Press events during AG’s Rx Drug Abuse Symposium –


INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller will host the sixth-annual Indiana Prescription Drug Abuse Symposium on Oct. 28 and 29 to focus on new challenges in the fight against prescription drug abuse, particularly in light of unprecedented HIV and Hepatitis C outbreaks this year triggered by intravenous abuse of diverted medications as well as rising heroin overdose rates.

This year’s symposium, titled “In the Trenches, A Community Approach,” is open to the media at no cost for those who request a press pass. A full agenda of the symposium is available here and a link to the press release with more information is available here.

Below are noteworthy events for media coverage:

Wednesday, Oct 28

  • 8:45 a.m., Grand Ballroom – opening remarks from Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller
  • 9-10 a.m., Grand Ballroom – Opioid Misuse and Addiction: National Priorities — keynote from Dr. Wilson Compton, deputy director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse [Dr. Compton and Zoeller will be available for media interviews immediately following his keynote outside the Grand Ballroom]
  • 10:10 a.m., Capitol Room 1&2 – The Nose Knows: A Naloxone Train the Trainer Workshop — includes live mannequin demos

Thursday, Oct. 29

  • 8:30 a.m., Grand Ballroom – opening remarks from Zoeller and Indiana State Health Commissioner Dr. Jerome Adams
  • 8:50 a.m., Grand Ballroom – Prescription Drug Misuse and Heroin: The Federal Perspective — keynote from the nation’s “drug czar,” Michael Botticelli, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy
  • 2:15 p.m., Grand Ballroom – AG Zoeller will present six awards to law enforcement officers and medical professionals who have demonstrated excellence in training and saving lives with naloxone.
  • 2:40 p.m., House Room – PRESS CONFERENCE – Attorney General Zoeller will announce a new initiative to equip more law enforcement officers and first responders with naloxone kits to help prevent opioid overdose deaths. Naloxone award recipients will also be present at the press conference.

The Prescription Drug Abuse Symposium is held at the Westin Hotel, 301 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46204.