

      “Then, as now, there was a president, Abraham Lincoln, accused by those who detested him of misusing presidential power, subverting the Constitution and trampling over states’ rights. Then, as now, that president was characterized as a ruthless tyrant bent upon destroying a superior civilization.

      Then, as now, that president was portrayed as a simpleton, a buffoon and a coward.

      Wisconsin newspaper editor Marcus M. Pomeroy wrote as the election of 1864 approached: “The man who votes for Lincoln now is a traitor and murderer. . . . And if he is elected to misgovern for another four years, we trust some bold hand will pierce his heart with dagger point for the public good.”

      ’Course, we have our own Ponch McPhees.”

      History will show this president to be competent but hindered by the most treasonous congress in history….

      • Yes, I have always felt the Gettysburg Address and Dreams of My Father were compatible in scope and tenure.

      • I can see that you are well versed in the copy and paste mechanism. You surely got this from some other loon liberal crony, who adores the horrible pos we have in office at this time. History, will not look back favorably on this socialist and you clearly have no clue about history. Nor does the original poser of the idea.

      • History will show this president to be competent but hindered by the most treasonous congress in history….

        History will show this president to be as completely treasonous as is the congress.

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